Because they understand the mechanics of your quest and the work that goes into it.
So bored of the 'HAMSTER loot' reviews.
That is my two cents.
Indeed. Back when I played Starcraft 1, I tried to get map makers to play my maps, because they usually had some good advice to give, and taught me a lot of cool tricks. Whereas the typical player might get their HAMSTER stomped playing, and blame it on me for not balancing the map correctly, even when they're playing the one unit everyone else is constantly calling rigged.
ahkronnemesisMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Because they understand the mechanics of your quest and the work that goes into it.
So bored of the 'HAMSTER loot' reviews.
That is my two cents.
Well, all I can say is that, you must be doing something right. hehe
I don't get good or bad reviews. Hell... I don't seem to even get plays.
I think I'll drop the long exploration/story/puzzle quests theme after finishing my current campaign and do some hack n'slash ones just do 15 min hack n'slash ones and see if I can get some of those one star reviews. :rolleyes:
[Campaign] Into the Heart of Time (NWS-DLSK763NH) by @ahkronnemesis
Chapter I - The Cult of Kairos (NW-DJFINX9KB)
Chapter II - The Halls of Mortality (NW-DOE3ZC671)
Chapter III - Paradox ( Soon )
ahkronnemesisMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Ah, I finally think I got some One Stars.
Unfortunately, not a single comment on that quest that got lower voting.
[Campaign] Into the Heart of Time (NWS-DLSK763NH) by @ahkronnemesis
Chapter I - The Cult of Kairos (NW-DJFINX9KB)
Chapter II - The Halls of Mortality (NW-DOE3ZC671)
Chapter III - Paradox ( Soon )
It's a universal in art. Only other similar artists functionally understand what you are doing.
(Pianists, surrealist painters, detective fiction, modern dance, whatever)
I am completely ok with them just appreciating it, telling me how it could have been better for them and moving on.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
I was struck with the observation listening to a performance of Hungarian Rhapsody, by Liszt.
This is a hard piece -- I'm a barely passable pianist and got through a half page, flipped the sheet and... ... dear lord.
It gets worse. Much worse.
Yeah. I was listening to the mad genius Vladimir Horowitz. He was playing that piece... and embellishing. Laying additional flourishes and melodies. It sounded like three people playing.
A non-pianist would probably have zero idea what he was pulling off, how much of a seemingly effortless triumph they were hearing.
And they'd have almost nothing useful to recommend to Horowitz.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
As someone who is now, in my opinion, becoming pretty adept at using the Foundry system I can walk through most Foundry missions and see where the effort has been put in, and where it's really lacking (quite often the later). Even the missions that are being spotlighted and being touted as being these great works I walk through them and think "Yeh... I mean it was okay..", but I'm sure the author who spent hours and hours making it thinks it's their piece de resistance (forum doesn't like me using french grammar...). Unfortunately a lot of authors seems to think that because they put 100+ hours into their Foundry mission that they shouldn't be getting bad reviews, the reality is that time spent doesn't necessarily automatically qualify it as being a good quest, it might still be boring, easy, predictable...
So whilst the people who don't know how to use the Foundry can't identify the aspects that have taken hours to do, or the interesting creative twists that have been put into place (like Zovya's mushroom/difficulty slider) and will overlook them, they're also probably much more easily impressed by some stuff than I would be when I walk through an area and go "Prefab, lazy encounters, simple decorations".
Among your peers there is a level of respect and you can see that time has obviously been spent, but we're probably also the most critical and hardest to please when it comes to comparing what someone else has done with what we know we personally can do. At least that's how I am anyway
Thing I am worried about most is when my level is done and I publish it that nobody will find it to play it. This is what happened in Little Big Planet series. The second you published your master piece twenty pieces of garbage would be posted on top of it and nobody would find it. However this community seems to be a lot stronger and the five reviews before it goes public gives me some motivation to go on.
I would pay for some one star, bad review or just people that tell me that my quest doesn't work/is horrible
I'd pay to know that at least one player that's not me has tried it...
I really don't like how the "NEW" on L works...
I disagree. I have not created in foundry yet, but I keep my comments constructive and my ratings appropriate. I simply do not care for the influx of 'world of warcraft' remakes. If they want to play wow, go do it, stop trying to bring it here.
