This is a minor issue, but it catches my eye from time to time. When thiefling character is standing, everything is normal. Problem occurs when thiefling character is either sitting, mounted or when it's prone. Tail starts going wild, running through the texture of the terrain or the character itself. Also, on many of the dialogues, I can see tail in the middle of the screen flapping around, which is odd, since you are in first person on the dialogue boxes.
Note that I don't mind tail going through the armor (Cloaks), it is hard thing to make it work properly.
I understand that you won't do anything about it most likely, since it's probably pain in the *** to fix it, but it was up to me to address the bug to the forums.
Yup, though minor this does indeed somewhat ruin the immersion. I think it should not be to hard to remove the models tail completely in cases where it acts oddly.Or give it temporary transparency.When a thiefling is on a horse or simply sitting down, we don't really need to see the tail anyway.