Hail and well met fellow adventurers,
Are you looking for a community of gamers, a place you can call home first, and a gaming guild second. Then take a few minutes and check us out.
We are
MOG Nation, which grew out of the SWToR Guild, Old Republic Dads. We are a community of gamers from all walks of life and all levels of dedication, to the hardcore number crunching min/maxer all the way to the casual one day a week if my kids let me gamer. And most of us fit right in the middle, casual-core if you will.
We bring to the table a wealth of experience in Multiple Online Games, and share that experience with the community. From casual gameplay to professional level podcasting.
Our current gaming groups:
SWTOR, GW2, LOTRO and many more.
Rules, yeah we have some, you can read more about them
VOIP, we use mumble. Not required for membership, individual guilds and/or raid leaders may require for raids etc, but a lot of us hang out there even when we are not playing games.
I am in the process of building the Neverwinter group within our community, so post any questions or comments here, and I'll happily address them.
We will be rolling on shard
Mindflayer at open beta.
Thanks again for considering us, and if you're interested, contact me or roll with us on Shard MF
Community PagePublic PageRecruitment Page
On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy.
I also want to thank everyone who PM'd me either here or on enjin.com. Look forward to further conversations and hope you find your home, either with us or one of the many great guilds here.
Seriously though, I've had a great time with this guild through SWTOR, GW2, and even a bit of MineCraft... looking forward to the NeverWinter chapter launching. If you're on the fence about joining a guild, these are great guys to play with so come check out the sites.
Mog Nation - Public Site
To see more of what we do and how we do it, visit us at our public/podcast/articles page.
If your looking for a mature guild to have that kind of fun and more with, drop in and check us out.
- Is your recruitment form bugged on your site?
- Are you EU/US other or all? (we are UK based)
- Thats it really! Oh and erm, whats the air speed velocity of an African swallow?
1. Form, dunno. I'll PM one of the other admins to check it out. What did you encounter as an issue?
2. We are primarily an all US TZ guild, but we have some members from Europe to New Zealand.
3. I would guess, not being an ornithologist, as fast as it needs to be.
LiveStreaming (almost) Daily!
Not that I am aware of. MOG Nation grew out of Old Republic Dads, our SWToR chapter.
Read more about us here
Put up for community vote, will know soon™
Also, a warm welcome to absta!
Now that I'm back from vacation, I'll be on a bit more again.
Per community vote, Mindflayer
Solace is going with Dragon (I swear I had no say in the matter
We have people from all the different gaming types around. Explorers, pve, pvp, hardcore, casual, you name it.
So feel free to check it out and say hi.
Neverwinter chapter - http://mog-nw.enjin.com/home
Main community site - http://mognation.enjin.com/forum
Sounds good.
Want to say welcome to all the new members again. See you all in game tomorrow!!!
Come roll on Mindflayer with us and have a blast!
Come and join us on mindflayer!
Finally all of us non-Guardians can finally join in the fun:)
If you are curious about us and how we play, send me a PM either here or on enjin.com (thaliff there as well), or roll on Mindflayer.
Either way, enjoy the game!
Any questions, chat up here or an officer in game.