Sister Vanity knows if you've been naughty or nice...and heals accordingly.
I disagree. I have not created in foundry yet, but I keep my comments constructive and my ratings appropriate. I simply do not care for the influx of 'world of warcraft' remakes. If they want to play wow, go do it, stop trying to bring it here.
What do you consider a world of warcraft remake?
Try my quest Tucker's Kobolds, now with an all new map and encounters! Version 2.0.2 (5/11/2013)
Part II Coming Soon!
zovyaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
May be referring to "The Stockade". I understand that quest was made to be a duplicate of the WoW quest of the same name.
Yep, on the Best tab for the last week there has been "The Stockade" and "Dread Mines" both are slightly altered versions of low level WoW dungeons.
At this point, having spent all day now waiting for the game to be playable again it hit me that for 2 weeks I have only played my character to invoke, review other people's foundry missions to help them be better, or to combat test my own mission.. Honestly I think I can say I dislike most everything about this game OTHER than the UGC and the community. I came in expecting D&D and frankly they failed to deliver, after a few weeks with the game they are failing to keep me invested in the game itself rather than the meta-game of the foundry.
I don't lament my time in the Foundry but at this point I certainly have no real drive to play any of the actual gameplay they provided.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
boydzinjMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I disagree. I have not created in foundry yet, but I keep my comments constructive and my ratings appropriate. I simply do not care for the influx of 'world of warcraft' remakes. If they want to play wow, go do it, stop trying to bring it here.
A single person is intelligent, crafty, and clever. A group of people on the internet has an IQ of a spoiled 12 year old and does not have the time or resources to read or understand anything. We need more single people like you, good sir, but sadly the game has a ton of people that have followed you into the game as well.
As for the WOW comment. I do not play WoW. However, someone also created a Spartacus like adventure. Does that need to go away? Every foundry quest that is successful has an audience. Good. That is the way it should be... regardless of where they got the audience from.
As for the WOW comment. I do not play WoW. However, someone also created a Spartacus like adventure. Does that need to go away? Every foundry quest that is successful has an audience. Good. That is the way it should be... regardless of where they got the audience from.
Actually, that one got banned for copyright, and they had to remake it and remove all references. So, yeah, it should have.
I come from halfway in between the op and the guy that was quoted in this post. I intend to get into the foundry when work chills out, and I have done enough research to know what I'm looking for in terms of gameplay, but for the most part? I comment on pacing, plot, and difficulty. Clever touches like the mushroom difficulty thing when I catch em.
To the op: You don't need to dev something to recognize clever. You just need to not see it anywhere else and appreciate its inclusion.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
boydzinjMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Actually, that one got banned for copyright, and they had to remake it and remove all references. So, yeah, it should have.
I come from halfway in between the op and the guy that was quoted in this post. I intend to get into the foundry when work chills out, and I have done enough research to know what I'm looking for in terms of gameplay, but for the most part? I comment on pacing, plot, and difficulty. Clever touches like the mushroom difficulty thing when I catch em.
To the op: You don't need to dev something to recognize clever. You just need to not see it anywhere else and appreciate its inclusion.
However, it still had an audience and when they re-named it... people are still playing it, no?
I am a newb here, so I can't begin a new thread, so I'll just ask here. I am working on a massive quest. Once I publish it, can I still edit it? I know that is a really newb question, but hey I am what I am. Also the twinkling path that guides players from objective to objective does not seem to work right in the editor. I might have broke it because I am sitting at 20+ objectives in the quest already.
Third and last question. Is there a way to have multiple endings to my quest. I know on the tree I can split the options, but it looks like all roads still lead to Rome if you know what I mean. I thought it would be cool to have multiple endings for replayability. Thanks.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors. Video Preview
boydzinjMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I am a newb here, so I can't begin a new thread, so I'll just ask here. I am working on a massive quest. Once I publish it, can I still edit it? I know that is a really newb question, but hey I am what I am. Also the twinkling path that guides players from objective to objective does not seem to work right in the editor. I might have broke it because I am sitting at 20+ objectives in the quest already.
Third and last question. Is there a way to have multiple endings to my quest. I know on the tree I can split the options, but it looks like all roads still lead to Rome if you know what I mean. I thought it would be cool to have multiple endings for replayability. Thanks.
