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Cash shop issues, and broken Auction house

l7arkspiritl7arkspirit Member Posts: 36
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Before you comment on this thread please read:
What I am about to type is just my opinion and the general opinion of my guild, this thread should therefor be considered as such, an opinion.

First off, the debate of this game being a P2W (Pay to win) game has been going on forever.
While I hate to admit that this game is P2W, I generally agree with most of the arguments backing that claim.
If you look at the core mechanics and just how the game is built, everything from gameplay to every system and decision made for the game, revolves around that general idea of pay to win.
If you disagree, that's fine.

Although everyone can get almost anything in this game just trough sheer willpower and hours spent in game, there are loopholes which make the game a lot easier if you just pony up some cash. There are also a few other issues (gameplay wise) that have annoyed me and others over the course of our gameplay sessions.

Updates are highlighted in Blue. If you have something you want to add, post a comment about it.

Also please check out this video by Krip, he also voices his opinion on the
state of the game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z-3cFiJMCY

    PvP and Balance issues

    [*]Mounts. Players have to spend 5 Gold to get a perma mount which has a base 50%
    movement speed. To upgrade this to 110%, one would have to spend ~3mil AD
    (Astral Diamonds). Now I'm not going to calculate how many hours you need to spend
    just grinding that amount, but most players won't see that amount of AD in
    under a week or two. The cash shop allows any player to pay 30-40$ to buy a mount,
    40$ for a mount is ridiculous. You can buy a new AAA game with that kind of cash, yet in
    this game all you get is an item. Mounts ruin the PvP experience, people are just
    running past fights straight to capture points, ignoring everyone on his/her team just to
    capture the point. I know it's domination, but this makes for boring gameplay and gets old
    fast. Also, not everyone can pay 40$ or 2mil AD for mounts and it's not fair for those players.
    [*]Zen into AD, AD into items. Want the best gear without having to do anything?
    Just spend money and get it before anybody else.
    [*]Zen into AD, AD into power leveling. Power leveling is easy in this game, spend AD
    to get to level 60 in just under a few hours. Granted I don't really mind people who do this,
    I don't see the point or the fun in rushing to 60 but a few people mentioned this was
    bothering them.
    [*]Rogues do damage, and people complain about that. Yet they forget that rogues are
    the only striker class that is currently available in this game. I personally do not see
    an issue with this class, since I think I can 1v1 them fairly easily. And dodging their
    encounter skills is a piece of cake. Some things I would like to see improved upon is
    the stealth system. Rogues can still get hit, targeted and CC'd while in stealth.
    Complain all you want, but this should not happen. It is rather odd that breaking away
    from CC is pretty much unheard of, most classes can spec for a tiny bit of CC immunity
    or stun breakers, but there's not much out there to choose from. I for one would like
    to see stealth break CC, it should have a cooldown on it's use and must be specced
    before (such as adding a passive skill, or adding points into a certain feat).
    The way stealth works now is basically stealth -> crit combo. And that is all you see,
    stealth should be used in a much more tactical matter, and have more of an inpact in
    your choices/strategy.
    [*]I've seen Clerics that crit for 50% of your HP, tank 4 people while being able to sustain
    everything. Now I'm pretty sure that's broken but then again, that's just my opinion.
    Clerics are always a difficult class to balance, but I usually do not like any type of
    healing class in a PvP game. Neverwinter is not PvP based, and I'm not saying it
    should. But this class can do everything, without any drawbacks.
    [*]Control Wizards are by far the most easiest class to play, I've played a lot of PvP
    with this class and I must say that I can generally kill anyone 1v1, 1v2 and in some
    cases I can even kill a few in some 1v3 situations. The amount of CC and kite
    potential this class has is insane. I love and hate this about CW. The funny part of this
    is, is that the actual duration of the CC is halved in PvP.
    [*]I'm not going to talk about GWF and GF, there's no point. The 3 classes above are
    the ones people complain the most about, and these 2 classes just need to be
    worked on a bit.
    [*]Keybind pick up/interact are bound the the same key, this is really game breaking in PvP.
    When you and your team want to quickly use a finisher on a downed opponent you are
    more likely to open up an option screen (send party/send tell etc screen) than actually
    killing your oponent. This is very furstrating and we should be allowed to keybind an
    interact with NPC/player on a sepperate key. It would be nice to have a dedicated key
    for killing downed opponents, talking/interacting with objects/NPC's/Players and for
    picking up items.
    [*]Last hit PvP, once you learn how PvP works you will realize that it works based off
    a "Last hit" mechanic. This basically means that you can be fighting 1v1 for 10 minutes,
    only to have 1 player walk in and auto attack once to finish the enemy off and that
    player will get the kill. I've seen this happen a lot, and many in my guild have
    been complaining about it.
    [*]Pots in PvP, this one really comes down to personal opinion/preference. But I think
    that pots in PvP should not be allowed. I'm not talking about the PvP Arena pot that
    spawns every now and then, but the ones you can buy with
    glory. I just think it's a cheap mechanic to have in a game of PvP.
    [*]AFK glory farm, if you kick me for being idle for 15 minutes in PvE, I expect it to be the same for
    PvP. Please kick people who are idle for more than 5 minutes, or allow us to vote kick players.

