You got muted by automated system? I didnt know NW had an auto mute system. Good to know. Thanks for being my knowledge pioneer.
And yeah, that does suck to get muted for little HAMSTER like that. I never liked auto systems, they usually ruin games more often than not.
Its not an auto-system. I mean it kind of is but it also isn't. All you have to do to get someone muted, is just right click their name and report as spam. Boom they get muted.
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited May 2013
If X number of people ignore you in a fairly short period of time you are autobanned for 24 hours.
Not letting this fall off first page. This is a huge issue.
Bumping a thread two minutes after the last post is kinda....spamming it. You have also posted about this issue in a few other places already. Makes me wonder if you might have been spamming, seeing this kind of activity.
This has long been a problem in STO and a problem in Champions as well... it's something Cryptic/PWE have received a TON of complaints about. The system is far too easily exploitable and too often used for griefing (in STO there are groups that exist just for that purpose... to hang around common areas and grief anyone they don't like by muting them).
*STO*Its mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
Bumping a thread two minutes after the last post is kinda....spamming it. You have also posted about this issue in a few other places already. Makes me wonder if you might have been spamming, seeing this kind of activity.
I have not posted this issue anywhere else, this is infact my first thread ever created within this game. Maybe even of all time throughout perfect world games. So you can kindly take your negative attitude and leave! Please dont let the door hit you on the way out.
As for the bump, I had not refreshed and didn't see the post.
I have not posted this issue anywhere else, this is infact my first thread ever created within this game. Maybe even of all time throughout perfect world games. So you can kindly take your negative attitude and leave! Please dont let the door hit you on the way out.
As for the bump, I had not refreshed and didn't see the post.
I saw you post about this in other threads within moments of you posting this thread. You may not have been linking to this thread, but posting about the same thing in multiple places is still spam. Should I go quote them?
And I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the refresh thing. Seeing the post before mine, 5 mins is a good enough amount of time to lose first page status.
Dude, check my posts. I have not posted about this anywhere.
You brought it up in the thread about things that have to be done or said to keep the players happy; that was where I first heard about this, & I asked you about it there.
In any event, I'm kinda blown away that such a "feature" even exists to begin with, so I agree with you.
Fare you well
Let your life proceed by its own designs
Nothing to tell
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine ...
The only thing I know is see....
CW LFG PvP party
CW LFG PvP party
CW LFG PvP party
CW LFG PvP party
or some such spam a silliness on my server, I hate to think what it would be like if we didn't have mute, and it seems to take more than ten people to get someone muted, I tested out a while back ago with an alt account had at least nine guys mute me spam and I could still chat.
It's a controversial thing but I don't think it needs to be removed just refined.
Stop spamming OP, we know you spammed it. Join a guild, join the LFG. Don't spam.
I didn't spam thats the whole point. Said it 1 time and boom muted. The system is stupid and has to go. They should not give players the power to globally mute anyone and everyone. I understand a mute from zone. But muteing them from guild chat / whispers is stupid.
You brought it up in the thread about things that have to be done or said to keep the players happy; that was where I first heard about this, & I asked you about it there.
In any event, I'm kinda blown away that such a "feature" even exists to begin with, so I agree with you.
I posted in that thread after I had created this thread. (check the times).
asakochanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
this happened to me as well 2 days ago, i wrote it in forums but nobody gave a shiet.
In half min my thread was in third page already lol
And people who sais the guy is spamming prolly need to keep their thoughts for themselves, this can happen to them as well (which i wish them so, if they act as as*s*h.oles!) and when this will happen will be the first to come and cry all over the forums like babyes!
I posted in that thread after I had created this thread. (check the times).
Yes, I went & checked that after posting My only reason for saying what I did was to explain why other people were saying you brought it up elsewhere, not to criticize you.
Fare you well
Let your life proceed by its own designs
Nothing to tell
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine ...
Yes, I went & checked that after posting My only reason for saying what I did was to explain why other people were saying you brought it up elsewhere, not to criticize you.
I see. Well the only reason I even posted in that thread is because the thread is titled "Things that need to be done to improve the game" or something along those lines. And the mute feature needs to go or be redone. So it was worth of the post.
You brought it up in the thread about things that have to be done or said to keep the players happy; that was where I first heard about this, & I asked you about it there.
In any event, I'm kinda blown away that such a "feature" even exists to begin with, so I agree with you.
Thanks for backing me up. I think I'm done here. I gave my support, pointed out the flaw in his process and got attacked for it and called a liar, which has now been proven wrong and admitted too. I dont think there is any reason for me to 'bump this thread.'
Its not an auto-system. I mean it kind of is but it also isn't. All you have to do to get someone muted, is just right click their name and report as spam. Boom they get muted.
If X number of people ignore you in a fairly short period of time you are autobanned for 24 hours.
Some misconceptions here. I'm pretty familiar with this system. One thing we don't know about it is how many demerits an ignore or report spam give, and how many are needed to initiate the chat can.
Numbers below this sentence are guesses.
So, whenever someone puts you on ignore, you gain, say, 1 demerit on your account. If someone does Report Spam on you, we'll say that gives you 2 demerits. These demerits only go away when you have been chat banned. That means that you can be ignored 3 months ago by 19 people, and then today you get ignored by one person, and (let's pretend the magic number of demerits is 20) you'll be chat banned.
Your best defense against being chat banned is to just not use Zone chat. I know, it's stupid. But it helps. It's not 100% foolproof. The only way to never get a chat ban is to never talk to anyone at all ever. Hell, even then you can be chat banned if enough people plain don't like you. :P
People can put you on ignore for any reason they want. Make a HAMSTER joke, be racist, say bad words, have a silly name, whatever. People will ignore you. Try not to do anything you think anyone may find annoying or offensive.
The Report Spam option was put in place to silence gold sellers. It's not meant for silencing normal players. Over on Champions Online, there's been no evidence of people being punished for abusing this feature. We don't know if it's the same with Neverwinter or STO.
Some fun facts: You can be chat banned while you're offline. You can be chat banned while you're chat banned. I'd like for anyone who supports this system to explain how that's fair.
Anyhow, now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
How history repeats itself
And yeah, that does suck to get muted for little HAMSTER like that. I never liked auto systems, they usually ruin games more often than not.
Its not an auto-system. I mean it kind of is but it also isn't. All you have to do to get someone muted, is just right click their name and report as spam. Boom they get muted.
Bumping a thread two minutes after the last post is kinda....spamming it. You have also posted about this issue in a few other places already. Makes me wonder if you might have been spamming, seeing this kind of activity.
I have not posted this issue anywhere else, this is infact my first thread ever created within this game. Maybe even of all time throughout perfect world games. So you can kindly take your negative attitude and leave! Please dont let the door hit you on the way out.
As for the bump, I had not refreshed and didn't see the post.
I saw you post about this in other threads within moments of you posting this thread. You may not have been linking to this thread, but posting about the same thing in multiple places is still spam. Should I go quote them?
And I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the refresh thing. Seeing the post before mine, 5 mins is a good enough amount of time to lose first page status.
This will be the last time I respond to you. Thank you for the free bumps.
You brought it up in the thread about things that have to be done or said to keep the players happy; that was where I first heard about this, & I asked you about it there.
In any event, I'm kinda blown away that such a "feature" even exists to begin with, so I agree with you.
Let your life proceed by its own designs
Nothing to tell
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine ...
CW LFG PvP party
CW LFG PvP party
CW LFG PvP party
CW LFG PvP party
or some such spam a silliness on my server, I hate to think what it would be like if we didn't have mute, and it seems to take more than ten people to get someone muted, I tested out a while back ago with an alt account had at least nine guys mute me spam and I could still chat.
It's a controversial thing but I don't think it needs to be removed just refined.
I didn't spam thats the whole point. Said it 1 time and boom muted. The system is stupid and has to go. They should not give players the power to globally mute anyone and everyone. I understand a mute from zone. But muteing them from guild chat / whispers is stupid.
I posted in that thread after I had created this thread. (check the times).
In half min my thread was in third page already lol
And people who sais the guy is spamming prolly need to keep their thoughts for themselves, this can happen to them as well (which i wish them so, if they act as as*s*h.oles!) and when this will happen will be the first to come and cry all over the forums like babyes!
Yes, I went & checked that after posting
Let your life proceed by its own designs
Nothing to tell
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine ...
I see. Well the only reason I even posted in that thread is because the thread is titled "Things that need to be done to improve the game" or something along those lines. And the mute feature needs to go or be redone. So it was worth of the post.
Contacted support but meh.
PvE Enthusiast.
At least I'm not alone in my mindset.
Thanks for backing me up. I think I'm done here. I gave my support, pointed out the flaw in his process and got attacked for it and called a liar, which has now been proven wrong and admitted too. I dont think there is any reason for me to 'bump this thread.'
Some misconceptions here. I'm pretty familiar with this system. One thing we don't know about it is how many demerits an ignore or report spam give, and how many are needed to initiate the chat can.
Numbers below this sentence are guesses.
So, whenever someone puts you on ignore, you gain, say, 1 demerit on your account. If someone does Report Spam on you, we'll say that gives you 2 demerits. These demerits only go away when you have been chat banned. That means that you can be ignored 3 months ago by 19 people, and then today you get ignored by one person, and (let's pretend the magic number of demerits is 20) you'll be chat banned.
Your best defense against being chat banned is to just not use Zone chat. I know, it's stupid. But it helps. It's not 100% foolproof. The only way to never get a chat ban is to never talk to anyone at all ever. Hell, even then you can be chat banned if enough people plain don't like you. :P
People can put you on ignore for any reason they want. Make a HAMSTER joke, be racist, say bad words, have a silly name, whatever. People will ignore you. Try not to do anything you think anyone may find annoying or offensive.
The Report Spam option was put in place to silence gold sellers. It's not meant for silencing normal players. Over on Champions Online, there's been no evidence of people being punished for abusing this feature. We don't know if it's the same with Neverwinter or STO.
Some fun facts: You can be chat banned while you're offline. You can be chat banned while you're chat banned. I'd like for anyone who supports this system to explain how that's fair.
Anyhow, now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
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