So I've seen some improvements to the whole issue of clerics having wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much aggro in group content, and the sooth can now go up to 40% less threat, but it still seems very out of tune.
I'm only at level 40 currently, but I've done every single skirmish and dungeon up to this point. Each dungeon and skirmish, I'm always the one with the highest threat, all of the aggro, trying my best to spam my potions and kite 5-10+ elite mobs, while the tank spams their enforced threat skill and cleaving all of the mobs to try to get them off of me. Nothing seems to work.
I use my astral seal on the boss and some ads to get the passive healing rolling for everyone damaging the enemies, and boom, instant aggro, everything runs to me, even after the tank uses the enforced threat ability, their tab ability which marks and is supposed to build threat, and damaging most of them with cleave/other aoe's.
What I'm having to do now is just take full damaging skills, no healing at all just so that I can live and not have to buy 50+ injury kits to heal all my injuries. It isn't fun waiting 4 minutes at a campfire to remove injuries while your group waits for you, because they aren't the ones dying, us clerics are. And having to spend 10 silver to cure 1 wound, which isn't much, but nonetheless, it adds up at the lower levels.
What I also don't understand, are the rogues or wizards who are doing major damage to the mobs, 1k hits and constant damage even from their at-wills and encounters, aren't ever getting aggro over a flimsy healer who heals for like 100hp with sun burst. You mean to tell me that my 100hp heal generates more threat than a 3,000 damage crit or damage from the dps'ers? Something just isn't right.
Please take a look into this issue, as of right now I'm totally demoralized because I want to heal without being punished so heavily. I'm forced to basically play full DPS cleric so I don't die 10 times per dungeon. If I wanted to tank, I'd play a Guardian, not my cleric.
Can anyone else relate? Anyone level 60 doing the higher dungeons having the same issue or is it completely different? Like I said, I noticed some small difference in aggro from the beta weekends, but it is still out of whack.
TL;DR Cleric aggro 2 high with healing, anyone else having similar problems? Can any level 60 clerics comment please about their experiences with the level 60+ dungeons?
unexistantMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I've had quite a few issues keeping hate as a Guardian Fighter. Granted I haven't gotten very far in terms of group play (I've only done the first dungeon, and a couple skirmishes), but every time I party up it's usually me desperately chasing down the Clerics' new best friends. The amount of hate heals produce is absolutely insane.
jgfuMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited April 2013
Didn't they fix this? Before in beta it was if you used one heal skill Or thought about it(joking) they be on you like white on rice. I seen it clear up little but with even the Threat level down using all the points to do it, I also notice the treat is little crazy at times least with mobs. A lot of times it seems they are only look at us, lol It makes things interesting but still.
I normally run with one person so called baby sitting me always helping me if adds come my way. I do notice guardians are good at times they keep boss away but issue still lies with adds/elites. Maybe guardian needs more aggro pull to fix this?
So I've seen some improvements to the whole issue of clerics having wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much aggro in group content, and the sooth can now go up to 40% less threat, but it still seems very out of tune.
I'm only at level 40 currently, but I've done every single skirmish and dungeon up to this point. Each dungeon and skirmish, I'm always the one with the highest threat, all of the aggro, trying my best to spam my potions and kite 5-10+ elite mobs, while the tank spams their enforced threat skill and cleaving all of the mobs to try to get them off of me. Nothing seems to work.
I use my astral seal on the boss and some ads to get the passive healing rolling for everyone damaging the enemies, and boom, instant aggro, everything runs to me, even after the tank uses the enforced threat ability, their tab ability which marks and is supposed to build threat, and damaging most of them with cleave/other aoe's.
What I'm having to do now is just take full damaging skills, no healing at all just so that I can live and not have to buy 50+ injury kits to heal all my injuries. It isn't fun waiting 4 minutes at a campfire to remove injuries while your group waits for you, because they aren't the ones dying, us clerics are. And having to spend 10 silver to cure 1 wound, which isn't much, but nonetheless, it adds up at the lower levels.
What I also don't understand, are the rogues or wizards who are doing major damage to the mobs, 1k hits and constant damage even from their at-wills and encounters, aren't ever getting aggro over a flimsy healer who heals for like 100hp with sun burst. You mean to tell me that my 100hp heal generates more threat than a 3,000 damage crit or damage from the dps'ers? Something just isn't right.
