Hi, i'll be happy to try your quest this evening.
If you want to try my quest after i review your, follow the banner in my signature, if you want to critique/comment it, please do it in my thread
Quest 1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
Quest 2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
Author: @pavvo
Est. Time per quest: 19min Solo mode. Can be duoed.
Quest 1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
Quest 2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Author: @pavvo
Est Time per quest: 15 min solo. Can be duoed
The Tale of the 3 Suns - NWS-DA9XX8WIV
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
lostchartaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited May 2013
Doing this now.
* Some typos in quest description
* Shady patron who is leaning isn't quite leaning against the wall
* Door to exit from tavern is floating a little
* Shelf in tavern room with wererats is clipping into wall
* So is a box
* One of the giant barrels is floating
* Any time cave sections are attached to other sections the door has invisible bits. Just look carefully at the interchange whenever a cave section is attached to mines ect, usually there's an invisible part of the archway. That makes it look strange.
* Floating traps in C shaped cave
* The two spike traps together trapped me in one place and just held me there constantly activating until I died.
Other than those things it was a fun quest. I liked all the people hanging around in the tavern ect.
NW-DIRYOWUKYNW-DPXB42EEH The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
When you enter the caves, the door is right on the cliff at the back of the landing facing the player off of it. If this was intended, haha ok, if not, it's backwards and should get spun around ~_^. Try adding some more ambient noise/background music to the cave rooms. Other than that, good one sur.
"The harder the game, the better."
saerraelMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Running this now.
(Cleric, lvl 50, tank companion.)
Map 1. (Inn)
-As the leaning patron was already mentioned, I won't again!
-Soldier has a typo in the player's reaction.
'Woah, this is turning out o be...'
I don't spot typoes all the time, though, but I did happen to see this one.
Map 1. (Cellar)
-I can still 'hear' the flavour text from the patrons in the inn when fighting the first encounter. Maybe an idea to turn those off for the two NPCs nearest to the cellar or have them despawn after the player goes through the door (teleporter).
It's just a small detail, though.
-There is little room to move around on the first fight, but that is also not a really big problem.
-I do like your design here. It's well detailed without things getting cluttered.
-I found that the archers just before the room with the beer barrels were oddly placed. One was stuck between the stack of small barrels and a large barrel, and another was on the other side of the wall.
-I also 'heard' Leola in this room, again.
Map 1. (Cave)
-I was slightly confused at the Interaction text of the teleporter. Pretty sure that's just Foundry.
-I'm not a fan of kill quests. I really do not mind killing mobs, but to have to hunt down and kill an X number of mobs (and getting lost along the way, as I have the directional instincts of a wet newspaper) is not my idea of a good time.
-That said, said encounters weren't hard to battle. Though I mostly tossed mobs from the paths into the Void Below >.> <.<
-The end felt quite anti-climactic. I really felt like it would have been fun to go back to the inn to report the problem had been taken care of. As everything takes place on one map, that shouldn't have been all too much of a problem.
-It might be a good idea to add some or the other to Exit the map, as you now have the dreaded 'press F to next map' floating around.
Thanks guys for the feedback, I hope mine is as valuable in return, and I will keep running quests. Regarding the music, I keep trying to add music to each room all the way through, but it doesn't seem to be working.
In the foundry itself, it seems like all the music I select for each room all plays at once from the beginning no matter what room I set each piece of music for, and then just stops somewhere before the end. Not sure what I am doing incorrectly there. Thanks again .
- The structure of the cave (many rooms, intricate and in which it was difficult to orientate (for me a good thing)
- The dialogues at the beginning of the quest (long and well made. You've spent time for this and i can only commend you)
- The frantic pace of the battles
The things that I would recommend to change:
- Different types of encounters (of course maintaining the aesthetics of Wererat, but changing the basic set)
- Some objects to interact with on the way down through the dungeon
- A portal (or a cave exit) at the end of the quest to make it more natural
My quest is in signature. I would be happy to see your own review to return the favor Thanks
mrthebozerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Hey dominemesis,
Just left my review. This was a good one-shot quest, and definitely worthy of being a daily if you address a few minor issues. I took a few notes while playing through:
1) I was happy to see the quest dialogue acknowledge the cliche. Tongue-in-cheek enough that you get a pass on using an infamously common objective.