    PvE and general gameplay mechanics
    [*]Logging out instead of just going to a character selection screen. To me this
    should be standard for any MMO on the market. Most people like running multiple
    characters, having to log in and out every time you want to play another character
    is lame.
    [*]Character bound Bank, honestly? why am I not allowed to give my other characters
    some gear, more often than not you get gear for other classes and some you might
    want to keep for your other character. Not having a account wide bank is frustrating.
    [*]Color pallet/Gear/reuse of most assets. I've played many MMO's, and I'm the type
    who likes to gather all the shiny and cool looking gear and I generally try to make
    my character look unique. That being said, there is not much options to choose from.
    At lower levels if you do not pay attention you miss most of the tiny little details that
    actually change on your gear. It's frustrating that almost every piece of gear looks
    the same, looks/cosmetics should be a big part of any mmo imho.
    It's something I look forward to, and it's what keeps me playing the game.
    Armor/Weapons and the aesthetics of those items draw a lot of players in,
    and if you can draw them in with shiny stuff, hopefully they like the gameplay
    and stick to the game. I did not make it to end game yet and I have seen some
    cool stuff. But that does not change the fact that between level 1-50 I have
    yet to see any major differences in my gear.
    [*]Gold is useless, and we have so many different types of currency it's ridiculous.
    - Gold
    - Tarmalune Bars
    - Astral Diamonds
    - Rough Astral Diamonds
    - Zen
    - Ardent coins
    - Celestial coins
    - Glory
    - Seals/Tokens (4 different types)
    - Grym seals (Level 60 tokens)
    My point here is that it would have been nice to just keep it at a few different types of currencies.
    Do we really need Astral diamonds? why can't we just turn gold into Zen and buy items with gold?
    The only reason I would see is maybe this is a way to prevent gold bots? To be honest though,
    the amount of different currencies does not really bother me, I understand why we have the
    | different types.
    [*]2 Character slots, the longer I play MMO's (or games in general) the less it seems
    I get in return, character slots being one of those things. As the years go by,
    I've seen games take away basic stuff I used to get for free (Inventory bags, bank tabs,
    mounts, character slots, respec/retrain ability, and many more). Neverwinter sets a
    new standard for taking stuff away, it makes me feel as if I took all those
    "Standard" things for granted. I personally think that offering your players just 2
    character slots is cheap and that every mmo should offer at at least 4 character slots.
    But hey what do I know, I'm just a gamer who enjoys MMO's.
    [*]General server stability, latency. Yeah sure it's "beta" (I think it's more of a soft launch,
    and they are using the term beta just as a safety net, but w/e). No MMO is perfect,
    and almost every single one of the MMO's that I've played has had server issues at launch
    and during betas. I can't really blame Neverwinter for having server issues, but I just
    wanted to state that if you know things like this happen. Plan ahead, allow me to requeue
    or rejoin my instance. Joining a "story dungeon" and getting Disconnected twice in
    a row because of server issues is quite frustrating.
    [*]Mail issues, deleting 1 mail results in deleting multiple... nuff said, please fix.

