It is way to easy to get glory. i suggest that we cut back on the xp given and glory given in pvp. I would also like to see more rewards for pvp that are late game for 60 level players. i know of many pvp players who have over 50,000 glory points.
PvP will loose its appeal if it becomes to easy to get the gear. I leveled my character, Moonshadow, in pvp and was able to get to 60 in only 2 to 3 days of playing. by 57 I had enough for all of the pvp gear. as a level 60 i bought a full set for my alternate player and a set for a friend. I also purchased the companion sword. I like getting things but getting 4000 glory points in only 3 to 5 matches is to easy.
Of course i am excited about the rumors of 10 on 10 matches and new maps with different conditions.
I enjoy the game and pvp but i feel my issues mentioned needs to be addressed before the official release.
Moonshadow Drow Cleric, Mr. Pickles Human Control Wizard, Ogre Hafling Guardian Fighter
Sooo, you know many players who have over 50k glory points, when hard cap is 25k.
And PvP is not about being easy to get gear, its about getting you on the level field asap. If you play for gear, PvP is not the choice, PvE is, PvP is about tearing apart other players while dominating map.
PvP is useless in this game beyond getting the gear from it to start into T1's, unless your a Rogue.
Team A: Rogue x3, Cleric X1, Any other class x1
Team B: Rogue x1, Cleric X1, GF x1, GWF x1, CW x1
Team A auto wins just because they have 3 rogues...hell, they could win even if the Cleric or the other guy went AFK the whole game.
If they made it harder to get PvP gear, this game would die fast. Nobody would PvP with anything other then Rogues, GWF's and GF's would never be played because nobody wants them for PvE.
They need to Nerf the living hell out of Rogues before they go changing how many points and **** you get for PvP.
I personally made a little over 40k if you add up the gear and dancing blade. the most i have had at once was 18k or 19k.
I agree with you Lerdocix pvp is about the experience and how fun it is. How ever I believe in order to get more people to play you need reward and that is why pvp gear or unique title (helping hand) will bring more people to play. It is great when you only have to wait a few seconds before a match starts. If you take away the rewards you will loose players and longer wait times.
as for rogues and control wizards being over powered that is obvious. I am not the worlds greatest pvp player but i do well for my self and a rogue should not be able to take on 3 people regardless of who he/she is fighting.
I would like to see a balance to pvp on all classes but i know that is an ongoing practice or a work in practice. the best we can do during the beta stage is to give plenty of feedback to the developers.
Moonshadow Drow Cleric, Mr. Pickles Human Control Wizard, Ogre Hafling Guardian Fighter
Perhaps pvp will be good when they introduce gauntlegrim thing, until then it can die.
If they want to address it at all they should spend a month or two seriously overhauling it and cumulating in a large patch (as i said prob as they introduce gauntlegrim or however its spelled)
GWF lvl 60.
Completed all content waiting for more.
And class balances.... trololollol.
Perhaps pvp will be good when they introduce gauntlegrim thing, until then it can die.
If they want to address it at all they should spend a month or two seriously overhauling it and cumulating in a large patch (as i said prob as they introduce gauntlegrim or however its spelled)
we should have 10 vs. 10 in those maps. that sounds fun.
Moonshadow Drow Cleric, Mr. Pickles Human Control Wizard, Ogre Hafling Guardian Fighter
PvP is useless in this game beyond getting the gear from it to start into T1's, unless your a Rogue.
Team A: Rogue x3, Cleric X1, Any other class x1
Team B: Rogue x1, Cleric X1, GF x1, GWF x1, CW x1
Team A auto wins just because they have 3 rogues...hell, they could win even if the Cleric or the other guy went AFK the whole game.
This is actually wrong. The team with 3 rogues is weaker, and hard countered by the two fighters. Both GF's and GWF's can kill rogue's in a full stunlock. Team B wins more often, but this can go either way depending on the players.
syfylisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
This are my old threads with PvP ideas. I get access to alpha test thanks to that but still it would be nice if people would show some more support to them, ofcourse if you like them. I wrote them months before clossed beta so some things are bit off from the way game looks now but still "basic idea" behind them is worth reading.
