So I've come to the conclusion the same rank enhancements don't stack together.
I have 2 pieces with a 4% gold on each(one is boots, the other is shoulders), on a 3rd piece (helm) has a 3.5%.
The two 4% gold items will not stack with eachother no matter what, both equipped = 4%, one equipped = 4%.
But both of them stack with my 3.5% gold piece for 7.5%.
Am I missing something here? I was told same ranks do stack (which makes perfect sense) but they don't, at least in my situation they don't. Perhaps a bug? Or maybe I'm blind and over-looking something simple.
Any help would be appreciated!
Just one of those things they "forgot" to tell anyone.
Hell, even the powers (encs/feats/etc) are kinda silly with the fact that after putting in points to max them, the maxed out ability still reads the same as it did at rank 1, so you'd think that you actually didn't really upgrade them at all.
~Admiral Arleigh Burke~
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Aww.... I wanted a gold gain armor set :P