Ok, maybe not next week.
Im lazy. Why? because I could have read the guild thread, but its not sorted in to guild types so it put me off.

I'm on the lookout for a guild. I've been in a few beta weekends and of course this one coming. I'll not go in to my long drawn out game history or level of experience but just to say this is what I am looking for :
- Casual guild
- Guild that understands what having a wife / kids / dog / work / means to a gamer
- Guild that might class itself as RP-Casual
- Guild that doesnt mind if you dont log in for a month
- Guild that knows you want to play your game your way
- Guild that expects its members to show common decency and courtesy to each other (and non-guild members as you represent that guild afterall)
- Guild that doesnt mind someone with a bizarre sense of humour in guild chat!
- Guild that likes Dwarfs
- With beards
- The Dwarf, not me
- Guild that promotes helping in each other with grouping / crafting / dog walking, but promotes not forces.
- you get the idea.
Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
Need coffee?
At OP.
Stop in and check us out.
Recruitment thread in sig.
The Site link is in my Signature, were a Casual RP guild, we have some Non Rp'ers and some like me who enjoy a good Role play.
But yes feel free to come along and have a ponder over the site!
General good guy and healer type
Join our Neverwinter Discussions: http://www.menzoberranzan.net
Now Recruiting - All races and classes! Menzoberranzan Guild Recruitment
Knight of Sinister Swarm
Join The Sinister Swarm | Visit Our Website | About Us!
Haven's Point- Not just another guild! We are a community, a town...a family!
lol...I know this upsets the OP, but it is quite true. Then again, he did say "Casual" so a guild that would care that he is lazy isn't where he wants to be.
To the OP: Good luck in your search. This game is full of Casual guilds and Take-all guilds. I'm sure there is definitely a guild out there for you. Either way, I hope you find what you looking for and Welcome to Neverwinter!
Anyway, still looking. In my quest to try an offer some light hearted amusement I forgot to mention that I'm EU based. Not that I'd not consider a guild outside of the EU, but of course a mixed one is useful for similar game times etc.
Casual, light RP, friendly, helpful or my main attributes in a guild as it reflects myself.
Mithral Hall is recruiting
Replied to it