So I have been enjoying Neverwinter a lot, but to make me feel like this is a true D&D game I want to have some role play interaction with people. Either a group or even just one person. I play a Dwarf great weapon fighter, (I know, not the best class atm as its extremely weak but my character uses 2 handed weapons) or I can make a different race/class to fit into your already established RP. I'm only lvl 15 right now as I don't play a whole lot due to working three 12 hour night shifts that can vary each week at a local community hospital where I live, which is in southern California (**** nurses schedules!
I am looking for someone who either has a similar schedule or can play afternoons (when I wake up and don't have to go to work that evening) or evenings as well. Just looking to start a online friendship and play the game while having some good fun Role Play stories. If you think you would like to please private message me or post here. Interested to see if I get responses or get flamed but I just thought I'd try.
I'm also interested to see if any RP guilds who have a solid member base wouldn't mind having someone who leveled slow and wasn't always on when everyone else is cus of my crappy sleep/work schedule.
Thank you for taking the time to read over this, and sorry if its in the wrong place or annoyed you. Have a great day or night!
I have very weird hours and I'm almost always going to be playing from mid-afternoon until 3am (maybe later).
If you're interested in hitting me up to group with...just give me a shout!
My playtimes will vary, mornings, afternoons. Anytime I can, I'll be playing.
I wouldn't say I am a strong RPer, but I'd give it a shot.