Hello Master Trickshaw (no sarcasm here, I really admire your work and insight

I was wondering if you did any parses on Determination generation.
From my experience (and this is just a feeling, no actual data), it builds up based on damage taken (as in amount of damage, not a fixed number per hit taken), but not DOT (damage over time) effects, like fire circles and whatnot.
Do you know the actual formulas? Is it based on the GWF level, or HP pool, or...? It obviously normalizes somehow, else we would be hitting max determination with one hit on higher levels.
My main concern here is to know if "mitigation" stats (defense) and a larger HP pool is preferable over "avoidance" stats (deflection).
In addition, does the same apply to Destroyer's Purpose? i.e. Resist ignore stats (ArP) > "pure" damage stats (power, crit)?
Please enlighten us!
Well, I shouldn't say that. I have an idea but I have no way of actually proving it. Without a more verbose combat log and/or a way to mouse over the determination bar to examine progress you're just basically eye balling it. In SWTOR I was in closed Beta which made data mining these things super easy and the information flowed readily.
I didn't have that opportunity in Neverwinter and, for whatever reason, the culture here is different then it was there. Here data miners hold their info close to their chest. And I'm no where near mathematically adept to just whip out formulas all by my lonesome without help.
from what ive seen is that diff type of attks have diff min and max values it gives
by type i mean melee, strongmelee, conebased melee, ground circle melee (diff sizes have diff values)
then u got the ranged versions and the spell versions, also depends on the type of mob, like all plaguefire skeletons have the same values. also higher ranked versions of mobs have increased values, i.e. mini bosses, reg bosses, the instanced bosses in the quest zones.
then for dmg, the min value is for a hit and max value for crit, but dmg reductions will affect total gain on some sort of scale. the only thing ive seen that can give u lower determination gain then the min value is a deflect. dmg reductions wont modify the min value at all, only deflect.
also, DoTs and ground-based DoTs (aka persistant ground effects) will give u determination, just not very quickly, u have to stand in it to be noticeable
its all kinda confusing, but when fighting the same type of mobs u will see a pattern
again, this is just what ive seen on my determination bar. it is not proven fact, just a speculation based on what i observe
Wow. sounds like a bug.
HAH! I lol'd
Well, this isn't table top to be fair. If it was, I'd just say he was goo and be done with it. ^_-
After less than a minute of testing, I can say that the Destroyer capstone does in fact build determination based on how much damage I do. WMS built a tiny amount, a WMS crit built more, a RS built more than WMS, and a RS crit built it by a ton. I just wacked a dummy for about thirty seconds while alternating, it's a pretty clear gain.
Judging from that, if you aren't a Destroyer it's only based on being hit. Presumably, being hit harder builds more but that's a little harder to test without a willing vict...I mean volunteer.
You'd only need to know how it works, not an exact formula. Just enough to know if increasing Defense, Deflect or Health makes it harder to build or not. Do those stats impact how fast it builds as you take damage? If so, take more Life Steal and Regen gear.
So maybe eye-balling it is enough, jump off a cliff and see how much you get, then jump off again with lots of +health gear and see if it's the same or less. Hell I might even do this test with my level 15 GF. I'll put it on the list. :P