Please take a look into this issue, as of right now I'm totally demoralized because I want to heal without being punished so heavily. I'm forced to basically play full DPS cleric so I don't die 10 times per dungeon. If I wanted to tank, I'd play a Guardian, not my cleric.
Can anyone else relate? Anyone level 60 doing the higher dungeons having the same issue or is it completely different? Like I said, I noticed some small difference in aggro from the beta weekends, but it is still out of whack.
TL;DR Cleric aggro 2 high with healing, anyone else having similar problems? Can any level 60 clerics comment please about their experiences with the level 60+ dungeons?
So sounds like a Tank issue to me.
dixa1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
it's not a tank issue if the dps doing more damage than you are not taking any damage.
run i just did level 26 dungeon whatever it's called. two cw's did 800k damage each. i did 200k healing. i took the most damage because EVERYTHING was on me constantly just from astral seal spam.
that's with 3 point soothe and 3 points in the threat reducing feat.
teflondon75Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Just thought I'd chime in even though I've not played NW at all yet :P 1 post down is a an interesting thread from a 60 cleric that ended up building for more defense etc and basically acting as an offtank/healer/puller/etc etc lol. Videos of epic instance included, it's a good watch.
Just thought I'd chime in even though I've not played NW at all yet :P 1 post down is a an interesting thread from a 60 cleric that ended up building for more defense etc and basically acting as an offtank/healer/puller/etc etc lol. Videos of epic instance included, it's a good watch.
He also states in his post further down the thread that ("Unfortunately with the way things are now there just doesn't seem to be any good way to keep the adds off the cleric"). So it basically goes along with this thread showing that he built his character this way a bit tankier because there are threat problems and he can't ever go without them being on him.
I can relate to your Cleric problems as a level 37 Cleric myself. Hopefully the devs will fix this at some point soon.
That's what I'm trying to have happen, but they need feedback, and this is the only way to do it. So please, leave your feedback and your experiences with this issue so we can get something going for the betterment of us clerics.
lanessar13Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 8Arc User
edited April 2013
Lower level with my DC, but I'd like to add that it's not a tank issue. I teamed up with an old friend who has played NW the last 3 beta weekends, and in WOW tanked as pally, DK and Warrior (as well as a number of other MMOs). We had server first on a number of bosses during TBC and WotLK. He knows his job as tank pretty darn well.
Last night (both having guardian's packs) we ran a level 16 Cloak tower. I ended up having to just do out of combat healing and hallowed ground in order to keep mobs off of me, despite his best attempts (and he was ready for the "cleric offtank" scenario). Seems like astral seal is pretty terrible for aggro still, as well as Sunburst. Strangely, HW doesn't pull aggor that badly (in my estimation). Note that I only had Soothe, no points in threat reduction.
However, my level 30 CW uses the cleric companion as a tank, because one cast and no matter what powers or crits I get from chill strike (no threat reduction with him, at all), she gets the mob love when soloing.
Once people understand that the cleric grabs add aggro, and that the tank just isn't designed for that, Damage classes will make adds the priority and it will be a non-issue. If this continues to be a problem for you then just run with a damage dealing friend or two.
shadidioMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 21Arc User
edited April 2013
I've been playing as a tank and the aggro is pretty crazy. There's no good way to grab add aggro on the long term. We do have an AOE taunt but it's a pretty small radius and only lasts a few seconds. It certainly makes the game more exciting for me to try and keep all the aggro but I pity the healers...
xantrisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
The game is organized different than what your used to. Most MMO trinities give tanks absolute or near total control, this one simply give classes abilities to mitigate chaos, which is why a class like the CW is important even though it may do less damage than a TR. it's really important for action games to be chaotic, that's part of their appeal.
Keeping the cleric alive is more about the rogues killing bigger adds, the wizard controlling stuff, and the GWF AoEing small adds... While the GUardian handles the most dangerous mob and pulls other aggro when possible.
This game is more of a team effort where everyone has a particular job, than a simple tank taking all the aggro and DPS mowing it down.
Once people realize that they'll stop making HAMSTER posts comparing their DPS to rogues and pretending their classes are worthless. This isn't that type of game.
I main a cleric, and the agro can get intense. The adds on the mad dragon fight loved me so much they immediately came to give me hugs upon spawning.
I could spec for agro reduction, but heals would take a decent hit.
