I have not received the mount or the pet in mail and have not found any other way to obtain them. Also have not gotten any of the other items it comes with. I am currently level 15 and I know I should have received them by now. I have sent in game tickets multiple times and have not received one response yet. I would like to get a response at some point and receive the pet and companion if possible.
If you mean that you bought companions from the NPC in game, then they appear in your inventory. You right click and click "bind" then they appear in your companion tab. Same goes for mount.
zplatinumzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited May 2013
If you bought founders Pack there is a Founder NPC you need to talk to to pick up your mount and other stuff.
mrbloodybartucMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 27Arc User
edited May 2013
I get that you need to pick the items up at the founders vendor, but it has been three days now and I haven't received my extra toon slot, astral diamonds, or anything else from the founders pack I purchased. I'm past the "Rags to Riches" quest, haven't gotten anything in the mail, and the founders vendor doesn't have anything there for me.
I'm waiting on customer support, but so far all I've gotten was an automated response for things that don't have anything to do with this. Any thoughts, guys?
I have not received the mount or the pet in mail and have not found any other way to obtain them. Also have not gotten any of the other items it comes with. I am currently level 15 and I know I should have received them by now. I have sent in game tickets multiple times and have not received one response yet. I would like to get a response at some point and receive the pet and companion if possible.
I am having to same problem and I'm a level 25!!! I have entered 2 codes that should of given me items but i haven't received any yet
I'm waiting on customer support, but so far all I've gotten was an automated response for things that don't have anything to do with this. Any thoughts, guys?