I am trying to make the NPC that's following me, enable a dialogue option when I interact with an object that will enable it. But whenever I try to choose "Enable when..." and "Disable when.." It doesn't allow me to choose which objective. This however does work without making her dialogue a quest. And I can't seem to get it to enable only after you've interacted with the object. It just allows me to talk to her from the very beginning of the story and it never disables.
My only work-around is to make that NPC disappear after I interact with the object, then have a duplicate NPC appear in her place with the dialogue option.. then they follow me and no one is the wiser. But that wastes an actor spot and is a lot more work then is needed.
Anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
NPC quest dialogue = objective 1
Set NPC to be visible imediately
Set NPC to vanish when "this component is complete"
Make copy of NPC
Set Appear when objective 1 is complete
Set behavior to follow
Set vanish when component reached, or objective complete (place a marker, or when you want another conversation kind of thing.)