Cave says "go to next map" - could use some sprucing up text.
Would have made some mention of werewolves or something to tie them into story.
Nice decor
Nice trap placement
Umm, nothing really negative to say. I didn't look for grammar errors as I suck myself, but was quick story, lots of hack n' slash and good details. Makings of a nice quick run.
just need 1 more review i think to reach the new tab. thanks.
lostchartaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited May 2013
I'll do yours next. Mine are in my sig.
If you could review in the linked thread that would be great.
Reasonable little hack and slash quest. Quite short though, especially with point 3 below. If you want to make the minimum length for foundry daily you might want to extend it. If you're not going for that then don't worry about it.
*Goblin warning sign is floating in mid air
*Blood splatter has default name "Ground Bloodsplat 8"
*It's quite easy to get on top of the rocks in the mountain pass. By doing that you can avoid all but 2 of the enemy groups.
*I think there's something in the ground near the wooden bridge, but it's clipped so deep I can't tell what
*"Crude Bridge 01" Default name
*In the last room the werewolves are shooting at the panther. Who doesn't react and just sits there . Looks a little strange. Maybe have him only spawn once they're dead.
NW-DIRYOWUKYNW-DPXB42EEH The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
Quest 1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
Quest 2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
Author: @pavvo
Est. Time per quest: 19min Solo. Can be duoed.
Note: Quest 2 presents you with choices that determine how the quest will play out. This gives the quest a huge amount of replayability depending on the choice you make
Quest 1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
Quest 2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Author: @pavvo
Est Time per quest: 15 min solo. Can be duoed
Notes: These 2 quests are heavy combay with light story. If you like waves of enemies with a story to tie it all in, this is for you
The Tale of the 3 Suns - NWS-DA9XX8WIV
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
trixsterjl, I played your quest a few hours ago. I think the strong point of your adventure are the meetings. Even though they were pretty easy, (I have to admit that they have played with a thief lvl 16. Should I try again with my main at lvl 50), you have well positioned them. There is no a real plot but I think this is something you want. I've experienced it more as a "rapid foray among the goblin hordes". I gave you four stars for the effort that you put into the details of the cave.
My quest is in sign and i'd be happy if you would return me the favor
I'll do yours next. Mine are in my sig.
If you could review in the linked thread that would be great.
Reasonable little hack and slash quest. Quite short though, especially with point 3 below. If you want to make the minimum length for foundry daily you might want to extend it. If you're not going for that then don't worry about it.
*Goblin warning sign is floating in mid air
*Blood splatter has default name "Ground Bloodsplat 8"
*It's quite easy to get on top of the rocks in the mountain pass. By doing that you can avoid all but 2 of the enemy groups.
*I think there's something in the ground near the wooden bridge, but it's clipped so deep I can't tell what
*"Crude Bridge 01" Default name
*In the last room the werewolves are shooting at the panther. Who doesn't react and just sits there . Looks a little strange. Maybe have him only spawn once they're dead.
Thanks for input. I'll most likely leave them hitting the panther or remove those groups as they will rickroll a high level if they all attack i think?. I thought of the rocks lost focus after pushing up the 30th or so rock and pondered weather i want to keep doing that or let them climb if they want to climb.
Ran it. Posted my thoughts in the review. However, just wanted to reiterate: There were two mobs labeled 'Ed' when I ran it. One was a humanoid and one was a wolf. I'd appreciate it if you'd run mine. I put my code in the review, but it's also in my sig.
Pool of the Dead - NW-DLTS5X6TO - Duration: ~20 minutes - Daily Qualified
I'll run yours now.
Would have made some mention of werewolves or something to tie them into story.
Nice decor
Nice trap placement
Umm, nothing really negative to say. I didn't look for grammar errors as I suck myself, but was quick story, lots of hack n' slash and good details. Makings of a nice quick run.
Its an amusing tale of missing cloaks, terribly named villains and a fountain of blood.
If you could review in the linked thread that would be great.
Reasonable little hack and slash quest. Quite short though, especially with point 3 below. If you want to make the minimum length for foundry daily you might want to extend it. If you're not going for that then don't worry about it.
*Goblin warning sign is floating in mid air
*Blood splatter has default name "Ground Bloodsplat 8"
*It's quite easy to get on top of the rocks in the mountain pass. By doing that you can avoid all but 2 of the enemy groups.
*I think there's something in the ground near the wooden bridge, but it's clipped so deep I can't tell what
*"Crude Bridge 01" Default name
*In the last room the werewolves are shooting at the panther. Who doesn't react and just sits there
The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
solo campaign, balanced
review thread
The Vaalyr Prophecy - Prologue: Misty Hollow
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
Mine is:
Campaign Name: The Tale of the 3 Suns NWS-DA9XX8WIV
Quest 1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
Quest 2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
Author: @pavvo
Est. Time per quest: 19min Solo. Can be duoed.
Note: Quest 2 presents you with choices that determine how the quest will play out. This gives the quest a huge amount of replayability depending on the choice you make
Campaign Name: The Legend of Khyber NWS-DK33EIYMY
Quest 1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
Quest 2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Author: @pavvo
Est Time per quest: 15 min solo. Can be duoed
Notes: These 2 quests are heavy combay with light story. If you like waves of enemies with a story to tie it all in, this is for you
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
So, here is my quest: NW-DA7ISYIKV
The Truth of the Goldenhair
My quest is in sign and i'd be happy if you would return me the favor
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
Thanks for input. I'll most likely leave them hitting the panther or remove those groups as they will rickroll a high level if they all attack i think?. I thought of the rocks lost focus after pushing up the 30th or so rock and pondered weather i want to keep doing that or let them climb if they want to climb.
Snowy relaxing quest
aprox 15mins
3 Maps
What's yours ?
Quest Title: Don't "Count" on it - Ch. 1
Short Code: NW-DQ3H4MXKG
Duration: 15-20 minutes
but not completed
I can't kill the hulk , does 4k damage each hit
i'm lvl 53 , i'll try with an other char
I tried with an other and i completed
I like it , hard for a high lvl to solo it
My quest:
Act 1: The Abandoned Mine?
I hope that you like it.
"The harder the game, the better."
Quest Title: Don't "Count" on it - Ch. 1
Short Code: NW-DQ3H4MXKG
Duration: 15-20 minutes
Fountain of Dread - NW-DACS7JITE - Duration: ~15minutes - BRAND NEW!