Before I begin, I would like to apologize if this thread is in the wrong place. I thought The Moonstone Mask part of these forums would be the most appropriate place to post this since one of my questions is related to Forgotten Realms.
First, I would like to know a few things about the hurt eyes (the eye options that make your scleras red): what can happen to your eyes that causes such an effect? Does it cause any vision loss or other effects? Second, I would like to know how one sees when both eyes are blinded. Are there any spells within the Forgotten Realms that allow sight without functioning eyes?
The reason why I'm curious about these things is because my drow's right eye is "hurt" (I chose it 'cause I thought it looked cool combined with red eye colors), and I've seen characters from other video games that seem to have no trouble seeing with blind eyes (Theresa from the Fable series being an example). I would appreciate any information you can provide.
Thank you for reading, and good fortune to you in your current and future endeavors.
Im sorry, but if you have downloaded a Neverwinter online to get the Role-Play feel..i feel sorry for you.
1.Character creation
There is not a single thing related to your Deity, background or ANYTHING you pick up in character creation screen.Sure you can pray, but you will not get your bonuses acording to your god (tempus-strengh, selune-shadow...walk).
Lawfull, Chaotic, Good and Evil?None.Nope.
There are no choices, no actual conversation (Only when you play foundry and bless them for it) no meter of how evil you are, nothing.
80% of players just skipping any kind of text and go for 60th lvl right away.There are no character stories, no use of guild beside ,,hey whats up?,,, very limited character creation...But hey!You got gear score meter!!!
If you are disappointed by not showing your blind eye (Like in MGS3) you will be even more in a real game
baldurandalMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 53
edited May 2013
Even if the choices you make during character creation has no impact on gameplay, it doesn't stop you from using your imagination. Because my drow is true neutral, he worships Oghma because he is the only deity openly worshiped in the city of Neverwinter that does not descriminate his worshipers based on alignment. I like to use what is provided to make my characters, so I'm content with what is available (even though I would like my drow to be of an evil alignment and to worship an evil deity).
Sure you can, thats the only reason why my Northalder GF from Moonshie Isles is still in a game.But there are games that have this.In SWTOR you can choose your dialoge answer, and if it maybe didnt have any impact on a story as a whole, at least you got there a little meter showing you if you are evil, neutral or good.
Thing is.Players like you and me still waiting for this game to become real ONLINE D&D experience.That will not happen.Look, we got Nightmare mount with burning flames on him, but no Hellfire Warlock.Who rides these things now?A gnome rogue...
People dont get it why Spellcasters is looking ridiculous on a super armoured charger, and PWE dont care cause they got money coming...
There will be no deity based events, no favour questing, no Chosen ones.No lawful character trying to take down chaotic eil madmens...nothing.
eyepatchdudeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
A subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs when a small blood vessel breaks open and bleeds near the surface of the white of the eye (bulbar conjunctiva). It may happen without injury, and is often first noticed when you wake up and look in a mirror.
Sudden increases in pressure such as violent sneezing or coughing can cause a subconjunctival hemorrhage.
baldurandalMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 53
edited May 2013
Oh! Thank you for providing a relevant post, eyepatchdude. Can subconjunctival hemorrhages be perminant?
I think a permanent effekt would only occur if your char suffers from Coagulopathy, a condition in which the blood’s ability to clot is impaired.
But even then I'm not sure, the eye would stay red permanently, if it even could happen only to a local area or if it is a condition your whole boody suffers.
(Haemophilia sure would suck for an adventurer of any kind)
Hope you find a resonable origin for your injury
baldurandalMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 53
edited May 2013
Thank you for the reply, kelhim. That would indeed suck for any adventurer... Unfortunately, I still don't have enough information to create a realistic explanation for my drow's injury. But I am grateful for the information provided here, and they do give me leads. It's time for me to look into some medical websites for more information. *Chuckles*
Umm, on the subject of seeing when blind, 3.5e had true seeing which allowed you to see things as they really are so long as you had eyes (the description never specified the eyes couldn't be blind and may have even said that it allowed the blind to see). Dunno about 4e but I'll look that up for you when I get time.
Unfortunately, I still don't have enough information to create a realistic explanation for my drow's injury.
When in doubt, a wizard did it. Could be a magical injury of some kind, and thus not subject to normal healing. That's cheating a little, but perfectly plausible within D&D logic.
steppenkatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Im sorry, but if you have downloaded a Neverwinter online to get the Role-Play feel..i feel sorry for you.
1.Character creation
There is not a single thing related to your Deity, background or ANYTHING you pick up in character creation screen.Sure you can pray, but you will not get your bonuses acording to your god (tempus-strengh, selune-shadow...walk).
Lawfull, Chaotic, Good and Evil?None.Nope.
There are no choices, no actual conversation (Only when you play foundry and bless them for it) no meter of how evil you are, nothing.
80% of players just skipping any kind of text and go for 60th lvl right away.There are no character stories, no use of guild beside ,,hey whats up?,,, very limited character creation...But hey!You got gear score meter!!!
If you are disappointed by not showing your blind eye (Like in MGS3) you will be even more in a real game
Yeah, it's not like you can simply RP without a system needing to give you in-game bonuses... The +2 to Con bestowed by prayer will really help you RP a Tempuran better.
Characters: - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer) - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur) - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC) - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
When in doubt, a wizard did it. Could be a magical injury of some kind, and thus not subject to normal healing. That's cheating a little, but perfectly plausible within D&D logic.
