As I have not seen in the forums this question asked yet, or if it has could someone at least put this and the list of questions I have answered in a sticky for us Beta Testers to know what exactly will happen.
1) Will all of our characters we create in the beta/open beta Go back to level 1 when it goes full release?
2) If so, what bonuses do those of us who have beta tested get in in-game items or gifts for crashing your servers numerous times?
3) When is your projected date of release actually? Seeing how the servers are performing which must be properly load balanced and I'm not seeing that effect occur properly. Do we see a set back with this open beta?
4) Are we going to have more shards opened with the heavier influx of people? If so, will we be able to move our Characters from Shard to Shard or even a whole guild as some other MMO's can.
5) How soon before we can actually see a Foundry that is stable to build in? I would like to develop in it for I have a few old AD&D stories to use, but I was hoping to try it tonight and found the server just left me at the login screne when going there. Bug? or Just I have to sign up somewhere to be a Foundry Maker?
6) What version of AD&D rules are you using, for the core dice rolling if any at all. 3, 3.5 or 4? Or just a generic system based of the WoTC d20 system? (Sorry the gamer in me truly coming through and technician)
Thanks and hope to hear from the dev's especially to the first question. As it is very important I think to this community.
1) There will be no more wipes, you're characters will remain intact.
2) N/A
3) I'm not a developer, so I do not know. Although, I'm fairly certain they haven't released an official date yet.
4) From what I understand from other players, they will actually be MERGING the three servers together in due time.
5) Not a clue, I haven't played with the Foundry yet either.
6) This is based on Fourth Edition. Hense the dailies, encounter, and At-Will abilities. EDIT: Also, I'm pretty sure there are no rolls going on in the background. I mean, we never miss so...
Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/