Greeting Mindflayer, I am currently looking for a guild to play with. I am a level 60 GWF as mentioned above, I also have a friend that is a Guardian Fighter that would be interested in joining, my friend has comparable experience, if interested.
I am looking for the following in a guild:
1) Mature player base.
2) Small \ Close Knit group.
3) Extremely Active, I am down to run dungeons all day; I am looking to play with like minded individuals.
Below is a brief synopsis of my experience \ achievements. I offer this information only as a guideline of the type of group I am looking to play with, not as any sort of attempt to brag (so please don't flame); it is my experience many people on server forums claim to be "hardcore" or experienced, but that term seems to be relatively subjective.
- Ultima Online
- Everquest - Member of a top progression guild, played from beta through SoV with great success.
- FFXI - Did some raiding, mainly played casually and leveled with friends, all jobs 75, only played prior to expansions.
- World of Warcraft - Member of a number of decent guilds, top 50 progression in Vanilla - Sunwell, continued raiding through Dragonsoul on and off, always clearing 25M heroic content in realm first fashion, realm first leveling achievements, #1 WoL parses, etc.
- Rift - Realm first level 50. Re-rolled as a rogue, rogue was realm first to clear 5 man heroic (same server) content, stopped shortly after that.
I enjoy always playing at the highest level I am capable of and constantly trying to improve my play, while maintaining a good attitude and treating people with respect; I enjoy playing with others that do the same, though this is often elusive.
If you believe you have the sort of guild I am looking for and would be interested in speaking further about possible recruitment possibilities please feel free to shoot Kardos a whisper in game.
we are a small close group of friends and player based in the uk and have played many game as a team. If you would like to know more about us have a look at our site We are based in the UK and are active or speak to me in game name balvin or ferity are my chars i play most