Rolled a new cleric and been playing it a couple days now, I'm lvl16 atm.
I've been looking through the forums here, but i am alittle unsure what i should be prioritizing as far as gear stats go.
For leveling up and being effective what should the priority be?
Any combo of the above?
Not sure if I should stack power/crit to maximize my dmg and heals as i go, or stack recovery to max the amount of time my encounters/dailies are available, or a combonation.
Any tips from experienced Clerics would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry if these are noobish questions, just trying to get a handle on what i should be concetrating on as I make choices as far as gear, etc. goes.
At your level you aren't going to see any real differences so I'd advise just to go for what gets you the most. What you should be caring about are your ability scores since you can not change those via gear like you can your stats. Nobody has a Definitive answer to the exact best ratio of WIS:CHA:STR but you clearly need more WIS than CHA and more CHA than STR to get the best possible stats at the end... exactly how much of each is hard to call.
20/20/20 str/wis/cha seems optimal to me but i'm 21/18/21 because I love crits and recharge speed.
It doesen't have such a GREAT impact when you get to 60 and you can practically hoard gears to boost a specific stat up to the 5 thousands.
I want this class in NW.
laudon1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
There are heavy diminishing returns for recovery and crit in this game. You'll easily reach the soft caps of them through your tier two pieces. I would focus on stacking power only and not stacking anything else (offense wise) because it's the only flat stat.
I posted a similar thread today and most of the advice was that it really does not matter leveling up, but crit, recovery, and power are generally considered the most important.
In the end, it's Recovery > All. I spec for Recovery, then tank stats. This reflects what dungeon play actually looks like for a DC:
- Recovery lets you keep your big heals (Forgemaster's, then Astral Shield) up 100% of the time
- Recovery lets you keep high uptime on your big daily (Hallowed Ground)
- Your endgame survival talents (Astral Shield, Hallowed Ground + mitigation-oriented feats) cannot crit
- The only person likely to die is you, unless people stand in red stuff. Most monsters are after your HAMSTER, not the rogue or the 'tank'
Crit and power *do* help, and you'll naturally pick some up from any set of gear. But the stats that keep you alive are Recovery/ Defense/ Regeneration and even Deflect.
As you're leveling, though, don't worry about it. You level quickly, and you'll replace gear too often to fuss about what stats are on it. In general, favor recovery, avoid armor penetration and grind on until you get Forgemaster's That's when you can actually start healing.
- Snit (Cleric, Dragon Server)
laudon1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
In the end, it's Recovery > All. I spec for Recovery, then tank stats. This reflects what dungeon play actually looks like for a DC:
- Recovery lets you keep your big heals (Forgemaster's, then Astral Shield) up 100% of the time
- Recovery lets you keep high uptime on your big daily (Hallowed Ground)
- Your endgame survival talents (Astral Shield, Hallowed Ground + mitigation-oriented feats) cannot crit
- The only person likely to die is you, unless people stand in red stuff. Most monsters are after your HAMSTER, not the rogue or the 'tank'
Crit and power *do* help, and you'll naturally pick some up from any set of gear. But the stats that keep you alive are Recovery/ Defense/ Regeneration and even Deflect.
As you're leveling, though, don't worry about it. You level quickly, and you'll replace gear too often to fuss about what stats are on it. In general, favor recovery, avoid armor penetration and grind on until you get Forgemaster's That's when you can actually start healing.
there are diminishing returns on recovery. It is not smart to stack it after a certain point (~3000). And I'd like to see you have forgemaster up 100% of the time, considering it lasts 5 seconds. It is very easy to reach the softcap of crit and recovery. Regen is a terrible stat. Deflect is decent (it may save you from an aoe nuke).
IMO from a very experienced cleric; Soft Cap recov/crit (3k,2k) > power > Health (radiant in defense) > defense.
Lemonade Stand.
Dragon Guild
gatekeeperjMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
Thanks to everyone for the tips and info, will definitely use this the next time i hop on.
20/20/20 str/wis/cha seems optimal to me but i'm 21/18/21 because I love crits and recharge speed.
It doesen't have such a GREAT impact when you get to 60 and you can practically hoard gears to boost a specific stat up to the 5 thousands.
