Characters should be able to exchange glory for 40k Astral Diamond Idols. This would give people a reason to play PvP. You should also severely reduce the amount of glory players get for losing a PvP match, to discourage people afking in matches.
Fix It.
Post edited by tuberry on
nukeyooBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Characters should be able to exchange glory for 40k Astral Diamond Idols. This would give people a reason to play PvP. You should also severely reduce the amount of glory players get for losing a PvP match, to discourage people afking in matches.
Fix It.
Creating a glory to astral diamond exchange could lead to more afk queuing losers. Reduce the amount of glory players get for losing, further discourage solo queuing folks that get rolled by premades or stuck with the afk'ers, leading to slower queue pops. Both things could possibly lead to more QQ.
Add incentive, be ready for more blow back... I agree that something needs to happen though.
PvP does not need more incentives... I queue PvP in like 10 seconds. I queue dungeons in like 1 hour. PvP is for people who want to:
1. Get glory to get gear
2. Gain levels faster then Chitika Fastpaws!
3. Stroke epeen
Don't get me wrong - 1-3 are great. However, making something to convert glory -> diamonds would just make Arena bots 3-4/every group instead of 2. And ruin the economy (if it's not already ruined?).
syfylisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Give AD for Kills. Same as you get 50 pts for kills and 25 for assist, People would get same amount of AD. You go afk so you don't get kills/assists. Simple and afkers get nothing. There should be also AD for rising up dead ones.
50 pts/AD kill, 25 pts/AD Assist and 25 for revive. The ones that are trying hard will get somthing out of PVP afkers get nothing.
Lowering glory for looser it's not an good option because I got well famr char and i like to go to PvP for fun but there are also fresh players that most likely will loose. So geting that first pvp set to start T1 dungeons maybe be too hard.
If I was to make something that would decide if someone get or not get pts it would be that you have to capture atleast 3flags in a game. Then you get your normal pts.
Creating a glory to astral diamond exchange could lead to more afk queuing losers. Reduce the amount of glory players get for losing, further discourage solo queuing folks that get rolled by premades or stuck with the afk'ers, leading to slower queue pops. Both things could possibly lead to more QQ.
Add incentive, be ready for more blow back... I agree that something needs to happen though.
1. Get glory to get gear
2. Gain levels faster then Chitika Fastpaws!
3. Stroke epeen
Don't get me wrong - 1-3 are great. However, making something to convert glory -> diamonds would just make Arena bots 3-4/every group instead of 2. And ruin the economy (if it's not already ruined?).
50 pts/AD kill, 25 pts/AD Assist and 25 for revive. The ones that are trying hard will get somthing out of PVP afkers get nothing.
Lowering glory for looser it's not an good option because I got well famr char and i like to go to PvP for fun but there are also fresh players that most likely will loose. So geting that first pvp set to start T1 dungeons maybe be too hard.
If I was to make something that would decide if someone get or not get pts it would be that you have to capture atleast 3flags in a game. Then you get your normal pts.
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