This is actually wrong. The team with 3 rogues is weaker, and hard countered by the two fighters. Both GF's and GWF's can kill rogue's in a full stunlock. Team B wins more often, but this can go either way depending on the players.
I think the glory is fine; they should just put in other items you can buy with glory;
Like Enchantments or runes for high amounts of glory; say a rank 4 enchantment costs 4k glory each...
or blue gear for every 10 levels; so a full set of BOE blue gear for levels 10 20 30 40 50 and 60. Have it be 1/2 the price of the epic sets? Also why not have Blue neck/ring/belts for pvp at max level? Heck why not allow blue or even epic profession mats be buyable with glory? 15000 Glory for a dragons egg 7000 for any blue profession mat? Or let players buy lockboxes with glory?
the amount of glory gained is only a problem because there is such a low selection of what to buy with it, changing the amount gained won't help; people will STILL end up with 50000 glory because there would STILL be nothing to spend it on. Fix the real problem not the by-product.
powereddjinnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
its simply to easy to get glory and xp in pvp. 4 matches should not give you enough glory for purple gear.
Given how broken it is at present, more matches are 5 vs 2 or 3 etc, until it's fun, it needs to give the current rewards or people will just not queue for this joke!
Only one match today was I on a full team the rest either failed the AFK test or didn't get ported due to the AFK test bugs!
This game has the worst pvp out of almost any f2p game i've ever played, it's literally a battle of stunlocks, CW, and rogues. GF is almost useless in there(until late levels i've heard anyways) gwf has never been able to hurt me on any char, and cleric heals in pvp are laughable when trying to hold against burst, where as CW can stunlock you for 20s, and kite until they can do it again, rogues can lock you for 5s+ while having you dazed and blowing half your hp off in 2-3 hits. Either I'm missing something here or pvp sucks
I personally made a little over 40k if you add up the gear and dancing blade. the most i have had at once was 18k or 19k.
I agree with you Lerdocix pvp is about the experience and how fun it is. How ever I believe in order to get more people to play you need reward and that is why pvp gear or unique title (helping hand) will bring more people to play. It is great when you only have to wait a few seconds before a match starts. If you take away the rewards you will loose players and longer wait times.
as for rogues and control wizards being over powered that is obvious. I am not the worlds greatest pvp player but i do well for my self and a rogue should not be able to take on 3 people regardless of who he/she is fighting.
I would like to see a balance to pvp on all classes but i know that is an ongoing practice or a work in practice. the best we can do during the beta stage is to give plenty of feedback to the developers.
I hit the glory cap (25k) every day ever since hitting lvl 60 lol, it's how I made pretty much all my AD (excl AD from founders pack and AD spent on gear). I wouldn't say that it's better money than T2 runs though - not by a long shot. People are already able to pay 10m+ for only 2 daggers + enchants for them lol. So yeah, the amount of glory is fine imo but the xp could be reduced a bit I suppose. I also agree with what people have said in this thread about pvp needing a proper bug fix first before doing anything else.
David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
its simply to easy to get glory and xp in pvp. 4 matches should not give you enough glory for purple gear.
People need a way to get started with their gear score, and that's what the PVP glory items are for. That's really the only reason they are there. The PVP is my opinion is very fun, but clearly isn't the main priority behind this game.
And considering how expensive and time-consuming everything else is in this game, the idea that PvP (which already feels tacked on) should be less rewarding feels like a good way to kill it. If anything, we need more items to buy with glory. The amount we get is fine, the things we have to spend it on is lacking.
dameon211Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
PvP is overly ****ing HAMSTER... throughout the beta any team with even 2 rogues and like 2 wizards just dominate... there is no hope for Guardian Fighters or GWF's... This is completely one for the team with the most rogues and wizards.
PvP is overly ****ing HAMSTER... throughout the beta any team with even 2 rogues and like 2 wizards just dominate... there is no hope for Guardian Fighters or GWF's... This is completely one for the team with the most rogues and wizards.
