Srry for being sceptic , but as experienced player i don`t believe PWE and Cryptic that everything will be fixed and exploiters will be punished.It`s a simple lie. Every ISP will deny them to give away real IP`s of exploiters and we all know that.Also giving presents for your incompetence PWE is really pathethic.I`m done with this game.
The game already died the moment they decided to roll back only 7 hours. Full wipe or New Shard and the game lives.
khandar21Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 24Arc User
edited May 2013
there is this small thing called a database in the backend of most games, where they can verify and do checks on exploiters. And ban the concerned accounts....
there is this small thing called a database in the backend of most games, where they can verify and do checks on exploiters. And ban the concerned accounts....
Anyone wiht half a brain has already laundered most of that through legitimate sources that are untrackable, especially considering they are only wiping 7 hours when this exploit as well as all others have been going on for weeks now. The economy is forever doomed because of this and a simple 7 hour rollback and ban of the most obvious offenders will not work.
Character is what a man is in the dark
denkasaebaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I hope there's a way to link achievements in the chat, because it will be the only way to judge how decent a player is before t3 comes out (which, i hope, will be bind on pickup)
Dilige, et quod vis fac (Love, and do what you will)
Ima go to bed and think long and hard on whether or not I go through with plans of doing a chargeback on my credit card.
Not wiping and REMOVING all ill-gotten gains is a huge mistake and will come back to haunt the game for years to come.
Character is what a man is in the dark
Anyone wiht half a brain has already laundered most of that through legitimate sources that are untrackable, especially considering they are only wiping 7 hours when this exploit as well as all others have been going on for weeks now. The economy is forever doomed because of this and a simple 7 hour rollback and ban of the most obvious offenders will not work.
Character is what a man is in the dark
St. Augustinus