nullwolf1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
From what I understand, people were using cats as currency? Or selling them on the Auction House? I dunno... Maybe someone with more info will enlighten us LOL.
Cats are one of the highest priced items, so the exploiters bought cats with their ill gotten gains and then tried to sell them off to the people who did not exploit in attempt to launder their money. I logged in and each minute afterward I saw multiple trades for cats available.
Cats are one of the highest priced items, so the exploiters bought cats with their ill gotten gains and then tried to sell them off to the people who did not exploit in attempt to launder their money. I logged in and each minute afterward I saw multiple trades for cats available.
What do cats do in the game, are they companions or something?
Cats are companions which do nothing except transfer their stats to you.
Basically if you were logged in during the time that got rolled back, every other line in trade chat was about cats. Buying, selling, trolling, whatever.
Cats are companions which do nothing except transfer their stats to you.
Just to clarify something, because this sentence might be misleading: Since most companions have a level cap, they aren't much useful later in the game, as they die quickly. Therefore, the cat is one of the best late game companions, exactly because they offer something to you all the time.
Enjoy your worthless cat cape (it's not even a fashion item), while the cheaters are enjoying their cat companions!
Oh, and of course someone stupid will tell you that Cryptic banned all the cheaters.
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What do cats do in the game, are they companions or something?
Basically if you were logged in during the time that got rolled back, every other line in trade chat was about cats. Buying, selling, trolling, whatever.
Enjoy your worthless cat cape (it's not even a fashion item), while the cheaters are enjoying their cat companions!
Oh, and of course someone stupid will tell you that Cryptic banned all the cheaters.