1 Que for dung
2 Usually wait for an hour or so
3 Join group and pray you don't get kicked
4 No Cleric! **** I guess we wait some more while kicking half of the player base just to get 1 Cleric
5 Woohoo! we've got a Cleric! starting dungeon

6 Get to the Boss (hopefully your Cleric is still here!!)
7 After a few wipes Cleric leaves, go back to step 1
We all know the saying if it's not broken, don't fix it.
But this system is broken, so please fix it?!
Downloaded DOTA 2 because I gave up on grinding dungeons in NW...
You can bash WoW all you want but they have done at least 2 things right wich you guys don't and that's the AH & LFG system!
How hard can it be to group 1 tank, 1 healer & 3 dps....seriously...
Game = 9/10
Implementations & support of the game is staggering... (not in a good way)
Lift me up..
Panda@kristingrave - CW - Dragon
Death@healxyou - DC - Dragon
It's really nothing personal, I'm saving them time in the end though since otherwise we probably wouldn't be able to beat it.
Going to digress some, healing in this game is one of the weirdest systems I have ever used. This is coming from a T2, fully geared out DC, Castle Never completions and everything....I enjoy this game, but man it is one of more stranger MMOs I have played.
So i have to spamm /zone for hours just to play the game? Oh I get it now, well GL maybe I'll see you in Wildstar some day...
2 HOURS before starting dungeon (get to the boss part is after that, meaning dung from start to boss)
and it's an example not a timed fact, sigh*
IMO they'll loose quite a few casual players to this, coming home from work being able to play 1 or 2 hours a day...not happening.
"No Fill" is to avoid abusing the kick system.
I will kill myself if I get kicked before the final boss after 1 hour killing trashes.
(It happened in WoW's Cata 5 man heroic. Millions of people quit.)
I don't feel bad if the group wipe and disband at the final boss, because it happens to everyone.
One solution is to overtune the first boss.
Waiting for 1 hour for lfg tool to find ppl to play with... Ever tried /zone? 5 minutes and you're already making your first pull.
Except when you write your message in /zone once and get chatbanned for 24 hours.
I hope you're not those people who use abused the Dungeon Que tool for your friends to warp in there faster then kick that person. If that is true I hope you sleep well at night because that person you kick just waited many hours to get in, and you just ruined their whole day of game play. I play with 4 of my friends, we always walk all the way to the Dungeon even though queuing is faster. I just feel way too bad kicking a person.
Ya, I'm a cleric and I cannot queue for dungeons. Takes way too long and by the time find group too long to finish dungeon my play time is over and I go cry in corner. I hope this MMO starts going forward instead of backwards because it is enjoyable gameplay but thats about it.
WoW's Cata 5 man heroic had this problem.
4 friends kick people before last boss. WoW lost millions of subs because of that.
PS i found that ppl think you cant get new ppl for dungeon if some1 leave, but dont know why.
Only test it inside mad dragon, but get new member from outside was easy.
Now I dinged 60 last weekend, this bug was still not fixed, and I'm starting to feel the pain that many people are suffering from!
No Healer = No win!
You can't clear a T1 or T2 dungeon without a cleric! Our healing pets are so pathetically weak! Maybe if their AI wasn't so dumb and they didn't purposely stand in bad stuff or run in melee range of the boss to purposely die from their close range attacks, maybe we could actually do a T1 or T2 dungeon if everyone called out their cleric pets!
The funny part is that I've seen some people argue that we should "Do T1 and T2's with guildmates". Guess what? I've done'em, and our guildmate clerics are just as fed up as the PUG clerics cause they are always pulling aggro. The guildmate tanks are also fed up cause they can't hold aggro at all, and after several wipes and 1 hour of trying to down the last boss of a T2 dungeon, all it takes is for 1 guildmate to say: "Sorry all, I have to go. I wasn't planning on staying online this long" and the dungeon is over! We lost a guildmate (Not a PUG! A GUILDMATE) and we can't find a replacement so the run is cancelled!
When something is this broken, not even a guild run or a friend run can save it!
No, we bring new member only for last boss(i want teleport from campfires, take too long).
Our CW got disconnected before second boss(not sure if that weakling can be called boss).
We waited till last boss(he didnt return) then i went outside(no free friends) and we run all way to boss.
You can get new ppl to every dungeon which have entrance in world.
Also low lvls can do dungeons with lvl60.(dungeons have set max lvl for mobs)
You have time limit for fill only in PVP.
How can someone tout their releasing a D&D MMO game yet not have a clue on how to code agro and/or a healing class let alone perfect a LFG system in this day and age...