Then again, our group was 1 GF, 2 GWF, 1 TR, and my cleric, so we had almost no CC.
frost168Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
LoL at ya'll still thinking the cleric is a healing class. POTS are the healing class. Why are clerics trying to heal ? u are a supplemental heal. People have not learned how to play this game yet. Clerics are not a healing class. Don't play it as one. Watch for when the boss's spawn waves of adds. Of course u are going to draw agro from any and all mobs that spawn and no one dmgs or agros them. YOU Will agro them when u heal.
Treat your class as a damage dealer first, and healer second. That's how they made the cleric. live with it. It's ok to let your tanks quaff hp pots, our role is no longer to keep them from doing so. And where are the other classes??? My CW friend stands by and does one thing, make sure all mobs attacking ME, the cleric, are controlled It's a strategy that works for us, and the friends I play with. Dungeons have the Boss, and waves of adds. All 5 of u do not need to be on the boss
Think outside the box with this cleric, cause it's no longer the tab and heal cleric of most MMO's. So don't play it as such.
If you drop a chains on an add pack then blast with a channeled Sunburst you are going to get aggro. Sunburst is kind of a ***** because you are generating damage AND heal threat with one ability to essentially everything. I don't do this when my health is low.
Also, when you've got some annoying elite (or three) on you, it is probably better to drag them to a rogue than to a tank. The rogue is going to finish them off way faster.
LoL at ya'll still thinking the cleric is a healing class. POTS are the healing class. Why are clerics trying to heal ? u are a supplemental heal. People have not learned how to play this game yet. Clerics are not a healing class. Don't play it as one. Watch for when the boss's spawn waves of adds. Of course u are going to draw agro from any and all mobs that spawn and no one dmgs or agros them. YOU Will agro them when u heal.
Treat your class as a damage dealer first, and healer second. That's how they made the cleric. live with it.
We'll even if true, people should be able to give feedback if they don't agree with it.
enge1zMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited April 2013
On my cleric my strategy has just been to stand in the melee pile. By doing this I can affect myself with the Forgemaster heal and makes aoe healing easier. Also, this way any adds on me can be quickly targeted and focused by the people in melee.
This works well for me. In my entire time levelling up to 32 I have maybe used 5 pots, I personally don't have any issue, but I mostly run with guild groups who are more organized than the average pug.
archanjo17041985Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I play a guardian fighter also,full aggro boost and purpose . and i also pity the clerics. there is just no way to keep aggro from them.
Makes me not feel even a tank although i always take way more damage overall then rest of group, still tank but not feel like tanking.
i7 3770k @ 4.0//HD 7950 WF3//16 GB ram Corsair @ 1600//Corsair 120 GB SSD x 2//Hyper Evo 212
difinitusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Usually when I am grouped for a instance or dungeon, I allow the tank to generate threat before I start laying down all of my AoE and healing abilities. Boss fights can be difficult when minions spawn, but that's a responsibility of the DPS and tank to take it off of me. I really think you need to educate your party on large fights, since that almost solved my issue with boss fights and gaining aggro.
it's not a tank issue if the dps doing more damage than you are not taking any damage.
run i just did level 26 dungeon whatever it's called. two cw's did 800k damage each. i did 200k healing. i took the most damage because EVERYTHING was on me constantly just from astral seal spam.
that's with 3 point soothe and 3 points in the threat reducing feat.
I will tell you why it is a direct tank issue.
Because a Guardian Fighters threat building abilities are not building enough threat, secondly, how is the tanks spec? Anyone bother to ask? Anyone bother to look if GW's have threat building feats + powers?
How do we know this? Because Man-at-Arms can hold agro fine, yet PC characters can't? Hmmm, this boils down to two possible sceanrios:
Player needs to learn how to tank
Threat boost required for GW's
I might start a GW out over the weekend and test it out myself.
Usually when I am grouped for a instance or dungeon, I allow the tank to generate threat before I start laying down all of my AoE and healing abilities. Boss fights can be difficult when minions spawn, but that's a responsibility of the DPS and tank to take it off of me. I really think you need to educate your party on large fights, since that almost solved my issue with boss fights and gaining aggro.
^This in a nut shell.
Too many hypoactive kids playing today who have ADD running in foaming at the mouth screaming sparta before the tank even gets to the mob then crying a river cause they cant hold agro blaming mechanics.