2) I like that you're giving players choices in how they respond, but I personally feel that, early on, you give players too many opportunities to say "@#$% this, I'm out." It sells your adventure short in a way I'm not entirely sure how to explain - the best way I can put it is that you can only be given so many opportunities to turn back before you wonder if there's a reason you wouldn't enjoy seeing it through. Totally a personal preference thing on my part, but it stood out.
3) that cave portal... did you mean for it to be pointed right over a cliff? If so, you're quite malicious. I fell to my severe pain right after going through and taking a single step forward before realizing there was no ground. You may want to rotate that teleporter with this in mind, unless your intention is to catch the player off guard.
4) I was perma-rooted and killed a few times by the traps in the hall before the Packlord. They were difficult for a wizard to detect and avoid, and once they hit, I had to just stand there for a while and wait to die. I speak from experience - this was a problem I created with my own adventure that I went back and fixed.
That's all I've got. I hope Cryptic decides to fix the sound/music bugs someday soon, as I'd like to revisit yours and hear it the way it was intended to be heard. It will solve a lot of problems in my own adventure, which is currently silent throughout. And speaking of my adventure - if you're still taking trades, my quest is Bonderleaf's Thorough Aggregator (NW-DBUFDMT8L). And if you're not - I still enjoyed your quest
Finished your quest. Most of my comments seem in-line with some of the others.
1) When you kill the packlord, the quest ends and you teleport out to the city. You may want to add a portal or something after killing him so you can go back and at least wrap things up in the inn. Felt like it just ended really abruptly.
2)I liked the set-up of the caverns although am generally, as a rule not a fan of insta-kill falls. After falling once, made sure to always stand in the middle. May want to include a more in your face warning that it looks like you wouldn't survive the fall if you fall off the edge. My first fall was a test cause I couldn't quite tell if there was something I could walk on and I just couldn't see it because of the darkness.
3) Some of the traps are annoying. All the spike traps I hit more or less rooted me for a long time, during which all the mobs beat on my healer companion and kept killing her. Hate being stuck like that. Plus, the ones going to the packlord were too far under the ground for my rogue to disable.
Otherwise, I thought the quest was a good little one-off quest for people who really hated wererats and wanted to kill wave after wave of them (with the occasional spider thrown in).
Hopefully you get a chance to run through my wuest and give me some feedback as well!
In general to address some of the questions and feedback so far;
1. The steep drop after going through the cave is intentional. It'll only ever catch anyone once, but it is on purpose. As for the spike traps, I am hoping, and have given feedback regarding, that Cryptic changes them so the damage scales, and that they remove, shorten, or make non-stacking the root attached to them.
2. I will work on adding a return to the inn to close out the quest so it doesn't seem so abrupt a conclusion.
3. With regards to the music, I have attempted to add music to every room, but it just doesn't seem to want to work. I am hoping that gets fixed when Cryptic patches the foundry a bit.
Thanks all for your feedback, it helps me see what I can do better.
Just left my review. This was a good one-shot quest, and definitely worthy of being a daily if you address a few minor issues. I took a few notes while playing through:
1) I was happy to see the quest dialogue acknowledge the cliche. Tongue-in-cheek enough that you get a pass on using an infamously common objective.
2) I like that you're giving players choices in how they respond, but I personally feel that, early on, you give players too many opportunities to say "@#$% this, I'm out." It sells your adventure short in a way I'm not entirely sure how to explain - the best way I can put it is that you can only be given so many opportunities to turn back before you wonder if there's a reason you wouldn't enjoy seeing it through. Totally a personal preference thing on my part, but it stood out.
3) that cave portal... did you mean for it to be pointed right over a cliff? If so, you're quite malicious. I fell to my severe pain right after going through and taking a single step forward before realizing there was no ground. You may want to rotate that teleporter with this in mind, unless your intention is to catch the player off guard.
