Hello All!
I'm here to advertise my little foundry project, and ask for any willing reviewers to give it a go
The content is aimed at groups, and thus is slightly harder to draw attention to (i believe many reviewers tend to do so solo).
This quest is aimed at groups of 3+.
I have had some friends run through the quest with 4 level 60s, and they found the content relatively easy, but i want to test it at all levels of play, and with smaller groups. As with most hefty hack and slash foundries, you can expect some good XP, and a lot of trashy greens: any plays, reviews, or feedback would be appreciated.
The Foul Warrens
Quick synopsis:
An investigation into a series of murders uncovers a seething wererat cult, hidden beneath neverwinter.
Hunt down the wererat leaders and vanquish their foul minions.
A few choice screenshots below:
Would love to hear some outside thoughts?
The Foul Warrens