Jep, blame it on the spellweavers. *chuckle*
I thought of that too, but the topic went already in the medical direction and I once needed those infos to answer a similar question to create a temporary eye injury for a charakter of mine.
Yeah, it's not like you can simply RP without a system needing to give you in-game bonuses... The +2 to Con bestowed by prayer will really help you RP a Tempuran better.
So you say that non-existing mechanic is better then some?I dont know if you are fanboy, hipster or just like minimalism...
baldurandalMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 53
So you say that non-existing mechanic is better then some?I dont know if you are fanboy, hipster or just like minimalism...
Some people like to use their imagination, zarkhes, and don't need things like in-game bonuses or the like to get what they want. It has nothing to do with fanboyism.
When in doubt, a wizard did it. Could be a magical injury of some kind, and thus not subject to normal healing. That's cheating a little, but perfectly plausible within D&D logic.
*Chuckles* That explanation might work for me if it wasn't so simple and if I knew how far magic can go in the Forgotten Realms. I use to rely on wizard blame to explain my "drow" character in Dragon Age Origins, but as I got deeper and deeper into roleplaying, I found inappropriately simple explanations distasteful. But, as far as I know, in the Forgotten Realms it's entirely possible. But I'm not sure why a wizard would want to make the sclera of a drow's right eye red, especially when it does not seem to have any negative impact on vision. Also... why just the right eye? *Chuckles*
Wow. I'm reading this, and I'm thinking "You go guys! You're obviously proper D&D fans who know how to have fun, even when your DM doesn't want to keep track of all of the stats and options, and thus doesn't bother." Which is, by the way, a really apt comparison when it comes to Neverwinter. It happens and seasoned players of D&D know how to roll with it and keep on having fun.
To the one guy who hates fun: If you don't like the game, stop playing it. Stop perusing its forums. Stop trying to convince other people to stop playing the game. And calling people "fanboys" and "hipsters", when said terms are actually more applicable to you thus far, is just childish.
kamaliiciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 0Arc User
A subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs when a small blood vessel breaks open and bleeds near the surface of the white of the eye (bulbar conjunctiva). It may happen without injury, and is often first noticed when you wake up and look in a mirror.
Sudden increases in pressure such as violent sneezing or coughing can cause a subconjunctival hemorrhage.
Who would have thunk someone named eyepatchdude would know all about eye problems!
kamaliiciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 0Arc User
1.Character creation
There is not a single thing related to your Deity, background or ANYTHING you pick up in character creation screen.Sure you can pray, but you will not get your bonuses acording to your god (tempus-strengh, selune-shadow...walk).
Lawfull, Chaotic, Good and Evil?None.Nope.
There are no choices, no actual conversation (Only when you play foundry and bless them for it) no meter of how evil you are, nothing.
80% of players just skipping any kind of text and go for 60th lvl right away.There are no character stories, no use of guild beside ,,hey whats up?,,, very limited character creation...But hey!You got gear score meter!!!
If you are disappointed by not showing your blind eye (Like in MGS3) you will be even more
Thing is.Players like you and me still waiting for this game to become real ONLINE D&D experience.That will not happen.Look, we got Nightmare mount with burning flames on him, but no Hellfire Warlock.Who rides these things now?A gnome rogue...
People dont get it why Spellcasters is looking ridiculous on a super armoured charger, and PWE dont care cause they got money coming...
There will be no deity based events, no favour questing, no Chosen ones.No lawful character trying to take down chaotic eil madmens...nothing.
Sudden increases in pressure such as violent sneezing or coughing can cause a subconjunctival hemorrhage.
But even then I'm not sure, the eye would stay red permanently, if it even could happen only to a local area or if it is a condition your whole boody suffers.
(Haemophilia sure would suck for an adventurer of any kind)
Hope you find a resonable origin for your injury
When in doubt, a wizard did it. Could be a magical injury of some kind, and thus not subject to normal healing. That's cheating a little, but perfectly plausible within D&D logic.
Yeah, it's not like you can simply RP without a system needing to give you in-game bonuses... The +2 to Con bestowed by prayer will really help you RP a Tempuran better.
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
Jep, blame it on the spellweavers. *chuckle*
I thought of that too, but the topic went already in the medical direction and I once needed those infos to answer a similar question to create a temporary eye injury for a charakter of mine.
So you say that non-existing mechanic is better then some?I dont know if you are fanboy, hipster or just like minimalism...
Some people like to use their imagination, zarkhes, and don't need things like in-game bonuses or the like to get what they want. It has nothing to do with fanboyism.
*Chuckles* That explanation might work for me if it wasn't so simple and if I knew how far magic can go in the Forgotten Realms. I use to rely on wizard blame to explain my "drow" character in Dragon Age Origins, but as I got deeper and deeper into roleplaying, I found inappropriately simple explanations distasteful. But, as far as I know, in the Forgotten Realms it's entirely possible. But I'm not sure why a wizard would want to make the sclera of a drow's right eye red, especially when it does not seem to have any negative impact on vision. Also... why just the right eye? *Chuckles*
To the one guy who hates fun: If you don't like the game, stop playing it. Stop perusing its forums. Stop trying to convince other people to stop playing the game. And calling people "fanboys" and "hipsters", when said terms are actually more applicable to you thus far, is just childish.
I thought the drow had a 10% magic resistance plus character level?