4) I was perma-rooted and killed a few times by the traps in the hall before the Packlord. They were difficult for a wizard to detect and avoid, and once they hit, I had to just stand there for a while and wait to die. I speak from experience - this was a problem I created with my own adventure that I went back and fixed.
That's all I've got. I hope Cryptic decides to fix the sound/music bugs someday soon, as I'd like to revisit yours and hear it the way it was intended to be heard. It will solve a lot of problems in my own adventure, which is currently silent throughout. And speaking of my adventure - if you're still taking trades, my quest is Bonderleaf's Thorough Aggregator (NW-DBUFDMT8L). And if you're not - I still enjoyed your quest
Thanks for your feedback, I am glad you enjoyed it. I am trying to find your quest NW-DBUFDMT8L, and nothing is coming up in the search. If it is because you have it down or something let me know, I'd like to trade you back a play and review. Thanks again.
I gave a more detailed review in the thread for The Anandoned Mine?
"The harder the game, the better."
zocat1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
edited May 2013
I'd join the overall tone of reviews here. Great inn, a bit long / windy fight section with not much diversity (use other mob types with wererat costumes).
Things I wanted to point out: I really like those dialog boxes over mobs. Be it patrons talking to each other, or the rats saying "Let's go topside!". For me it really adds a lot, so keep doing that.
Maybe add some lore objects on the way down. Has to be nothing big, but maybe a dead patron or something (maybe let the innkeeper/another patron say something about this), or some description of those flesh heaps (dont really know what they're supposed to be^^).
There are some traps in the tunnel before the Packboss. Initially I was thinking "I cant see those, that's stupid, half-way in the ground", but I actually like it. All could be seen when looking carefully, but it's not a way traps are normally done.
I'm 50:50 on this, since it's unfamiliar (which is bad for such a basic dynamic), but I actually like having to look more carefully.
mrthebozerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Thanks for your feedback, I am glad you enjoyed it. I am trying to find your quest NW-DBUFDMT8L, and nothing is coming up in the search. If it is because you have it down or something let me know, I'd like to trade you back a play and review. Thanks again.
Hey dom,
That would be because I gave you the wrong passcode - my bad! NW-DBFUDMT8L. Perhaps it is a good thing that happened, though, since I just applied a major overhaul to the first map to bring it up to par with the rest of the quest.
That would be because I gave you the wrong passcode - my bad! NW-DBFUDMT8L. Perhaps it is a good thing that happened, though, since I just applied a major overhaul to the first map to bring it up to par with the rest of the quest.
Ok I will try running it as soon as I can, thanks for the update.
Have added a revamped version of the quest with changes based on the feedback. In particular the feedback about the ending. So it has a brand new climax that is completely different and hopefully more satisfying...and that sounded really sexual. Enjoy!
That would be because I gave you the wrong passcode - my bad! NW-DBFUDMT8L. Perhaps it is a good thing that happened, though, since I just applied a major overhaul to the first map to bring it up to par with the rest of the quest.
Bonderleaf's Thorough Aggregator was amazing! Wow that is a good one Mrthebozer, your custom map work was epic. Also really liked the story and characters...Trollop was awesome, I've never had so much fun being outsmarted by a troll. 5 Stars easily, would have given more if there were more to give.
If you want to try my quest after i review your, follow the banner in my signature, if you want to critique/comment it, please do it in my thread
An Artifact from the Depths - NW-DB5GERXA3
My 3d models
Campaign Name: The Tale of the 3 Suns
Campaign short code: NWS-DA9XX8WIV
Url: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?256451-3-Suns-Aligned-Part-1-of-the-Amulet-of-the-Suns-campaign
Quest 1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
Quest 2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
Author: @pavvo
Est. Time per quest: 19min Solo mode. Can be duoed.