    [*]Chat filter. There is no dedicated trade channel and therefor people spam the chat
    with "WTS 2 Lockboxes for 1 key" which ruins any sort of conversation people might
    want to have. Add a spam timer to messages, and add a new channel for trade chat.

    Auction House
    The auction house is broken, why is it broken?

    [*]Timer runs from 5 days to a negative number, people can bid even though the
    timer was supposed to end.
    [*]Filter system does not work, the added criteria gets overlooked and randomly adds
    items into the list without ever checking all the filter options. This causes major
    issues when trying to find gear for your level.
    [*]Seriously who needs an ebay for an MMO? I can't wait 5 days just to get an item
    I need at level 30, by then I'm 40 and won't need it anymore. (Granted you can
    purchase gear ahead of your level, but that's still ridiculous). a bid type of auction
    does not work imo, and should just have a set amount of cash to instantly buy the
    item, you can keep the 5 day post limit. Just please change the bidding system.
    [*]Every time I place a bid and someone outbids me, I get the cash back via the mail
    system (which is broken atm). Why, just why would you send me anything in the mail.
    Someone can outbid you for 10AD and you would have to run to the mail NPC just to
    pick that up so you can bid again. This process can repeat itself indefinitely, I see no
    logic in this and players should just get the cash back directly. Or like previously stated,
    just get rid of this lame system.

    [*]There is no dedicated button to open the auction house. To my knowledge we cannot
    keybind the auction house, and it is annoying having to go trough "recommended items"
    just so I can open the auction house tab.

    Party System
    [*]After finishing a dungeon, skirmish or PvP match you are kept in the party with others,
    this is more often than not a bother to all who are in that party. If I join a queue for
    a dungeon, I most likely just want to play the dungeon and move on. If I like any member
    of the group I will add them to my friends list after, thus forcing me to stay in a party
    is rather annoying (especially after a PvP match).
    [*]Transfer of leadership. Now I am not sure how this works, but so far I've queued up
    for a lot of Dungeons/Arenas/Skirmishes. I usually run with 2 to 3 people, and
    I am usually the party leader. What frustrates me is that even though we may
    have the majority of the players in a party, the game would decide that a random
    stranger should be the leader of our party. It should never be the case to take away
    my party rights just because I joined an instance. When leaving that instance if I was
    already in a party, it should auto-kick the new members and keep the previous player
    structure in tact.
    [*]AFK, DC and Leavers. Although it does not happen very often, there are times where
    people either decide to AFK glory farm or leave a dungeon/skirmish before it's done.
    This causes major issues when trying to finish the content you already started, playing
    a 3v5 PvP match aside. It is really frustrating to be in a dungeon with only 2 members
    because 3 others either DC'd or decided it was time to leave. As of yet I do not see
    any ingame solution to this, and I would like to see an option to "Allow players to
    queue to my instance". What I mean with this is basically if someone leaves your party
    you will be able to open up the party. This way when people queue up for a dungeon,
    they instantly join one that needs a player. You can prompt the player with
    "This instance is ongoing for X amount of time, would you like to join Y/N?"

    Why is any of this important?
    What my issue with most of this nonsense is, is that Cryptic/PW are focusing resources on making more and more cash shop items, such as that new mount we got just a few days after open beta. Instead of this, they could be implementing the new class, or even god forbid fix the issues with the Mail deleting and Auction house filter.
    Post edited by l7arkspirit on


    • radiator017radiator017 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      Wow dude that was awesome!! I hope the devs can see this!!
    • kynttilakynttila Member Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
      edited May 2013
      Really nice, props for putting time on it.
    • l7arkspiritl7arkspirit Member Posts: 36
      edited May 2013
      It's a wall of text, but that's basically my general opinion of the game (and that of a few others). Even if the devs see this, I doubt they will do anything because of it. Maybe if we can get some support going on this thread, we might be able to change their minds. But that is highly unlikely.

      That being said, I would like to hear the opinions of others on the state of the game.
    • maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      so you play a rogue and QQ you cant kill a cleric LOL

      that's all I had to read.