OK I play GF and I have all the threat boosting stuff feated. I was just in a skirmish with someone who had the man-at-arms.
Something is wrong with this scenario, the stupid NPC was keeping agro from me and no matter what (even when using my taunt every cooldown + everything else), it was impossible to peel the boss off of him until other adds spawned and he switched targets to tank those.
This is insane, I remember this being an issue before and supposedly it was fixed, but the thing is, it is not.
And for the record, I play a tank in every game; I know how to use my abilities - I read the descriptions, I know what to do.
Cryptic is there going to be any adjustment to this? I understand not being able to aoe tank everything, but holy HAMSTER, at least let us tank one mob without bashing our head in frustration.
Your main threat comes from marking targets which increases the threat done to the target and reduces damage/increases damage taken on the marked targets. Marked targets have a big red "X" over their head. Sounds good right?
You can increase Mark by passively generating threat on Marked targets as well as generating an additional 100% threat to the target while it's marked as well. Sounds better right?
Well here's the infuriating part. Mark goes away the minute the target hits you on a non shielded attack. This means soon as your Guard breaks you lose your Mark and like 80% of your threat generating capability. You do have an AOE taunt that's on a fairly low cool down of around 15 seconds and it lasts around 3-5 seconds (Taunted targets have a big red "!" over their head). In later dungeons as bosses and piles of mobs build up (such as in basic Cragmire) that all hit pretty hard taunting the mobs basically instantly breaks your Guard. You can choose to take the hits (since they are forced to attack you) but then they are no longer marked and you won't generate any additional threat. You can Guard yourself but then your Guard meter will instantly break and you will lose mark and Guard is pretty difficult to generate (you only generate around 10% back with your basic Shield At-Will attack meaning you'd need 10 attacks to get back up). There are almost no abilities to generate Guard back reliably or in large amounts.
Tanking becomes a huge game of micro managing when to take hits, when to push offense, when to taunt and when to ignore and not try to tank things that would waste your Guard meter. While personally I find it interesting and challenging, the system is pretty crappy over all and it means that you are going to run into a lot of REALLY bad tanks who can't hold threat at all. It's pretty sad because even the NPCs (Rock Golem and the Tanker Companion) have much easier threat systems and can pull threat off me super easy while I have to be on the top of my game just to keep a boss on me. If a Cleric or some other class goes all out crazy healing and crazy DPS it's pretty much impossible to hold threat outside of the taunt periods.
Level 60 cleric checking in. Instead of fighting the mechanics, I have embraced it, and focus on defense, recovery, and crit. Deflection is not as important because it gives you the same percentage increase to deflect as defense. The problem is 1% of defense is 1% less damage taken. 1% of deflection gives you a 1% chance to mitigate a hit by 50% (or overall, .5% less damage taken). Therefore, for a cleric, defense > deflection.
I wanted to point something out for agro. Even with all of the agro reducing feats and the passive ability, I was still consistantly getting agro is most fights. The problem is that there are no quality single-target heals. Everything is AE. The game is calculating overhealing in the agro calculation. When I cast an AE heal for 2000 health, but only one person out of five needed that health, instead of 2000 health factoring into my agro, I get 10000.
The solution is to 1) reduce agro for heals crossed the board, probably around 4 times; or 2) add high quality single target heal options.
Hadekin Unavailable Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators,
The Boss of the Applesauce, Dwarven Cleric Extraordinaire...
Athkatla Arranaur, eat your heart out you gelatinous giant rat!
Your main threat comes from marking targets which increases the threat done to the target and reduces damage/increases damage taken on the marked targets. Marked targets have a big red "X" over their head. Sounds good right?
You can increase Mark by passively generating threat on Marked targets as well as generating an additional 100% threat to the target while it's marked as well. Sounds better right?
Well here's the infuriating part. Mark goes away the minute the target hits you on a non shielded attack. This means soon as your Guard breaks you lose your Mark and like 80% of your threat generating capability. You do have an AOE taunt that's on a fairly low cool down of around 15 seconds and it lasts around 3-5 seconds (Taunted targets have a big red "!" over their head). In later dungeons as bosses and piles of mobs build up (such as in basic Cragmire) that all hit pretty hard taunting the mobs basically instantly breaks your Guard. You can choose to take the hits (since they are forced to attack you) but then they are no longer marked and you won't generate any additional threat. You can Guard yourself but then your Guard meter will instantly break and you will lose mark and Guard is pretty difficult to generate (you only generate around 10% back with your basic Shield At-Will attack meaning you'd need 10 attacks to get back up). There are almost no abilities to generate Guard back reliably or in large amounts.