Campaign Name: The Legend of Khyber
Campaign short code: NWS-DK33EIYMY
URL: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?256431-Holy-Symbol-of-Khyber-A-short-quest
Quest 1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
Quest 2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Author: @pavvo
Est Time per quest: 15 min solo. Can be duoed
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
* Some typos in quest description
* Shady patron who is leaning isn't quite leaning against the wall
* Door to exit from tavern is floating a little
* Shelf in tavern room with wererats is clipping into wall
* So is a box
* One of the giant barrels is floating
* Any time cave sections are attached to other sections the door has invisible bits. Just look carefully at the interchange whenever a cave section is attached to mines ect, usually there's an invisible part of the archway. That makes it look strange.
* Floating traps in C shaped cave
* The two spike traps together trapped me in one place and just held me there constantly activating until I died.
Other than those things it was a fun quest. I liked all the people hanging around in the tavern ect.
The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
solo campaign, balanced
review thread
lol nm i was on the new tab searching, haha. Running it now~
Act 1: The Abandoned Mine?
I hope that you like it.
"The harder the game, the better."
(Cleric, lvl 50, tank companion.)
Map 1. (Inn)
-As the leaning patron was already mentioned, I won't again!
-Soldier has a typo in the player's reaction.
'Woah, this is turning out o be...'
I don't spot typoes all the time, though, but I did happen to see this one.
Map 1. (Cellar)
-I can still 'hear' the flavour text from the patrons in the inn when fighting the first encounter. Maybe an idea to turn those off for the two NPCs nearest to the cellar or have them despawn after the player goes through the door (teleporter).
It's just a small detail, though.
-There is little room to move around on the first fight, but that is also not a really big problem.
-I do like your design here. It's well detailed without things getting cluttered.
-I found that the archers just before the room with the beer barrels were oddly placed. One was stuck between the stack of small barrels and a large barrel, and another was on the other side of the wall.
-I also 'heard' Leola in this room, again.
Map 1. (Cave)
-I was slightly confused at the Interaction text of the teleporter. Pretty sure that's just Foundry.
-I'm not a fan of kill quests. I really do not mind killing mobs, but to have to hunt down and kill an X number of mobs (and getting lost along the way, as I have the directional instincts of a wet newspaper) is not my idea of a good time.
-That said, said encounters weren't hard to battle. Though I mostly tossed mobs from the paths into the Void Below >.> <.<
-The end felt quite anti-climactic. I really felt like it would have been fun to go back to the inn to report the problem had been taken care of. As everything takes place on one map, that shouldn't have been all too much of a problem.
-It might be a good idea to add some or the other to Exit the map, as you now have the dreaded 'press F to next map' floating around.
Overall, I did like it.
My quest short key would be NW-DJS69CYZ9
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
In the foundry itself, it seems like all the music I select for each room all plays at once from the beginning no matter what room I set each piece of music for, and then just stops somewhere before the end. Not sure what I am doing incorrectly there. Thanks again
All my quest information is in my signature.
No Country for Old Undead
The things I liked :
- The structure of the cave (many rooms, intricate and in which it was difficult to orientate (for me a good thing)
- The dialogues at the beginning of the quest (long and well made. You've spent time for this and i can only commend you)
- The frantic pace of the battles
The things that I would recommend to change:
- Different types of encounters (of course maintaining the aesthetics of Wererat, but changing the basic set)
- Some objects to interact with on the way down through the dungeon
- A portal (or a cave exit) at the end of the quest to make it more natural
My quest is in signature. I would be happy to see your own review to return the favor
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
Just left my review. This was a good one-shot quest, and definitely worthy of being a daily if you address a few minor issues. I took a few notes while playing through:
1) I was happy to see the quest dialogue acknowledge the cliche. Tongue-in-cheek enough that you get a pass on using an infamously common objective.
2) I like that you're giving players choices in how they respond, but I personally feel that, early on, you give players too many opportunities to say "@#$% this, I'm out." It sells your adventure short in a way I'm not entirely sure how to explain - the best way I can put it is that you can only be given so many opportunities to turn back before you wonder if there's a reason you wouldn't enjoy seeing it through. Totally a personal preference thing on my part, but it stood out.
