Hey guys, looking to pick the brains of higher level Rogues and see what Stats I'll need to be looking towards as I gear into the higher levels.
I am level 35 right now and I basically have not put a piece of gear on unless it has a main Power stat on it, and then I usually put a Power Enchantment on it as well.
It seems like most gear has defense on it, should I be gearing into more defense for these later levels? I am the definition of a glass cannon right now.
The content is mostly trivial until dungeons. I wouldn't worry much about min/max gear. Just do your daily PvPs and you'll have a good starter set for the epic dungeons.
I've been trying to itemize crit, but again, the content is super easy during at least 1-30.
On a related note, why does so much TR gear favor Defense and Deflect? Seems like every other shiny piece of blue gear I pick up has an ***-ton of defensive stats on it, which seems out of place on a rogue.
I'd go with Power all the while, that's how I play, because I love overall DPS damage rather than crits, of course, I have my reasons for doing that and going into that build.
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Proud to be a part of Graviora Manent
On a related note, why does so much TR gear favor Defense and Deflect? Seems like every other shiny piece of blue gear I pick up has an ***-ton of defensive stats on it, which seems out of place on a rogue.
I'd rather not be alone, because I value friendships more than anything else.
Proud to be a part of Graviora Manent