Tanking becomes a huge game of micro managing when to take hits, when to push offense, when to taunt and when to ignore and not try to tank things that would waste your Guard meter. While personally I find it interesting and challenging, the system is pretty crappy over all and it means that you are going to run into a lot of REALLY bad tanks who can't hold threat at all. It's pretty sad because even the NPCs (Rock Golem and the Tanker Companion) have much easier threat systems and can pull threat off me super easy while I have to be on the top of my game just to keep a boss on me. If a Cleric or some other class goes all out crazy healing and crazy DPS it's pretty much impossible to hold threat outside of the taunt periods.
Sounds interesting if you ask me.
I find it great that they are breaking away from the tank'n'spank aspect and putting more emphasis on player accountability and decision making.
Maybe it is just me who is sick and tired of people who want to be spoon fed, but I am more interested in this class more then ever after reading this post.
I think ill just re-roll to CW, I didnt expect the threat issues to be this severe, I realise that Clerics in this game are more of a hybrid, but this whole situation where the Cleric turns into the off-tank is a step too far for me.
I think ill just re-roll to CW, I didnt expect the threat issues to be this severe, I realise that Clerics in this game are more of a hybrid, but this whole situation where the Cleric turns into the off-tank is a step too far for me.
I normally run with one person so called baby sitting me always helping me if adds come my way. I do notice guardians are good at times they keep boss away but issue still lies with adds/elites. Maybe guardian needs more aggro pull to fix this?
So sounds like a Tank issue to me.
it's not a tank issue if the dps doing more damage than you are not taking any damage.
run i just did level 26 dungeon whatever it's called. two cw's did 800k damage each. i did 200k healing. i took the most damage because EVERYTHING was on me constantly just from astral seal spam.
that's with 3 point soothe and 3 points in the threat reducing feat.
Thread here
He also states in his post further down the thread that ("Unfortunately with the way things are now there just doesn't seem to be any good way to keep the adds off the cleric"). So it basically goes along with this thread showing that he built his character this way a bit tankier because there are threat problems and he can't ever go without them being on him.
That's what I'm trying to have happen, but they need feedback, and this is the only way to do it. So please, leave your feedback and your experiences with this issue so we can get something going for the betterment of us clerics.
Last night (both having guardian's packs) we ran a level 16 Cloak tower. I ended up having to just do out of combat healing and hallowed ground in order to keep mobs off of me, despite his best attempts (and he was ready for the "cleric offtank" scenario). Seems like astral seal is pretty terrible for aggro still, as well as Sunburst. Strangely, HW doesn't pull aggor that badly (in my estimation). Note that I only had Soothe, no points in threat reduction.
However, my level 30 CW uses the cleric companion as a tank, because one cast and no matter what powers or crits I get from chill strike (no threat reduction with him, at all), she gets the mob love when soloing.
Once people understand that the cleric grabs add aggro, and that the tank just isn't designed for that, Damage classes will make adds the priority and it will be a non-issue. If this continues to be a problem for you then just run with a damage dealing friend or two.
Keeping the cleric alive is more about the rogues killing bigger adds, the wizard controlling stuff, and the GWF AoEing small adds... While the GUardian handles the most dangerous mob and pulls other aggro when possible.
This game is more of a team effort where everyone has a particular job, than a simple tank taking all the aggro and DPS mowing it down.
Once people realize that they'll stop making HAMSTER posts comparing their DPS to rogues and pretending their classes are worthless. This isn't that type of game.
I could spec for agro reduction, but heals would take a decent hit.
Then again, our group was 1 GF, 2 GWF, 1 TR, and my cleric, so we had almost no CC.
Treat your class as a damage dealer first, and healer second. That's how they made the cleric. live with it. It's ok to let your tanks quaff hp pots, our role is no longer to keep them from doing so. And where are the other classes??? My CW friend stands by and does one thing, make sure all mobs attacking ME, the cleric, are controlled
Think outside the box with this cleric, cause it's no longer the tab and heal cleric of most MMO's. So don't play it as such.