3) that cave portal... did you mean for it to be pointed right over a cliff? If so, you're quite malicious. I fell to my severe pain right after going through and taking a single step forward before realizing there was no ground. You may want to rotate that teleporter with this in mind, unless your intention is to catch the player off guard.
4) I was perma-rooted and killed a few times by the traps in the hall before the Packlord. They were difficult for a wizard to detect and avoid, and once they hit, I had to just stand there for a while and wait to die. I speak from experience - this was a problem I created with my own adventure that I went back and fixed.
That's all I've got. I hope Cryptic decides to fix the sound/music bugs someday soon, as I'd like to revisit yours and hear it the way it was intended to be heard. It will solve a lot of problems in my own adventure, which is currently silent throughout. And speaking of my adventure - if you're still taking trades, my quest is Bonderleaf's Thorough Aggregator (NW-DBUFDMT8L). And if you're not - I still enjoyed your quest
1) When you kill the packlord, the quest ends and you teleport out to the city. You may want to add a portal or something after killing him so you can go back and at least wrap things up in the inn. Felt like it just ended really abruptly.
2)I liked the set-up of the caverns although am generally, as a rule not a fan of insta-kill falls. After falling once, made sure to always stand in the middle. May want to include a more in your face warning that it looks like you wouldn't survive the fall if you fall off the edge. My first fall was a test cause I couldn't quite tell if there was something I could walk on and I just couldn't see it because of the darkness.
3) Some of the traps are annoying. All the spike traps I hit more or less rooted me for a long time, during which all the mobs beat on my healer companion and kept killing her. Hate being stuck like that. Plus, the ones going to the packlord were too far under the ground for my rogue to disable.
Otherwise, I thought the quest was a good little one-off quest for people who really hated wererats and wanted to kill wave after wave of them (with the occasional spider thrown in).
Hopefully you get a chance to run through my wuest and give me some feedback as well!
No Country for Old Undead
"The harder the game, the better."
1. The steep drop after going through the cave is intentional. It'll only ever catch anyone once, but it is on purpose. As for the spike traps, I am hoping, and have given feedback regarding, that Cryptic changes them so the damage scales, and that they remove, shorten, or make non-stacking the root attached to them.
2. I will work on adding a return to the inn to close out the quest so it doesn't seem so abrupt a conclusion.
3. With regards to the music, I have attempted to add music to every room, but it just doesn't seem to want to work. I am hoping that gets fixed when Cryptic patches the foundry a bit.
Thanks all for your feedback, it helps me see what I can do better.
Thanks for your feedback, I am glad you enjoyed it. I am trying to find your quest NW-DBUFDMT8L, and nothing is coming up in the search. If it is because you have it down or something let me know, I'd like to trade you back a play and review. Thanks again.
I gave a more detailed review in the thread for The Abandoned Mine?
"The harder the game, the better."
Things I wanted to point out: I really like those dialog boxes over mobs. Be it patrons talking to each other, or the rats saying "Let's go topside!". For me it really adds a lot, so keep doing that.
Maybe add some lore objects on the way down. Has to be nothing big, but maybe a dead patron or something (maybe let the innkeeper/another patron say something about this), or some description of those flesh heaps (dont really know what they're supposed to be^^).
There are some traps in the tunnel before the Packboss. Initially I was thinking "I cant see those, that's stupid, half-way in the ground", but I actually like it. All could be seen when looking carefully, but it's not a way traps are normally done.
I'm 50:50 on this, since it's unfamiliar (which is bad for such a basic dynamic), but I actually like having to look more carefully.
Hey dom,
That would be because I gave you the wrong passcode - my bad! NW-DBFUDMT8L. Perhaps it is a good thing that happened, though, since I just applied a major overhaul to the first map to bring it up to par with the rest of the quest.
Ok I will try running it as soon as I can, thanks for the update.
Bonderleaf's Thorough Aggregator was amazing! Wow that is a good one Mrthebozer, your custom map work was epic. Also really liked the story and characters...Trollop was awesome, I've never had so much fun being outsmarted by a troll. 5 Stars easily, would have given more if there were more to give.