The purple ones that give 50% are not affecting times right. The blues seem a little off too. I understand that if you use more than one like 4 blues it does 25% then 25% of that then 25% of that and so on, but with just one purple it should be 50%. Well with an 8 hour crafting thing it should go to 4 hours right? Nope a purple only brings it down to 5 hours and 20 min.
So these need to be fixed please! Cause it's taking way longer to get the last two levels of crafting than it should.

Also with one blue I know for a 20 min craft only goes to 16 min instead of 15.
Also this is mailsmithing if that makes a difference.
8 hours / (100% + 50% bonus) = 8 hours / 1.5 = 5.33333 hours = 5 hours and 20 minutes.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
That makes all sense you need.
Same for 20 minutes task with blue (25%) asset. 20/1.25 = 16
Like I said I thought things had diminishing returns like after you apply the first guy the next one subtracts the percentage of that time then. This system you described makes no sense.
You're traveling 60 miles at 60 miles/hour, it takes you 1 hour.
You increase your speed 50%
You're now traveling 90 miles/hour - do you really think it's only gonna take 30 minutes?!?
How about some simple algebra...
X = 8 hours
1.5X = 8 hours
1.5X/1.5 = 8/1.5 hours
X = 5.33 hours
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Yes this makes sense. It's just at first glance you would think flat reduction. To me, I see that 50% and I immediately multiply the 8 by .5
But.... math....
Yep I understand what's going on now.