Tell that to my GWF who eats both classes alive.
nvmbanelingsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
PvP is overly ****ing HAMSTER... throughout the beta any team with even 2 rogues and like 2 wizards just dominate... there is no hope for Guardian Fighters or GWF's... This is completely one for the team with the most rogues and wizards.
you aren't serious, are you?
according to your logic, my team should've won the previous match:
And PvP is not about being easy to get gear, its about getting you on the level field asap. If you play for gear, PvP is not the choice, PvE is, PvP is about tearing apart other players while dominating map.
Team A: Rogue x3, Cleric X1, Any other class x1
Team B: Rogue x1, Cleric X1, GF x1, GWF x1, CW x1
Team A auto wins just because they have 3 rogues...hell, they could win even if the Cleric or the other guy went AFK the whole game.
If they made it harder to get PvP gear, this game would die fast. Nobody would PvP with anything other then Rogues, GWF's and GF's would never be played because nobody wants them for PvE.
They need to Nerf the living hell out of Rogues before they go changing how many points and **** you get for PvP.
Completed all content waiting for more.
And class balances.... trololollol.
I agree with you Lerdocix pvp is about the experience and how fun it is. How ever I believe in order to get more people to play you need reward and that is why pvp gear or unique title (helping hand) will bring more people to play. It is great when you only have to wait a few seconds before a match starts. If you take away the rewards you will loose players and longer wait times.
as for rogues and control wizards being over powered that is obvious. I am not the worlds greatest pvp player but i do well for my self and a rogue should not be able to take on 3 people regardless of who he/she is fighting.
I would like to see a balance to pvp on all classes but i know that is an ongoing practice or a work in practice. the best we can do during the beta stage is to give plenty of feedback to the developers.
If they want to address it at all they should spend a month or two seriously overhauling it and cumulating in a large patch (as i said prob as they introduce gauntlegrim or however its spelled)
Completed all content waiting for more.
And class balances.... trololollol.
we should have 10 vs. 10 in those maps. that sounds fun.
This is actually wrong. The team with 3 rogues is weaker, and hard countered by the two fighters. Both GF's and GWF's can kill rogue's in a full stunlock. Team B wins more often, but this can go either way depending on the players.
PvP - Altar of Ancients & "Autumn of Spirits"
Guilds Territory wars and Custom Turnaments.
PvP - After Dark
My work: Heroes Blacksmith - Library
In a word?
Lol what a crock.
its simply to easy to get glory and xp in pvp. 4 matches should not give you enough glory for purple gear.
Like Enchantments or runes for high amounts of glory; say a rank 4 enchantment costs 4k glory each...
or blue gear for every 10 levels; so a full set of BOE blue gear for levels 10 20 30 40 50 and 60. Have it be 1/2 the price of the epic sets? Also why not have Blue neck/ring/belts for pvp at max level? Heck why not allow blue or even epic profession mats be buyable with glory? 15000 Glory for a dragons egg 7000 for any blue profession mat? Or let players buy lockboxes with glory?
the amount of glory gained is only a problem because there is such a low selection of what to buy with it, changing the amount gained won't help; people will STILL end up with 50000 glory because there would STILL be nothing to spend it on. Fix the real problem not the by-product.
Given how broken it is at present, more matches are 5 vs 2 or 3 etc, until it's fun, it needs to give the current rewards or people will just not queue for this joke!
Only one match today was I on a full team the rest either failed the AFK test or didn't get ported due to the AFK test bugs!
What Class Are You?
Wtb diminishing returns
My post was based on hundreds of matches worth of experience at level 60. Sorry but it's the truth.
Cryptic basically keeps releasing new quests, mixed with Foundry ones from players, and that is about it.
People need a way to get started with their gear score, and that's what the PVP glory items are for. That's really the only reason they are there. The PVP is my opinion is very fun, but clearly isn't the main priority behind this game.
And considering how expensive and time-consuming everything else is in this game, the idea that PvP (which already feels tacked on) should be less rewarding feels like a good way to kill it. If anything, we need more items to buy with glory. The amount we get is fine, the things we have to spend it on is lacking.
Tell that to my GWF who eats both classes alive.
you aren't serious, are you?
according to your logic, my team should've won the previous match:
my team: 1 cleric, 1 gwf, 3 rogues
enemy team: 2 GF, 1 rogue, 1 CW, 1 cleric
we got absolutely destroyed.