Last I heard was it'd be up roughly an hour and ten minutes ago. With something like this, I can't imagine they can give an accurate timetable, but I also sincerely doubt it'll be more then 24 hours.
Hey blo0dy farktards, what time are the forking servers coming back up.
Fooking hell, do your fooking job pigs.
You incompetent pigs disgust me.
The person who hired you is a da177n HAMSTER.
Fokking pigs; that's what ye are.
Never seen HAMSTER as bad as you.
Fix the servers, eat HAMSTER n die already.
Forking mud faced idi0tic m0rons.
Seriously fokk you.
Do you forking know how long was the downtime.
Forksh1t bustards! Every single one of you.
Especially if a bl0ody fooking basturd deletes this.
Sw1nes. You should not eat drink nor sleep till this is fixed and you are still taking your own bl0ody sweet time.
Forking piece of HAMSTER that's beneath a sw1ne.
and here comes the trolls/idiots already starting seriously spell correctly before making a huge stupid rage you cant seem to notice they are fixing the game due to some players ruining and exploiting it
Well if there was some post about this anywhere on the Neverwinter forums.
People might actually read it and go do some to pass time.
But instead with this no posts about incident -> you just beg to be flamed.
Not wery good reasoning ...
So let the flaming continue ( putting on tinfoil hat ),
Get your ... together, and post an update about incident on forums.
You might even wanna put in a timetable.
That soon ish bull... from twitter are worthless.
Besides why on earth do i have to check twitter ??? Didnt you make your official forum for a reason ??'
Just my thoughts about this mess.
Bards are awesome ... music and great tales off adventures.
and here comes the trolls/idiots already starting seriously spell correctly before making a huge stupid rage you cant seem to notice they are fixing the game due to some players ruining and exploiting it
People might actually read it and go do some to pass time.
But instead with this no posts about incident -> you just beg to be flamed.
Not wery good reasoning ...
So let the flaming continue ( putting on tinfoil hat ),
Get your ... together, and post an update about incident on forums.
You might even wanna put in a timetable.
That soon ish bull... from twitter are worthless.
Besides why on earth do i have to check twitter ??? Didnt you make your official forum for a reason ??'
Just my thoughts about this mess.
I dont think it's gonna be anytime soon.
So yeah, not tonight.
He's been ctrl+v-ing this in every thread.
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, son. No Neverwinter for me today