Renegade Burst Build [RBB]
This is going to be very short as I don't have any firsthand experience with CW yet. This is entirely the result of theorycrafting with CW friends and analyzing multiple other CW builds. By all means this is going to be similar to other Renegade builds, but I haven't found one that is exactly the same and the small differences are definitely improvements.
Small Tip: Always hold down your left click while doing encounters since when it's done casting your Magic Missile will glitch and behave as if it had been casting the entire time.
Race: Either Tiefling or Human. As Human put your extra feats in Prestidigitation and Toughness.
Abilities: As Human get your +2 in int and go full int/cha. As Tiefling get Int/Cha and do the same.
PvP Powers: Ray of Enfeeblement in your Tab, Chill Strike, Shield, and Entangling Force.
Dailies: Ice Knife and Singularity
Class Features: Storm Spell and Eye of the Storm
Powers - The calculator I used is missing one point, so make sure that you make Eye of the Storm 3/3 and not 2/3.
Part 1:
Part 2: