I just want to say good job to the forum mods, this probably the best moderated game forum I've seen with exploit, trolling, ext ext posts being locked down or censored faster than I've ever seen before. It makes a better forum.
Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of volunteer moderators and I have bumped heads with a couple of them but I have to say they are really good at keeping the forums free of angst and mock outrage.
I just want to say good job to the forum mods, this probably the best moderated game forum I've seen with exploit, trolling, ext ext posts being locked down or censored faster than I've ever seen before. It makes a better forum.
Yeah, I think they have shown a good balance. Some forums are HAMSTER-like in moderation, but people can speak their mind here and get into lively debates without threads getting moved/shutdown indiscriminately. At the same time the mods do act when needed. Good stuff.
Yeah, we were talking about eating pizza in one thread when the server went down killing time and a mod came in and said bring some for everybody (really cool). We did that one time in the swtor forums about doughnuts and they closed it and *****ed because it wasn't about the game...lol
And a mod just came into one of my threads and answered a question of concern I had. They are great on here. The game is great to! When the Cleric aggro gets fixed, sorry I could not resist...lol
I'll agree....the mods are really good mods, compared to other ones found on other sites. Its really rare to see well moderated forums, even if it sometimes takes a bit of time for them to get warmed up.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited May 2013
. . . . . We try to be as lenient as possible. Unfortunately, there are a few things in which we are bound to take very seriously. Please feel free to post-report on any issues and the first available Mod to go through the Post Reports will handle it accordingly. Alternatively, you can PM us all at once by inputting the following line as the recipient in a PM:
. . . . . We try to regulate our duties, not all of us work post reports at the same time. For instance, I have been barely able to touch post reports today, instead I have just been moderating by browsing. Other mods will also take breaks like I do from that while another steps in, for the post report system can be and is often quite over-whelming. If a serious issue hasn't been dealt with in a timely fashion after a post report, please feel free to PM us also.
They're human, but they do a good job overall I think for something I wouldn't want to be paid to do ;D
my thoughts exactly.
"You have a wife and kids? If so, what would happen, if we called you in at 1am, everytime something went wrong!
Be respectful, remember, you PLAY the game at your convenience, they WORK at no ones."
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
actually from what ive seen its only 1 mod whos doing all the cleaning up, zebular or w/e
so go thank him
. . . . . That is very kind but it is a joint effort, even if only one of us is apparent. We're all connected through a chat service when we are actively moderating so we can not only discuss things with each other but also with our Community Managers and PWE/Cryptic themselves. I will admit to being probably the most vocal one though. I try to go out of my way to communicate things unless I am being accosted with hostilities.
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar right? People should know this."I try to go out of my way to communicate things unless I am being accosted with hostilities."
Yeah, I think they have shown a good balance. Some forums are HAMSTER-like in moderation, but people can speak their mind here and get into lively debates without threads getting moved/shutdown indiscriminately. At the same time the mods do act when needed. Good stuff.
And a mod just came into one of my threads and answered a question of concern I had. They are great on here. The game is great to! When the Cleric aggro gets fixed, sorry I could not resist...lol
ambisinisterr ; bubbabinsky ; aandrethegiant ; stoermc ; zebular
. . . . . We try to regulate our duties, not all of us work post reports at the same time. For instance, I have been barely able to touch post reports today, instead I have just been moderating by browsing. Other mods will also take breaks like I do from that while another steps in, for the post report system can be and is often quite over-whelming. If a serious issue hasn't been dealt with in a timely fashion after a post report, please feel free to PM us also.
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so go thank him
my thoughts exactly.
Be respectful, remember, you PLAY the game at your convenience, they WORK at no ones."
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Or you could temp ban them. Sending them to a corner pisses them off so much more than punching them in the face.