Yes you can continue to update your quest - even after it is published.
The path is normally correct. Do you want to have players to see the quest objective... or is the path going thru objects?
If the wisp is going thru objects... the wisp path does not "see" textures - so often times the trail will travel thru buildings and objectives that it should not.
It really depends on what is wrong. Can you explain what is wrong in your quest about the wisp path? I would imagine you do NOT want the player to know which NPC to talk to for the quest objective?
In the story tab you can actually remove the ability to see the wisps for primary quest objectives. On each quest, there is an option to have the quest object look like a big circle area, a specific blip on the map, or not trackable. (I am not in game so I do not remember the exact names).
My conquest only has like 8-10 plays but I get 4-5 stars each time a new person plays it and comments along the line as "great job i hope the next one comes out soon" Because I have a bad habit of ending on cliff hangers.
I think I know what is wrong. I think I have the area selection checked for dialog and interact objectives. i think if I fool with it I can make the twinkly path come back. Just don't want my players wandering around wondering what to do.
Another question, is there a way to have the log display the quest text from the last objective reached? It currently only displays the general quest discription. If the player wanted to review what the last NPC said he can't.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors. Video Preview
I agree. Other Foundry authors would rather abstain to vote than giving a 1-star.
In case you find my grammar or spelling weird ---> native german speaker
savagehenrryMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited May 2013
I have easily put four or five times as many hours into the foundry as I have the game. I have basically gained my last 20 levels through reviewing foundry quests.
I think my favorite complaint from a review would be either the guy that said "it's SOOOO long" when the average time for the quest is 19 minutes and in the description I say it should take 15-25 minutes to complete.
The guildie that said it wasn't to challenging for his 9500 gs GWF
Yea people who haven't created their own Foundry quest don't realize it can take a week or two just to make a good 15-20 minute one hehe.
Fun 15-20 Minute Heavy Combat Quest with a difficulty slider. Hand crafted environments and encounters.
Thread URL:
Indeed. Back when I played Starcraft 1, I tried to get map makers to play my maps, because they usually had some good advice to give, and taught me a lot of cool tricks. Whereas the typical player might get their HAMSTER stomped playing, and blame it on me for not balancing the map correctly, even when they're playing the one unit everyone else is constantly calling rigged.
Well, all I can say is that, you must be doing something right. hehe
I don't get good or bad reviews. Hell... I don't seem to even get plays.
I think I'll drop the long exploration/story/puzzle quests theme after finishing my current campaign and do some hack n'slash ones just do 15 min hack n'slash ones and see if I can get some of those one star reviews. :rolleyes:
Chapter I - The Cult of Kairos (NW-DJFINX9KB)
Chapter II - The Halls of Mortality (NW-DOE3ZC671)
Chapter III - Paradox ( Soon )
Unfortunately, not a single comment on that quest that got lower voting.
Chapter I - The Cult of Kairos (NW-DJFINX9KB)
Chapter II - The Halls of Mortality (NW-DOE3ZC671)
Chapter III - Paradox ( Soon )
(Pianists, surrealist painters, detective fiction, modern dance, whatever)
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
if this were Twitter, I would retweet this.
I am completely ok with them just appreciating it, telling me how it could have been better for them and moving on.
I was struck with the observation listening to a performance of Hungarian Rhapsody, by Liszt.
This is a hard piece -- I'm a barely passable pianist and got through a half page, flipped the sheet and... ... dear lord.
It gets worse. Much worse.
Yeah. I was listening to the mad genius Vladimir Horowitz. He was playing that piece... and embellishing. Laying additional flourishes and melodies. It sounded like three people playing.
A non-pianist would probably have zero idea what he was pulling off, how much of a seemingly effortless triumph they were hearing.
And they'd have almost nothing useful to recommend to Horowitz.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
As someone who is now, in my opinion, becoming pretty adept at using the Foundry system I can walk through most Foundry missions and see where the effort has been put in, and where it's really lacking (quite often the later). Even the missions that are being spotlighted and being touted as being these great works I walk through them and think "Yeh... I mean it was okay..", but I'm sure the author who spent hours and hours making it thinks it's their piece de resistance (forum doesn't like me using french grammar...). Unfortunately a lot of authors seems to think that because they put 100+ hours into their Foundry mission that they shouldn't be getting bad reviews, the reality is that time spent doesn't necessarily automatically qualify it as being a good quest, it might still be boring, easy, predictable...