      Also you say not everyone can pay 40 dollars for a mount... why not?

      smokers cant stop smoking a pack or two and save up the cash for it?

      same with beer, or everything in real life such as cup of coffee in the morning from starbucks.

      I ****ing hate people like you, complain about a F2P which you are basically playing for free. Nobody is forcing you to stay brah, please purchase a triple A title with a monthly fee and let me know how it goes thanks!
    • ikagawaikagawa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 106
      edited May 2013

      Any and all arguments have been invalidated by your use of that term.
    • zanathos666zanathos666 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      please purchase a triple A title with a monthly fee and let me know how it goes thanks!

      Guild Wars 2
      no fee
      best AH ive seen so far in the past 10years of mmo and best "not forcing you to use" cash shop ;)
    • l7arkspiritl7arkspirit Member Posts: 36
      edited May 2013
      First of all, if you actually read my post you would have noticed that I play control wizard,
      Second of all, if you do not have any constructive criticism please just leave, we don't need jerks like you.
      Judging from your forum title, I can tell you are one of those P2W types, and that's ok if you like wasting 200$ on a mount.

      There are many games out there that have decent auction houses, and there are many
      F2P games that do not thrive on P2W mechanics such as Neverwinter.
      Sure I can play any other game (and I do), but I still enjoy playing this game and
      like I said, I just stated an opinion. This game can be a lot better than it currently is,
      but people like you do not promote change.
    • maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      Guild Wars 2
      no fee
      best AH ive seen so far in the past 10years of mmo and best "not forcing you to use" cash shop ;)

      Played that game, got to 80 in 3-4 days had full racial armor in 2 weeks plus commander title for WvWvW, too boring.
    • igglypigglyigglypiggly Member Posts: 42
      edited May 2013
      i just won a couple items on the auction house, but now the expiration time is rolling into the negative and im hovering around the postal courier an hour past when i was supposed to have won, just scratching my head. frustrating stuff.
    • maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      First of all, if you actually read my post you would have noticed that I play control wizard,
      Second of all, if you do not have any constructive criticism please just leave, we don't need jerks like you.
      Judging from your forum title, I can tell you are one of those P2W types, and that's ok if you like wasting 200$ on a mount.

      There are many games out there that have decent auction houses, and there are many
      F2P games that do not thrive on P2W mechanics such as Neverwinter.
      Sure I can play any other game (and I do), but I still enjoy playing this game and
      like I said, I just stated an opinion. This game can be a lot better than it currently is,
      but people like you do not promote change.

      You said it was your opinion you posted, same like me. You stated an opinion and I stated mine. If you want to force yourself to play this game don't expect the game to change around you.
    • zanathos666zanathos666 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      Played that game, got to 80 in 3-4 days had full racial armor in 2 weeks plus commander title for WvWvW, too boring.

      so rushing 80 and get enough gold is the reason you play games!?
      interesting, you not playing you consuming a game. there is a difference ;)
    • lickitysplicklickitysplick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      Played that game, got to 80 in 3-4 days had full racial armor in 2 weeks plus commander title for WvWvW, too boring.

      Cooool, story bro. Unless you have significant arguments to add to this discussion; be quiet.

      In other news my name is bawse. Dat post is bawse, u r all bawse for liking it.

      My job here is done!:cool:

      *Flies away!*
    • maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      so rushing 80 and get enough gold is the reason you play games!?
      interesting, you not playing you consuming a game. there is a difference ;)

      I played the game, didn't know there was specific ways of playing a video game... mind showing me how you play an MMO please?

      Last time I checked you played MMO like:

      - do bull**** questing till max level

      - play endgame for gear

      - play pvp for gear

      - raids
    • zanathos666zanathos666 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      I played the game, didn't know there was specific ways of playing a video game... mind showing me how you play an MMO please?

      Last time I checked you played MMO like:

      - do bull**** questing till max level

      - play endgame for gear

      - play pvp for gear

      - raids

      so sry for you that you have this point of view.
    • ikagawaikagawa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 106
      edited May 2013
      You said it was your opinion you posted, same like me. You stated an opinion and I stated mine. If you want to force yourself to play this game don't expect the game to change around you.

