What is the big deal about the honey badger? Is it just because of that stupid video? I know the honey badger doesn't care, but I was wondering if there was anymore to it I was missing. And if that's it, I would just rather have a Chuck Norris pet.
edit: Add these too:
Chuck Norris striker companion: 6500 zen
Cowboy Hat accessory: 2500 zen
Some lesser pets:
Sneezing Panda knockback companion: 4500 zen
Advice Dog, quest helper companion: 3500 zen
Overly Attached Girlfriend CW companion: 10 zen
Chocolate Rain AOE striker companion: 1500 zen
Some emotes:
Planking emote: 5500 zen
Harlem Shake (group emote): 3500 zen
Star Wars kid flex emote: 1500 zen
yeah I know they were OP during the beta. I dont see the big deal about them, they strike hard but are rather weak hit point wise. One shot things in lower levels but dont know about higher levels. I will stick with my panther.
Honey Badger is the best striker companion in the game, and he don't give a **** you be hatin'!
in the wild.
forgive my confusion but are you trying to say C.N. is a ginger?
Chuck Norris striker companion: 6500 zen
Cowboy Hat accessory: 2500 zen
Some lesser pets:
Sneezing Panda knockback companion: 4500 zen
Advice Dog, quest helper companion: 3500 zen
Overly Attached Girlfriend CW companion: 10 zen
Chocolate Rain AOE striker companion: 1500 zen
Some emotes:
Planking emote: 5500 zen
Harlem Shake (group emote): 3500 zen
Star Wars kid flex emote: 1500 zen
He is indeed, although I believe the more apt term is "Strawberry Blonde" as its varies between some weird rusty brown colour and red:
He's no Honey Badger though!
I saw that a while back and laughed. I've been watching every Neverwinter youtube video I can.