Not sure if anyone else is currently using the Jagged Dancing Blade as a companion, but for me it seems pretty buggy. It will attack things fine, but as soon as i start combat it WILL NOT move from the place it was when combat started. I need to manually walk mobs over to it for it to actually attack them at all. Not sure if this is intended or a bug, guessing the latter but would like to know if anyone else is having this problem. Seems like a cool companion and just want to know if that's the intended function.
Yes seeing this, will not attack till an enemy gets near it. Also looks like it's stuck as a dagger no sword skin
"Jazz isn't dead, it just smells funny" - Frank Zappa
fralyonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Glad to see im not the only one having this problem. I put in a ticket to hopefully make them aware of this and able to fix it. Also the Jagged Dancing Blade companion is a dagger skin while the Dancing Blade companion is a sword, recently found that out. So if your looking for a sword, go with the Dancing Blade Companion, not Jagged Dancing Blade.
I always assumed it was meant to be like that.. a Melee only companion. on my GWF it works fine (obviously)
fralyonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
My GWF is also the character that uses this, but for me it wont move AT ALL once combat starts. Like literally wont move into melee range to attack or anything. I have to manually drag mobs to its position for it to attack them. My Dire Wolf will move into melee range and attack mobs, its also a melee companion. But this one will follow me until i initiate combat, then will stay at the exact point where it was when combat was initiated. I don't expect it to attack from range, but i do expect a melee companion to be able to move into melee range and actually attack when combat starts. Especially in an Action MMORPG like this, where mobility is so important.
Is this still bugged? I am a Cleric, and I'm saving honor for this companion. If it won't attack from range, then saving glory for it would be a waste of time. I already have my PvP set, so there is no other reason for me to get glory.
Is this still bugged? I am a Cleric, and I'm saving honor for this companion. If it won't attack from range, then saving glory for it would be a waste of time. I already have my PvP set, so there is no other reason for me to get glory.
Can always sell loots like everyone else
nerdbaneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 18Arc User
edited May 2013
I remeber reading something like the guy thinks he's ranged and since he has no ranged attacks he just stands there until someone gets close
groomaar69Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
I wish I had read this thread about 10 minutes, and 14,000 Glory ago. I bought the companion and it does NOTHING. absolutely nothing, I can walk mine right through a mob and it stays there on the ground. If it cost Glory then it should be for PVP, or at least work. Oh, well it's a Beta, and the Game rocks anyway even if my Dancing dagger's only dance move is the opossum.
I wish I had read this thread about 10 minutes, and 14,000 Glory ago. I bought the companion and it does NOTHING. absolutely nothing, I can walk mine right through a mob and it stays there on the ground. If it cost Glory then it should be for PVP, or at least work. Oh, well it's a Beta, and the Game rocks anyway even if my Dancing dagger's only dance move is the opossum.
I also didn't read this thread soon enough and essentially wasted 14k glory. It just sits there. Doesn't even look that cool. I'm extremely disappointed.
I couldn't find the ticket someone mentioned earlier, so I submitted a new one under Items if anyone else would like to report this same bug.
Yeah... I can hardly see it (do not really see any point in different skins since it is so tiny) and I basically have to drag mobs in front of its blade for it to start attacking... well we learn from our mistakes :c
Same here (on my CW) - the blade just stands around and does nothing until I get really close to the mob - then it attacks. But not really efficient as i might add
Well as i can level it up to rank 25 i just train it up there and park it in my collection of companions until they patch it a bit.
Can always sell loots like everyone else
I also didn't read this thread soon enough and essentially wasted 14k glory. It just sits there. Doesn't even look that cool.
I couldn't find the ticket someone mentioned earlier, so I submitted a new one under Items if anyone else would like to report this same bug.
Well, all of its skins look exactly the same to me.
Its useless. I like it, because its the only blue I have, but its still pretty useless.
maybe it start working at lvl25???
foundry Call of the Blood - NW-DTAK6CXZ2
campaign Heart of Nature - NWS-DUKNH9PPZ
Well as i can level it up to rank 25 i just train it up there and park it in my collection of companions until they patch it a bit.