      No, you made a post of insults based on ignorance and willful illiteracy.
    • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
      edited May 2013
      Played that game, got to 80 in 3-4 days had full racial armor in 2 weeks plus commander title for WvWvW, too boring.
      NW is more like 60 in 3-5 days and full t2 epics in 30 minutes of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> around on the AH.
      Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
    • l7arkspiritl7arkspirit Member Posts: 36
      edited May 2013
      I added some new content :)
    • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
      edited May 2013
      Too broad in it's subject matter, but fantastically written and formatted. Really so many of these issues cannot be discussed from bulletin points as they require focus else we run into multiple cross topic discussions.

      Problem is you can't say "p2w" or anything even remotely similar, without running into some hard-line defense of the game, be it decent arguments (rare) very compelling (seen one argument that was this) or complete garbage ad hominem straw man (majority of the arguments) so the threads just get locked. Would much rather taking each aspect that is brought up in this or more likely a few grouped into their respective threads relevance wise, and discuss them like that. With the express permission of the mods, and with severe penalties to those that veer off the constructive line of discussion by instant and permanent suspension with a warning that posting there will lead to it, with instant and full force following through of that, this would instantly remove 90% of the trolling and promote those that sometimes veer off into bad lines or argument (including myself)

      I ****ing hate people like you, complain about a F2P which you are basically playing for free. Nobody is forcing you to stay brah, please purchase a triple A title with a monthly fee and let me know how it goes thanks!

      You can express your opinion without implying you HATE people like the OP. You can express your opinion without making sweeping generalization and assumptions. No one is forcing him to stay, and ironically THAT is part of the issue, no one is ENTICING him to stay with great value and care for him as a potential customer EITHER. Think about that one.
    • kadirrakadirra Member Posts: 28 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      One thing mentioned in OP's post was not being able to trade items to your other characters. You can. Via mail. You just have to type your @handle in the mail, and you can mail it to yourself for all your characters to pick and choose out of.

      The only glaring problem I have so far with the game is the Respec costing Zen (600 Zen/$6 US) and no other currency. Sure one can convert AD to Zen and get it, but it's very new-player-unfriendly to me, because learning as you go is just not possible unless you want to have to grind just to try new specs out and see how things FEEL to you as a player and test them in various scenarios. I believe that if they altered it to be AD or even Gold for respecs, it'd be more welcoming to their playerbase to try new things and explore new characters more because they'd feel they could really try things out even if they don't fully understand things starting out.

      EDIT: Typoese
    • sasquatch80sasquatch80 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      I completely agree with the GW2 comparison. If this game can work to do something like GW2 that would be great, but you have to pay to buy GW2 initially. Its free afterwards, but you still pay an initial fee. I think that most want a FTP game that is not P2W which is not good for the dev company. In my opinion, they should just make the game F2P, but give an option to pony-up $50-$60 to get a really good starter kit putting you ahead of FTP players. After that, the people that paid for this "starter kit" really don't have to do much to P2W. A good example would be a starter kit with all green profession assets, a starter 2mil AD, and possibly a few other things. I know that they pretty much do this with the $199 Founders Kit, but that is a rediculous amount to pay. I laugh a little inside when I see people on those spider mounts knowing they paid $199!
    • daowacedaowace Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      A partial TL;DR of this is: "Look at everything WoW did for the better in its lifespan. This game has none of it."

      It blows my mind as to how Cryptic could've ignored all the improvements MMOs have made since vanilla WoW.

      The game is CLEARLY NOT FINISHED, evident solely by the fact that it's DnD and there's only FOUR PRESET CLASSES to choose from (GF and GWF are the same archetype, but you can call it 5 classes if you want) out of what, 20+?. The foundry addition is just a "Oh yeah, about that lack of content.. here, make your own so we can release this game far earlier than we should."

      I saw a thread that claimed this was "WoW 2.0"; ie: WoW with action combat. Honestly? I agree with him; if you're looking at WoW pre-BC.

