[EDIT: Meh. I removed the first paragraph as it was my own whining about whiners! LOL And do note: please read this with "LOL" attitude, okay?]
Here's a primer on ENCHANTMENTS.
When you enchant an item (or Companion, for that matter) - that rune enchantment is now "fused" to whatever it is you're enchanting.
However there are times you want to upgrade that enchantment. For example: you have a level 2 stone enchantment in your trusty belt and want to replace it with the shiny new level 4 stone of the same (or different) type. So what do you do?
Most will try to remove the "fused" (existing) enchantment. But this costs Astral Diamonds. My question to you is why? Simply throw that enchantment away (destroy it) and replace the enchantment with the higher-ranked new enchantment.
Apparently most people do not know you can simply drag any enchantment from your inventory onto the "enchantment" window of any item. [EDIT TO ADD: Apparently most will just use the menu, which only offers removing the enchantment - which can be confusing!] If an enchantment already exists in that item then you will be warned that the existing enchantment will be "DESTROYED" (not returned to your inventory). If you say OKEE-DOKEE-MAKE-IT-SO then the old enchantment goes POOF! and the new enchantment takes its place.
So the next question is WHY does it cost money to remove an enchantment if you can just throw another on top of it for free!? Well, if you have a snazzy level 7 super rune that you've built-up by collecting and fusing countless lower leveled runes - you don't just want to throw that away, do you? Of course NOT!
SO, you get newer, better belt! But you don't want to throw away that level 99 Super Rune that's in your current belt. ZOMG! What DooYooDoo!?
You pay the money to remove that enchantment from your current item and return it to your inventory to use another day in another item. This is the only reason (and time) you should even think about paying any money to remove an enchantment. And in this case, is that particular enchantment stone not
worth the money? I ask you again: is it not
that valuable to you? If not - then just leave it in there when you sell the item.
Now that you are edified on item enchantments, hit up the Neverwinter Wiki and read my article on the Neverwinter Economy FAQ so you also have a better understanding of how the rest of it works! For your convenience that link is always in my signature, but also presented here for the furtherance of your edification and divine knowledge of profound understanding:
Neverwinter Economy FAQ:
Neverwinter Wiki Home Page:
"but also prevented here for your further edification"
Just a heads up...I think the words you were looking for are more likely:
"but also presented here for your enlightenment"
I was still using rank 1 runes on my follower !!!
I hope what you said is true. Game is patching itself now and the first thing I'm gonna try will be putting rank 5 runes on her.
Kudos for you !!!
That's a fair statement!