Please post your proof, especially in the bug and support forums. Also be sure to bug report it in the game. Help make sure it gets fixed instead of just complaining to players that can't do jack about it. Thanks.
nocturnalgMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Yep doesnt work.
Lemonade Stand
forsakenlich1Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Please post your proof, especially in the bug and support forums. Also be sure to bug report it in the game. Help make sure it gets fixed instead of just complaining to players that can't do jack about it. Thanks.
what proof do i need? anyone that takes it cant see for themselves. it says it grants immunity and you keep taking damage. its pretty straightforward.
im not using any of the in game functions i posted 3 tickets 4 days ago and none of them have been responded to yet
well if i use it it works- i tested it in the Arena Stage3 foundry - 500zombies in 2 small rooms , gooing in with daily and after 5s i got dmg so it works
epixcomixMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
what proof do i need? anyone that takes it cant see for themselves. it says it grants immunity and you keep taking damage. its pretty straightforward.
im not using any of the in game functions i posted 3 tickets 4 days ago and none of them have been responded to yet
Personally I would post the combat logs showing the activation of your abilities and the damage taken during the immune period. Again though, I'd be posting that in a forum for that purpose. You should also be listing what you were fighting and the type of damage you were taking. Anything relevant really.
Yes it's a class feature you can choose. Let's hope these people complaining about it not working actually understood that you have to slot it for it to work.
silknightMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 199
Yes it's a class feature you can choose. Let's hope these people complaining about it not working actually understood that you have to slot it for it to work.
It does work. People probably aren't slotting it, as ya stated.
forsakenlich1Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
yep. i didnt even know these could be slotted. the icons are so small i never even read them. i just assumed everything that wasnt an encounter daily or on will was a 'passive'
Please post your proof, especially in the bug and support forums. Also be sure to bug report it in the game. Help make sure it gets fixed instead of just complaining to players that can't do jack about it. Thanks.
Lemonade Stand
what proof do i need? anyone that takes it cant see for themselves. it says it grants immunity and you keep taking damage. its pretty straightforward.
im not using any of the in game functions i posted 3 tickets 4 days ago and none of them have been responded to yet
Personally I would post the combat logs showing the activation of your abilities and the damage taken during the immune period. Again though, I'd be posting that in a forum for that purpose. You should also be listing what you were fighting and the type of damage you were taking. Anything relevant really.
Yes it's a class feature you can choose. Let's hope these people complaining about it not working actually understood that you have to slot it for it to work.
It does work. People probably aren't slotting it, as ya stated.