      I do want to comment on the P2W; yes, this is PWE, they are known for this. It is a sad fact that they've ruined yet another game with the insane involvement of real money in the game. Yes, we can convert AD to Zen and buy things that way; but most normal players won't manage to make more than a few dollars worth of Zen through this method by the time they eventually quit. People can argue all they want about "P2W", but when I see that I can buy faster mounts, gear with STATS, and all manner of items on the AH with another currency mostly obtained via real money (AD) in the early game, that just gets ludicrous. There's probably more, but I've barely explored the Zen store since I started playing so I wouldn't know.

      Oh, and the profession 'boosters'. Yeah, pay money to get exclusive profession tasks which give much greater rewards than any standard task at a IMMENSELY TINY FRACTION OF THE TIME REQUIRED. Seriously, 10 seconds vs 2-8 hours for FOUR TIMES the experience? Sure, you can call it an experience booster, but the form its in now is just disgusting.

      I want to say more, but I've not the time right now. There is so much to list that it's just disheartening to see the game released in this state.

      Edit: Kripp commented on P2W. He's quite wise on these subjects (delves into games with vast mechanical detail), so if even he is saying things like this, then you know something is wrong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z-3cFiJMCY
    • tehpwnmonster1tehpwnmonster1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      Gold is useless, and we have so many different types of currency it's ridiculous.
      - Gold
      - Tarmalune Bars
      - Astral Diamonds
      - Rough Astral Diamonds
      - Zen
      - Ardent coins
      - Celestial coins
      - Glory
      - Seals/Tokens (4 different types)

      You missed Grym coins (Not out yet, but you get 2 for hitting level 60) And Drake seals (Drops from Epic bosses).
      Other than that it's a pretty good list.
    • l7arkspiritl7arkspirit Member Posts: 36
      edited May 2013
      Gold is useless, and we have so many different types of currency it's ridiculous.
      You missed Grym coins (Not out yet, but you get 2 for hitting level 60) And Drake seals (Drops from Epic bosses).
      Other than that it's a pretty good list.

      I did not reach level 60 yet, so I did not know, so thanks :)
      And btw, aren't drake seals the same as the other seals that you get from dungeons?
      I basically added that type into one category.
      spyke2009 wrote: »
      Too broad in it's subject matter, but fantastically written and formatted. Really so many of these issues cannot be discussed from bulletin points as they require focus else we run into multiple cross topic discussions.

      I also agree with this, but I rather voice my concerns here than not at all. That being said, it might
      have been best to make separate threads for each category. Such as PvP, Auction house and game play
      specific threads. When I started typing this I did not foresee the amount of text I would add :p
    • askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      Wow dude that was awesome!! I hope the devs can see this!!

      Its not the devs that need to see it. Its the non-technical morons in the company making these decisions.... One of the best online games to date from a combat/graphics standpoint is on a quick path to fail status based on the way it was implemented.

      As much as I hate to acknowledge it, it's happening right now before our eyes.

      I hope I'm wrong but look at every other release, the day 1 problems, then see how that game was faring 3-6 months later.

      I can't even stand to login right now. I can't make money in the broken AH. I can't make enough gold to maintain the throughput of healing pots my control wizard has to go thru now that I'm running dungeons mostly. I can't respec to try other builds which is something that normally keeps me interested at max level. I don't enjoy the PVP in this game at all. Having PVP in my opinion was a huge mistake. The hardcore PVP players won't stick around for this game regardless of how much R&D they put into it. Wow/GW2 will always hold 95% of the hardcore PVP market. They should have focused on the RP/PVE demographics that would have made this game succeed and prosper.... and implemented their cash shop in a completely different manner. Hell I've spent $100 on gems for GW2 since this game came out and I still can't muster the desire to spend anything in this game.

      The only thing in the shop that even interests me is the respec, maybe 1 elite companion, and the prices just don't warrant it. Not even close. Even 75% cheaper and I'd still be a tough decision for me. Now if this was a full-fledged MMO, that wasn't so cumbersome to inspect other people, or /salute other people, or otherwise interact, and the prices were remotely close to reasonable - I'd maybe spend some money and stick around. As I see this game now, its really geared to a sub only model... especially since most content will be user-generated... or Cryptic ends up putting out more content than they anticipated. Either way, something has to change to keep me around as a paying customer.

      I simply don't feel like paying $20 for a $2 item. Welcome to capitalism PW.
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