Nobody was banned- they just said that to appease non-exploiters. Also, trying to get them to fix exploits is a bannable offense. Bye bye.
My friend was banned for nothing. Simply because she worked the market properly and made alot of money (Which i assume they thought she was using the exploit). Theyre ignoring the emails shes sending them to appeal it.
My friend was banned for nothing. Simply because she worked the market properly and made alot of money (Which i assume they thought she was using the exploit). Theyre ignoring the emails shes sending them to appeal it.
tjockusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Untill they show some numbers i would say they banned about ZERO ppls. I hope they prove me wrong or there might be some more ppl jumping on the next exploit to catch up...
Posting website showing how to do exploits can Get you banned.. just a FYI
I was banned. Permanently.
So can one still post on the forums after a ban?
Also can't you just make a new account?
Sp noble of your. Reminds me of when Pete Townsend from the WHO got caught browsing child por....never mind.
My friend was banned for nothing. Simply because she worked the market properly and made alot of money (Which i assume they thought she was using the exploit). Theyre ignoring the emails shes sending them to appeal it.
SS or it didn't happen
They also won't stop telling me about it.
Also from PR point of view, any numbers given, people will say it is not enough.
Heck, we can't even get on how many people actually play vs pay (super secret number
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.