I'm relatively sure it does not work. The tooltip specifies that the DoT is caused by the companion's attacks. The Eldritch stone, which increases the stats you get from the companion, says that the bonus is given to the owner.
But this is just a guess. I have two of those enchants, but as they are hard to come by, I'm not quite up for testing this!
Note that you do not have to unslot a rune to replace it. You can always put a new rune on top of an existing one without unslotting for free - but it destroys the old rune. So if you have many - I'd say throw in a level 1 and see what happens. if it works as hoped, then fuse away and replace with the higher level. if it doesn't work as hoped, throw any other rune into there.
The whole unslotting runes for AD thing is misunderstood a LOT. You only unslot killer runes you want to KEEP for other gear. Dropping a new rune on top of one already slotted costs nothing and simply destroys the old rune.
The whole unslotting runes for AD thing is misunderstood a LOT. You only unslot killer runes you want to KEEP for other gear. Dropping a new rune on top of one already slotted costs nothing and simply destroys the old rune.
I did not know that either, that's great info to know, thank you.
Pretty much all runes stack, if this is true, you could in theory drop 2 or 3 of those into a stat stick companion and get....LOTS of DoT damage.
No, they do NOT stack when slotted. The only way to "stack" a rune is to fuse it:
4 level 1 runes fused into 1 level 2 rune and so on all the way up to (at least) level 7.
SLOTTING RUNES: Into an empty slot adds that rune's particular stats to the type of slot (offensive, defensive, etc). HOWEVER, If you already have a rune in an enchantment slot, adding a new rune will REPLACE the old one, they do not stack. Example:
Armor is enchanted with a level 1 rune. You drop a new level 2 rune on top of it (does not have the be a new level or the same type of rune) you wil, get a "warning" box that tells you the old rune will be "destroyed". if you "ok" this, then the enchantment will now take on the stats of the NEW RUNE, the old level 1 rune is replaced, but not returned to your inventory (you lose it, hence why it is described as "destroyed").
The ONLY reason to unslot a rune is to keep it and put it into new gear. If you have a level 7 Rune and slot it, chances are you want to KEEP that rune (extremely rare - hard to create) - so you pay the AD to UNSLOT the rune (return it to your inventory) - the purpose might be that you now have better gear - you want that level 7 rune to now enchant the NEW gear. A level 7 rune is definitely WORTH the AD spent to unslot it.
Get it?
So, back to the OP: Go ahead and give it a go and let us all know your result. If it's just a level 1 or 2 rune stone, they drop like flies. A level 3 might be worth reconsidering (experimenting, I mean). Though I'd never pay to unslot anything less than a level 5 rune.
I wrote the big "Economic FAQ" on the neverwinter wiki... I should create a page on Rune Stones and how best to use them! Thanks for the idea!
No, they do NOT stack when slotted. The only way to "stack" a rune is to fuse it:
4 level 1 runes fused into 1 level 2 rune and so on all the way up to (at least) level 7.
SLOTTING RUNES: Into an empty slot adds that rune's particular stats to the type of slot (offensive, defensive, etc). HOWEVER, If you already have a rune in an enchantment slot, adding a new rune will REPLACE the old one, they do not stack. Example:
Armor is enchanted with a level 1 rune. You drop a new level 2 rune on top of it (does not have the be a new level or the same type of rune) you wil, get a "warning" box that tells you the old rune will be "destroyed". if you "ok" this, then the enchantment will now take on the stats of the NEW RUNE, the old level 1 rune is replaced, but not returned to your inventory (you lose it, hence why it is described as "destroyed").
The ONLY reason to unslot a rune is to keep it and put it into new gear. If you have a level 7 Rune and slot it, chances are you want to KEEP that rune (extremely rare - hard to create) - so you pay the AD to UNSLOT the rune (return it to your inventory) - the purpose might be that you now have better gear - you want that level 7 rune to now enchant the NEW gear. A level 7 rune is definitely WORTH the AD spent to unslot it.
Get it?
So, back to the OP: Go ahead and give it a go and let us all know your result. If it's just a level 1 or 2 rune stone, they drop like flies. A level 3 might be worth reconsidering (experimenting, I mean). Though I'd never pay to unslot anything less than a level 5 rune.
I wrote the big "Economic FAQ" on the neverwinter wiki... I should create a page on Rune Stones and how best to use them! Thanks for the idea!
The actual idea is to put multiple runes into multiple slots. The proc enhancements do in fact stack interms of % to proc. I don't think anyone outside of the realm of braindeads would assume you could put multiple runes into the same slots.
There are 10 ranks of each Runestone and Enchantment, at least we have icons in the .hogg files (game files).
I dont believe any pet which augments (cat and both stones) can benefit from a Rune that increases damage done by the Companion.
As for Stacking Runes/Enchants, some Enchants do not stack at the same percent. IE 2 Enchants with +5% Exp Gain will not stack, however, a 5% and a 4.5% will stack.
