I have seen this posted before, but I can't find it, so...
Since the last patch, whenever I press shift, my GF raises his shield properly. The thing is, some of these times (I'd say a rough 10-15%), he doesn't actually block. The shield is up, but he takes damage, even with a full guard meter. If I keep the shield up when this happens, he blocks none of the hits until he drops his stance and then starts blocking again.
P.S.: Quite gamebreaking for us GFs, I wonder what the reaction would be like if something similar happened to the Rogue
the first block works then if I press forward, and blcok again ( fast ), the second block bug, and the shield doesn't block anything, and you can run backward, strafe with a wrong run animation.
What do you mean ? I still have this bug. And I had not before the patch. Guardian is now terribly to play, I should make a video explaining what's happens...
Yea ok this makes no sense. Please post things that are not gibberish. I have the same bug, and now my guardian take ridiculous amounts of damage. Has anyone addressed this?
So : block + forward + quick block = you run witth a bug animation, and you take all the damage in your face.
: block + strafe right/left + quick block = seems to still work, but not sure about that.
So now, i can't block an incomming damage if i was just a second before blocking. Not cool
i try everyday, hopping it would be fixed... but i don't know for how long i'll try..
I am having the same block bug on my GF.
It is bugged, just because it's gone server side doesn't mean it's not bugged.
My Shield is still bug...