Hello all. I just finished my first Foundry quest, and I think it's worth a share. It would be great to get it out of the "reviewing" stage. It's relatively easy and straightforward; 10 to 20 minutes-ish and perfectly soloable. Lots of adult humor. Info is below- post yours and I will review trade!
Mansion of Madness
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Mine is
Quest: "The Kidnapped Bride"
Author @Aristarchos
Short Code : NW-DP3KMHTRP
Duration : About 17-20 minutes
Average difficulty with a (hopefully) flowing storyline
NW-DFJR2DOH6 - The Epic: Secrets of Shiganshina
Nice work on this quest. The ending was very cute. I would suggest maybe thinking about adding some dialog options for females who are playing the quest as well.
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
Campaign -D&D Red Box Campaign[COLOR=NWS-DCS2HQ27J
Chapter I First Encounter: NW-DALZWIS9L
Chapter II The Twisting Halls: NW-DHELEPLXV
Please be gentle. Constructive criticism is welcome. Flaming and trolling isn't. I will search for and review as many quests as i can.
There are still a bunch of foundry bugs. If you can't locate it using the short code (found in the foundry on the quest) then make a minor change and republish. Usually it takes me 10 minutes ish to see the publish.
I HOPE they are fixing the problems with locating our quests that have been trapped in limbo since close to when Open Beta started. Many of us from the alpha had to suck it up and know that our quests will likely never get seen again unless people find it by accident (IE search by author or title) They don't live on any tab anymore and haven't for WEEKS.
edit: Mansion of madness added to our list to try later tonight
Those Steamy Neverwinter Nights
1. Might want to add some kind of contact before the first objective of 'Go to the mansion of madness'. Maybe if you clicked on a book or one of the people in town who would tell you about the mansion first? It would give it a little backstory, and prep the player on what to expect. Ahh, just made it to the worried looking man saying he posted it on the board. What if you changed the objective to 'Respond to job board posting' or something like that? It's not really that big of a deal, just some ideas
2. I like the look of the front doors to the mansion. The torch on the right is just a little bit too deep (inside the door) than the one on the left. You can look at the x/y/z coords in the editor to make them match up.
3. Love the innuendos in the dialog, I literally lol'd. I really like how you could ask about each floor too.
4. The first floor is kinda sparse. Maybe you intended it that way. You could add some upturned furniture or paintings on the walls, or even have them crooked/lying on the ground like the place was ransacked.
5. The window is titled Cathedral Of Madness Windows 01 (may want to change the name)
6. The drow girl was hot haha. I like how you had the barrier there then disappear.
7. The trap level was very easy for me as a rogue. I just disabled a few and made it right past (appreciate the bonfire there).
8. Did I mention I love the dialog? The riddles and the insults are great. Very old-school & cheesy feel like kings/space quest games.
9. Nice job on those golems if you get an answer wrong. I was playing around and they're a perfect difficulty for getting an easy riddle wrong.
10. Haha the chicken dialog, ahhahahaha. A tough fight b/c of the ogre & wizard. I killed the wizard right away, but the ogre took 10x as long to kill. It didn't feel totally balanced to me. I expected the wizard to be tougher. Maybe make the wizard a little harder and lose the ogre?
11. OK seriously the dialog had me laughing out loud again. Can I hire you to re-write the dialog in my quest? lol Just kidding, sort of... I'd pay you in some AD
Aside from some interior decorating and minor item placement, the quest was a blast. Spruce up the mansion a bit, and you got a winner here. LOVED IT, subscribing.
NW-DI8PEGHIB - "Those Steamy Neverwinter Nights"
I'll totally run through this in an hour or two. The first one anyway, I have no guild to run through the second one with :P
Rad, I will be glad to see your review.
Excellent feedback, kyeo. I'm going to go unsubmit my quest in a bit and make some of the changes you suggested. I'll run through your quest shortly!
Edit: And yes, I would totally help you with dialogue for a little AD and a writer's credit in the quest info :P I still haven't run through the quest yet, but I will be in contact.
In other news, I got my 5 reviews! I will continue to trade reviews anyway, so anyone else who sees this thread should be encouraged to post their info to trade. Hit me up! My reviews so far include:
"I really enjoyed the humor of the entire thing. The encounters were fun but the dialogue was the best! Great work."
"I loved this quest. Made me LOL more than a few times. Can't wait for more chapters of the story!"
Cut/Paste code: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Campaign: Resurrection of Xunvrae (4 parts)
Quest Name: The bones of Xunvrae
Author: Elimgarak83
Tags: Story, Explore, Combat
Tested: 14 GWF, 60 CW, 60 DC, 29 CW
Quest forum post: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?235592-Resurrection-of-Xunvrae
Not bad, quick funny quest.
1. The test of endurance didn't seem much like an endurance test, only 2 packs of undead.
2. Entrance door to the tower looks a little out of place, its a large metal door almost as big as the house.
3. Trap level: Currently traps are worthless. Just walk over them all and take 10 damage. If traps were deadly, then only a rogue could complete that room. As they all overlap with no safe passage.
edit : just played it. Well, what can i say? the dialogues are funny as well as the erotic interludes. Make the experience of a creepy dungeon with this irony can give an extra value to the quest. However I have found the rooms a little bare and finally, it lacks a real story that you can follow
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
In "The Fear That Freeze" you put a sparkly door in that automatically ended your quest when I interacted with it. It was pretty near the end, too, which was both disappointing and relieving. You need to work on your dialogue a lot- maybe get someone else to do it for you who has English as a first language. The quest could have been good, but lines like "You are the stupid who want go into forest" broke it for me.
"The Resurrection of Xunvrae" was unfinishable because I couldn't find the altar that I was supposed to destroy. You didn't set a quest objective marker for it, so after searching through the entire dungeon and finding nothing, I just left. You need to do something with that.
I could not finish yours. Could not locate last portal.
Felt pretty hastily put together, not really challenging, riddles were not very riddling, didn't really laugh ever. I wanted to like your dungeon, but I just couldn't. I did like how you had "6 levels," but a mansion of all hallways and a few rooms seems deceptive. Not sure about ending, could not complete it. Either something is wrong with my computer or the last portal was removed or placed in a weird spot at some edit.
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Possibly. I tried logging out/in. Started back at first room and went through all of the rooms. No portal. I even scaled the wall in the back and accessed the portal to the last room again, in case that was a mechanism, and all it did was take me back to the 5th room.
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Edit: I mean, other than the portal that takes you into the room.
Campaign Name: The Tale of the 3 Suns NWS-DA9XX8WIV
Quest 1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
Quest 2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
Author: @pavvo
Est. Time per quest: 19min Solo. Can be duoed.
Note: Quest 2 presents you with choices that determine how the quest will play out. This gives the quest an amount of replayability depending on the choice you make
Campaign Name: The Legend of Khyber NWS-DK33EIYMY
Quest 1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
Quest 2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Author: @pavvo
Est Time per quest: 15 min solo. Can be duoed
Notes: These 2 quests are heavy combay with light story. If you like waves of enemies with a story to tie it all in, this is for you.
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
The info about my quest is in my signature.
"The harder the game, the better."
Just finished my first quest also. Would appreciate any feedback thanks
NW-DFOZ7YWL6 - Betrayed: Reclaim the Castle