Open the Launcher. Click Options near the top. Check Disable on-demand patching. This will download another couple of gigs.
The actual idea is to put multiple runes into multiple slots. The proc enhancements do in fact stack interms of % to proc. I don't think anyone outside of the realm of braindeads would assume you could put multiple runes into the same slots.
Only on higher level gear that include multiple rune slots (most lower and mid-level gear only contain one slot) - so when I say they do not stack - I mean they do not stack in the same slot. It is correct that when there are multiple slots - then all slots stack, not the runes themselves. (Unless it is the same rune in multiple slots, of course!)
Yes, the question of companion runes versus gear runes is the mystery. Since level 1 or 2 (I say all the way up to level 4) are really just throw-away runes: experiment and let us know. If it doesn't work you can just drop another on top of it replacing the one that doesn't work. However, I would think there is a built-in blocker that would prevent "incompatible" runes from being placed - but I most certainly could be mistaken on THAT! LOL
Ok, I tested Indomitable Runestone in all three of my Phoera slots, and it definatly is stacking damage greater then just one. It shows up after fiery talon and Feathers of the Flame, which are both the abilites of the Phoera. Its show up on AOE on all mobs as that also. I'm definatly pleased I tried it, costed me two other purple slots but was definatly more damage then the other ones I had in slots. I would highly recomend this for all AOE damage pets.
It works with the Phoera, as it is a combat companion. The question is if it works with the Stone and the Cat, who give their stats to you (that is, if it worked, the player would get the DoT). I still don't think it works with the Stone or the Cat, but it is still untested.
But this is just a guess. I have two of those enchants, but as they are hard to come by, I'm not quite up for testing this!
^ Plus I don't want to combine them into a greater just to find out it doesn't work and now have to pay that chunk to unslot.
Note that you do not have to unslot a rune to replace it. You can always put a new rune on top of an existing one without unslotting for free - but it destroys the old rune. So if you have many - I'd say throw in a level 1 and see what happens. if it works as hoped, then fuse away and replace with the higher level. if it doesn't work as hoped, throw any other rune into there.
The whole unslotting runes for AD thing is misunderstood a LOT. You only unslot killer runes you want to KEEP for other gear. Dropping a new rune on top of one already slotted costs nothing and simply destroys the old rune.
Did not know this, thanks for the info.
I did not know that either, that's great info to know, thank you.
This is my line of thinking. I play a AoE Great Weapon Fighter and these AoE dropping in DoTs... oh man
No, they do NOT stack when slotted. The only way to "stack" a rune is to fuse it:
4 level 1 runes fused into 1 level 2 rune and so on all the way up to (at least) level 7.
SLOTTING RUNES: Into an empty slot adds that rune's particular stats to the type of slot (offensive, defensive, etc). HOWEVER, If you already have a rune in an enchantment slot, adding a new rune will REPLACE the old one, they do not stack. Example:
Armor is enchanted with a level 1 rune. You drop a new level 2 rune on top of it (does not have the be a new level or the same type of rune) you wil, get a "warning" box that tells you the old rune will be "destroyed". if you "ok" this, then the enchantment will now take on the stats of the NEW RUNE, the old level 1 rune is replaced, but not returned to your inventory (you lose it, hence why it is described as "destroyed").
The ONLY reason to unslot a rune is to keep it and put it into new gear. If you have a level 7 Rune and slot it, chances are you want to KEEP that rune (extremely rare - hard to create) - so you pay the AD to UNSLOT the rune (return it to your inventory) - the purpose might be that you now have better gear - you want that level 7 rune to now enchant the NEW gear. A level 7 rune is definitely WORTH the AD spent to unslot it.
Get it?
So, back to the OP: Go ahead and give it a go and let us all know your result. If it's just a level 1 or 2 rune stone, they drop like flies. A level 3 might be worth reconsidering (experimenting, I mean). Though I'd never pay to unslot anything less than a level 5 rune.
I wrote the big "Economic FAQ" on the neverwinter wiki... I should create a page on Rune Stones and how best to use them! Thanks for the idea!
The actual idea is to put multiple runes into multiple slots. The proc enhancements do in fact stack interms of % to proc. I don't think anyone outside of the realm of braindeads would assume you could put multiple runes into the same slots.
I dont believe any pet which augments (cat and both stones) can benefit from a Rune that increases damage done by the Companion.
As for Stacking Runes/Enchants, some Enchants do not stack at the same percent. IE 2 Enchants with +5% Exp Gain will not stack, however, a 5% and a 4.5% will stack.
Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/
Im also at work =/
Only on higher level gear that include multiple rune slots (most lower and mid-level gear only contain one slot) - so when I say they do not stack - I mean they do not stack in the same slot. It is correct that when there are multiple slots - then all slots stack, not the runes themselves. (Unless it is the same rune in multiple slots, of course!)