I made a payment through Skrill to get the Guardian package, my CC got charged and i got a message saying there was an error doing the transaction.
Status Definitions
Pending -
Your payment is being reviewed by either your payment processor or Perfect World. If 30 minutes elapse and your status does not update, Contact Us by using the link below.
Completed -
Your payment was successfully processed and a courtesy e-mail has been sent to the e-mail address registered with your payment processor.
Rejected -
There was a problem processing your payment. Contact Perfect World's Billing Department by clicking the link below
the thing is that they did take the money and that my bank confirmed that there is no payment return or whatsoever. So the payment DID get trought corectly...
Can i please get help, id like to have my Gardian package
I DID read the http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?31781-Founder-s-Pack-Report-Purchase-Issues-Here!
but still no answer on that thread + all ''fix'' dont work
I wanted to bump and by same occasion send more info...
so here i figured out that this button was greyed out with some thanks from PW
ho yea, here some more proof that i did pay for that thing lol
i received email from moneybooker
also from Perfect World (note that i removed transaction id number and the date for security purpose)
Thank you for making a payment to Perfect World Entertainment! Your transaction details are as follows:
Account Name: js3b
Payment Gateway: Moneybookers
Transaction ID:
Product: Guardian of Neverwinter Pack
Amount Paid: 59.99 USD
If you have questions regarding your payment, please contact Perfect World Entertainment's Billing Department by sending us an email through the Ticketing System, or by telephone at 1-888-344-4478 (phone hours are 10am to 7pm PDT)
Please include your account name and transaction ID in any correspondence with our Billing Department.
Best regards,
Perfect World Entertainment Billing Department
Would really appreciate some help having my account restored. If an admin or someone from billing could PM me I'd be more than happy to give you the name of the account in question.
Same problem here. No matter what I type in and submit, it says its already taken. Even typing in crazy names doesn't work. Really would like to know if this is a really bad bug in the system or I'm just doing something wrong that can hopefully be cleared up.
Seems like nobody should buy any packs if they have the same @handle name and forum name.
edit: can play f2p content not b2p content