20/20/20 Is not optimal unfortunately and even then not all races have the same amount of ability score to begin with. Somebody will probably get the maths eventually but as an estimate I'd say that WIS should be around 24~22, CHA should be around 22~20 and STR should be around 20~18. This is for the optimal results of course, people don't have to stat this way to play the class well.
right now people are suggesting that you want around +33% cooldown recovery and +33% critical with everything else going into power... Critical and Recovery do suffer from DR however and that's why getting to those points via stats alone isn't really viable nor optimal and so you want some ability score in STR and CHA. The reason you want more CHA than STR is that you already start with a 5% critical rating and will get an additional 3% from weapons mastery which is a starting point higher than CHA gets with recovery.
there are diminishing returns on recovery. It is not smart to stack it after a certain point (~3000). And I'd like to see you have forgemaster up 100% of the time, considering it lasts 5 seconds. It is very easy to reach the softcap of crit and recovery. Regen is a terrible stat. Deflect is decent (it may save you from an aoe nuke).
IMO from a very experienced cleric; Soft Cap recov/crit (3k,2k) > power > Health (radiant in defense) > defense.
The OP was requesting info about stats for leveling. If you can reach 3000+ recovery before lvl 60 I'd be very surprised. For leveling, worrying about caps is simply not worthwhile.
To the OP, all you need to do is prioritize power, recovery, and crit over most other stats. If you run a fair number of dungeons and/or do not choose the tanky pet, you'll likely also need some defense (deflection and HP are nice too).
filcMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
For leveling use any combination of power/crit/recovery/defense and you will be fine. Once you reach lvl 60, you will know what to do next.
there are diminishing returns on recovery. It is not smart to stack it after a certain point (~3000). And I'd like to see you have forgemaster up 100% of the time, considering it lasts 5 seconds. It is very easy to reach the softcap of crit and recovery. Regen is a terrible stat. Deflect is decent (it may save you from an aoe nuke).
I second this for endgame priorities. After 3,000 recovery you will have enough time to recast Astral Shield when it expires. As there is no diminishing return on power (1 points of damage/healing per 25 stat points) and a very heavy one on crit, power will become more valuable as you climb up the gear score ladder. The diminishing return on recovery is lower that the one on crit, though.
1% crit at 1,000 stat points costs about 125 stat points, at 2,500 stat points 1% crit costs about 250.
1% recovery at 1,000 stat points costs about 100 stat points, at 2,500 stat points 1% recovery costs 175 stat points.
there are diminishing returns on recovery. It is not smart to stack it after a certain point (~3000). And I'd like to see you have forgemaster up 100% of the time, considering it lasts 5 seconds. It is very easy to reach the softcap of crit and recovery. Regen is a terrible stat. Deflect is decent (it may save you from an aoe nuke).
IMO from a very experienced cleric; Soft Cap recov/crit (3k,2k) > power > Health (radiant in defense) > defense.
lmao, this kid has no idea
BiS DC Seyfried - PvP / CN farm (Dragon Server) 1st Degree Burns
Take two seconds and actually give some halfway compelling reason you feel this way.
Otherwise, your either a troll or a moron, maybe a little bit of both.
In the end, it's Recovery > All. I spec for Recovery, then tank stats. This reflects what dungeon play actually looks like for a DC:
- Recovery lets you keep your big heals (Forgemaster's, then Astral Shield) up 100% of the time
- Recovery lets you keep high uptime on your big daily (Hallowed Ground)
- Your endgame survival talents (Astral Shield, Hallowed Ground + mitigation-oriented feats) cannot crit
- The only person likely to die is you, unless people stand in red stuff. Most monsters are after your HAMSTER, not the rogue or the 'tank'
Crit and power *do* help, and you'll naturally pick some up from any set of gear. But the stats that keep you alive are Recovery/ Defense/ Regeneration and even Deflect.
As you're leveling, though, don't worry about it. You level quickly, and you'll replace gear too often to fuss about what stats are on it. In general, favor recovery, avoid armor penetration and grind on until you get Forgemaster's That's when you can actually start healing.
I totally agree. It's IMO the best levelling strategy under one condition - you don't play alone. In such case it can be a bit too slow, but still very viable.
Take two seconds and actually give some halfway compelling reason you feel this way.
Otherwise, your either a troll or a moron, maybe a little bit of both.
there are diminishing returns on recovery. It is not smart to stack it after a certain point (~3000). And I'd like to see you have forgemaster up 100% of the time, considering it lasts 5 seconds. It is very easy to reach the softcap of crit and recovery. Regen is a terrible stat. Deflect is decent (it may save you from an aoe nuke).
IMO from a very experienced cleric; Soft Cap recov/crit (3k,2k) > power > Health (radiant in defense) > defense.
The OP was requesting info about stats for leveling. If you can reach 3000+ recovery before lvl 60 I'd be very surprised. For leveling, worrying about caps is simply not worthwhile.
I second this for endgame priorities. After 3,000 recovery you will have enough time to recast Astral Shield when it expires. As there is no diminishing return on power (1 points of damage/healing per 25 stat points) and a very heavy one on crit, power will become more valuable as you climb up the gear score ladder
I won't argue with your (accurate) math, but what good do crit and power really do us? Have you ever been in a situation where Astral Shield/ Hallowed Ground weren't enough healing, once you hit endgame? If so, wasn't a Forgemaster's Flame cast enough to close the gap?
I've never seem a wipe that would have been avoided had my heals been bigger on somebody else. People die because they stood in too much red, etc, or someone made a mistake. Most of the wipes, however, start with the cleric going down. Therefore, I feel that recovery is the only useful offensive stat, so stack it into DR, then go defense. You'll still get some crit and power on your gear, because gear comes with a variety of stats. But Righteousness means that it's easier to live by gearing (and feating) for mitigation than heal throughput.
It doesen't have such a GREAT impact when you get to 60 and you can practically hoard gears to boost a specific stat up to the 5 thousands.
I want this class in NW.
Dragon Guild
- Recovery lets you keep your big heals (Forgemaster's, then Astral Shield) up 100% of the time
- Recovery lets you keep high uptime on your big daily (Hallowed Ground)
- Your endgame survival talents (Astral Shield, Hallowed Ground + mitigation-oriented feats) cannot crit
- The only person likely to die is you, unless people stand in red stuff. Most monsters are after your HAMSTER, not the rogue or the 'tank'
Crit and power *do* help, and you'll naturally pick some up from any set of gear. But the stats that keep you alive are Recovery/ Defense/ Regeneration and even Deflect.
As you're leveling, though, don't worry about it. You level quickly, and you'll replace gear too often to fuss about what stats are on it. In general, favor recovery, avoid armor penetration and grind on until you get Forgemaster's
there are diminishing returns on recovery. It is not smart to stack it after a certain point (~3000). And I'd like to see you have forgemaster up 100% of the time, considering it lasts 5 seconds. It is very easy to reach the softcap of crit and recovery. Regen is a terrible stat. Deflect is decent (it may save you from an aoe nuke).
IMO from a very experienced cleric; Soft Cap recov/crit (3k,2k) > power > Health (radiant in defense) > defense.
Dragon Guild
20/20/20 Is not optimal unfortunately and even then not all races have the same amount of ability score to begin with. Somebody will probably get the maths eventually but as an estimate I'd say that WIS should be around 24~22, CHA should be around 22~20 and STR should be around 20~18. This is for the optimal results of course, people don't have to stat this way to play the class well.
right now people are suggesting that you want around +33% cooldown recovery and +33% critical with everything else going into power... Critical and Recovery do suffer from DR however and that's why getting to those points via stats alone isn't really viable nor optimal and so you want some ability score in STR and CHA. The reason you want more CHA than STR is that you already start with a 5% critical rating and will get an additional 3% from weapons mastery which is a starting point higher than CHA gets with recovery.
To the OP, all you need to do is prioritize power, recovery, and crit over most other stats. If you run a fair number of dungeons and/or do not choose the tanky pet, you'll likely also need some defense (deflection and HP are nice too).
In order of importance to me
4.anything else
I second this for endgame priorities. After 3,000 recovery you will have enough time to recast Astral Shield when it expires. As there is no diminishing return on power (1 points of damage/healing per 25 stat points) and a very heavy one on crit, power will become more valuable as you climb up the gear score ladder. The diminishing return on recovery is lower that the one on crit, though.
1% crit at 1,000 stat points costs about 125 stat points, at 2,500 stat points 1% crit costs about 250.
1% recovery at 1,000 stat points costs about 100 stat points, at 2,500 stat points 1% recovery costs 175 stat points.
lmao, this kid has no idea
Take two seconds and actually give some halfway compelling reason you feel this way.
Otherwise, your either a troll or a moron, maybe a little bit of both.
You made my day
You're welcome:
Touche, nunavailable.
I won't argue with your (accurate) math, but what good do crit and power really do us? Have you ever been in a situation where Astral Shield/ Hallowed Ground weren't enough healing, once you hit endgame? If so, wasn't a Forgemaster's Flame cast enough to close the gap?
I've never seem a wipe that would have been avoided had my heals been bigger on somebody else. People die because they stood in too much red, etc, or someone made a mistake. Most of the wipes, however, start with the cleric going down. Therefore, I feel that recovery is the only useful offensive stat, so stack it into DR, then go defense. You'll still get some crit and power on your gear, because gear comes with a variety of stats. But Righteousness means that it's easier to live by gearing (and feating) for mitigation than heal throughput.