Well... Thank god it wasn't only me, suppose it's back to playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the Wii U (Garbage console, only buy it for Monster Hunter).
This will kill another 1000+ Hours of time, while waiting for Neverwinter to go back up.
Also happening to me. I used to be crash free...but since the last set of changes I crash every 3rd or 4th time into town. When that happens I get stuck with Patching when trying to get back into game; play never shows up.
I have to keep hitting cancel until play pops up.....
Same here. Was in the middle of a dungeon run and the game crashed and now the launcher is white.
This will kill another 1000+ Hours of time, while waiting for Neverwinter to go back up.
Same here, tho I just got home from work, so there wasnt a crash or anything, can enter my password but there is nothing but white after that.
-Close out Neverwinter start up
-Open task manager and close all cryptic and neverwinter apps running
-Start up Neverwinter should work enjoy
When that happens I get stuck with Patching when trying to get back into game; play never shows up.
I have to keep hitting cancel until play pops up.....