So whilst the people who don't know how to use the Foundry can't identify the aspects that have taken hours to do, or the interesting creative twists that have been put into place (like Zovya's mushroom/difficulty slider) and will overlook them, they're also probably much more easily impressed by some stuff than I would be when I walk through an area and go "Prefab, lazy encounters, simple decorations".
Among your peers there is a level of respect and you can see that time has obviously been spent, but we're probably also the most critical and hardest to please when it comes to comparing what someone else has done with what we know we personally can do. At least that's how I am anyway
I'd pay to know that at least one player that's not me has tried it...
I really don't like how the "NEW" on L works...
An Artifact from the Depths - NW-DB5GERXA3
My 3d models
What do you consider a world of warcraft remake?
Try my quest Tucker's Kobolds, now with an all new map and encounters!
Version 2.0.2 (5/11/2013)
Part II Coming Soon!
May be referring to "The Stockade". I understand that quest was made to be a duplicate of the WoW quest of the same name.
If this action-hall-pocalypse would be over I could start acting on them.
Yep, on the Best tab for the last week there has been "The Stockade" and "Dread Mines" both are slightly altered versions of low level WoW dungeons.
At this point, having spent all day now waiting for the game to be playable again it hit me that for 2 weeks I have only played my character to invoke, review other people's foundry missions to help them be better, or to combat test my own mission.. Honestly I think I can say I dislike most everything about this game OTHER than the UGC and the community. I came in expecting D&D and frankly they failed to deliver, after a few weeks with the game they are failing to keep me invested in the game itself rather than the meta-game of the foundry.
I don't lament my time in the Foundry but at this point I certainly have no real drive to play any of the actual gameplay they provided.
A single person is intelligent, crafty, and clever. A group of people on the internet has an IQ of a spoiled 12 year old and does not have the time or resources to read or understand anything. We need more single people like you, good sir, but sadly the game has a ton of people that have followed you into the game as well.
As for the WOW comment. I do not play WoW. However, someone also created a Spartacus like adventure. Does that need to go away? Every foundry quest that is successful has an audience. Good. That is the way it should be... regardless of where they got the audience from.
Actually, that one got banned for copyright, and they had to remake it and remove all references. So, yeah, it should have.
I come from halfway in between the op and the guy that was quoted in this post. I intend to get into the foundry when work chills out, and I have done enough research to know what I'm looking for in terms of gameplay, but for the most part? I comment on pacing, plot, and difficulty. Clever touches like the mushroom difficulty thing when I catch em.
To the op: You don't need to dev something to recognize clever. You just need to not see it anywhere else and appreciate its inclusion.
RIP Caine
However, it still had an audience and when they re-named it... people are still playing it, no?
Third and last question. Is there a way to have multiple endings to my quest. I know on the tree I can split the options, but it looks like all roads still lead to Rome if you know what I mean. I thought it would be cool to have multiple endings for replayability. Thanks.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
Video Preview
Yes you can continue to update your quest - even after it is published.
The path is normally correct. Do you want to have players to see the quest objective... or is the path going thru objects?
If the wisp is going thru objects... the wisp path does not "see" textures - so often times the trail will travel thru buildings and objectives that it should not.
It really depends on what is wrong. Can you explain what is wrong in your quest about the wisp path? I would imagine you do NOT want the player to know which NPC to talk to for the quest objective?
In the story tab you can actually remove the ability to see the wisps for primary quest objectives. On each quest, there is an option to have the quest object look like a big circle area, a specific blip on the map, or not trackable. (I am not in game so I do not remember the exact names).
Another question, is there a way to have the log display the quest text from the last objective reached? It currently only displays the general quest discription. If the player wanted to review what the last NPC said he can't.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
Video Preview
I think my favorite complaint from a review would be either the guy that said "it's SOOOO long" when the average time for the quest is 19 minutes and in the description I say it should take 15-25 minutes to complete.
The guildie that said it wasn't to challenging for his 9500 gs GWF