Also, when you've got some annoying elite (or three) on you, it is probably better to drag them to a rogue than to a tank. The rogue is going to finish them off way faster.
I don't know, that sounds exactly like a game issue to me.
We'll even if true, people should be able to give feedback if they don't agree with it.
This works well for me. In my entire time levelling up to 32 I have maybe used 5 pots, I personally don't have any issue, but I mostly run with guild groups who are more organized than the average pug.
Makes me not feel even a tank although i always take way more damage overall then rest of group, still tank but not feel like tanking.
I will tell you why it is a direct tank issue.
Because a Guardian Fighters threat building abilities are not building enough threat, secondly, how is the tanks spec? Anyone bother to ask? Anyone bother to look if GW's have threat building feats + powers?
How do we know this? Because Man-at-Arms can hold agro fine, yet PC characters can't? Hmmm, this boils down to two possible sceanrios:
I might start a GW out over the weekend and test it out myself.
^This in a nut shell.
Too many hypoactive kids playing today who have ADD running in foaming at the mouth screaming sparta before the tank even gets to the mob then crying a river cause they cant hold agro blaming mechanics.
Something is wrong with this scenario, the stupid NPC was keeping agro from me and no matter what (even when using my taunt every cooldown + everything else), it was impossible to peel the boss off of him until other adds spawned and he switched targets to tank those.
This is insane, I remember this being an issue before and supposedly it was fixed, but the thing is, it is not.
And for the record, I play a tank in every game; I know how to use my abilities - I read the descriptions, I know what to do.
Cryptic is there going to be any adjustment to this? I understand not being able to aoe tank everything, but holy HAMSTER, at least let us tank one mob without bashing our head in frustration.
Your main threat comes from marking targets which increases the threat done to the target and reduces damage/increases damage taken on the marked targets. Marked targets have a big red "X" over their head. Sounds good right?
You can increase Mark by passively generating threat on Marked targets as well as generating an additional 100% threat to the target while it's marked as well. Sounds better right?
Well here's the infuriating part. Mark goes away the minute the target hits you on a non shielded attack. This means soon as your Guard breaks you lose your Mark and like 80% of your threat generating capability. You do have an AOE taunt that's on a fairly low cool down of around 15 seconds and it lasts around 3-5 seconds (Taunted targets have a big red "!" over their head). In later dungeons as bosses and piles of mobs build up (such as in basic Cragmire) that all hit pretty hard taunting the mobs basically instantly breaks your Guard. You can choose to take the hits (since they are forced to attack you) but then they are no longer marked and you won't generate any additional threat. You can Guard yourself but then your Guard meter will instantly break and you will lose mark and Guard is pretty difficult to generate (you only generate around 10% back with your basic Shield At-Will attack meaning you'd need 10 attacks to get back up). There are almost no abilities to generate Guard back reliably or in large amounts.
Tanking becomes a huge game of micro managing when to take hits, when to push offense, when to taunt and when to ignore and not try to tank things that would waste your Guard meter. While personally I find it interesting and challenging, the system is pretty crappy over all and it means that you are going to run into a lot of REALLY bad tanks who can't hold threat at all. It's pretty sad because even the NPCs (Rock Golem and the Tanker Companion) have much easier threat systems and can pull threat off me super easy while I have to be on the top of my game just to keep a boss on me. If a Cleric or some other class goes all out crazy healing and crazy DPS it's pretty much impossible to hold threat outside of the taunt periods.
I wanted to point something out for agro. Even with all of the agro reducing feats and the passive ability, I was still consistantly getting agro is most fights. The problem is that there are no quality single-target heals. Everything is AE. The game is calculating overhealing in the agro calculation. When I cast an AE heal for 2000 health, but only one person out of five needed that health, instead of 2000 health factoring into my agro, I get 10000.
The solution is to 1) reduce agro for heals crossed the board, probably around 4 times; or 2) add high quality single target heal options.
Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators,
The Boss of the Applesauce, Dwarven Cleric Extraordinaire...
Athkatla Arranaur, eat your heart out you gelatinous giant rat!
Sounds interesting if you ask me.
I find it great that they are breaking away from the tank'n'spank aspect and putting more emphasis on player accountability and decision making.
Maybe it is just me who is sick and tired of people who want to be spoon fed, but I am more interested in this class more then ever after reading this post.
Did you read the above post?