Money is not an issue but what is an issue is my trust in Cryptic and PWI. Never played any of their games for any length of time but have read contless horror stories about them and seriously it is the only thing holding me back from purchasing a HotN pack. The only reason I would want it is for the Armored Spider Mount, the Renegade Drow at release, and the extra character slots/Astral Diamonds. So I have a nice list of Pro's but not many Con's other then word of mouth.
Anyone want to try and convince me to pull the plug and buy it? Reasons for doing so is a prerequisite for trying to sway me.
Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/
I hear those same complaints from other users and feel the exact same trepidation you have. I usually give little creedance to users who have simply been hurt by companies or feel backstabbed. It's really hard to please everybody and in the long haul you will eventually make some enemies but even I accept that these complaints are more widespread than I have seen in many games before.
But I have worked with these guys for a just about six months now and they really are a bunch of stand up people. Everybody I have spoken to within Cryptic are huge fans of D&D as a whole and quite a few are in active PnP games. One time I ran across The Squez and we had a fifteen minute discussion about my opinion of the game and the character I was playing.
Everything they are doing is out of an honest desire to bring a quality D&D game to the masses. There are absolutely some visions I think could be improved upon and certainly a few things I don't agree with but from my personal interaction with the developers they aren't in this for the money. Well they are but they have an honest love for the D&D and Neverwinter.
I can't tell you what to do with your money. In all honesty $200 is a lot. There is some little voice going around in the back of my head saying 'eek!'
But I spent the money because although there is negative information about past dealings with PWE and Cryptic I know the people who are making the game and I know that while all the decisions might not make people happy...might even HAMSTER them off...they have a true love for the game they make. And that to me means the world.
Spider Mounts will be available to people that have not bought the HotN pack, but not the armored version. Everyone will get plain drow 2 months after launch, but players with the HotN pack can only get renegade drow at launch. There is a good chance that other big cat companions will be available to others, but not the Panther version.
P.S. I don't have to convince you to get Founders pack. you'll decide to get it when i cruise past you on my ARMORED SPIDER!!!! (not trying to troll but i might have and apologize for it.)
Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/
As a Guardian you have to sit on the wall for hours and hours, listen to all the whiney people, throw out the trash, keep your uniform clean etc.
When you're a Hero everyone loves you and you get free coffee.
yea the first time I see that mount I know I will kick myself in hte pants for not buying it.
Character is what a man is in the dark
...I double dog dare you to purchase it.
Arrows and Blades do not have names on them.
They are addressed, "To whom it may concern.."
Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
about cryptic, star trek online is flourishing and it just had its 3 year anniversary. if things were as bad as the vocal few who spew horror stories really say they are, the game wouldnt still be hopping after their 7th expansion...
As you can see I could only afford the Guardian (which most of its perks I actually prefer to HotN, I don't like the spider and the panther :P ). But a friend of mine bought both and trust me, he doesn't regret it!
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
Well said
But heros are lonely, they never find true love or settle down somewhere. Always restless looking for the next obstacle to overcome and put their life at risk to save others.
It is worth for $200.
Cheers from Turkiye...
If you got both packs, you get 2.6 million diamonds worth about $104 (more or less depending on the market). Can be worth up to $500.
You get two mounts per character for each and every character you ever make worth $80.
You get two companions for each and every character you ever make worth $360 for 6 characters (you get 6 character slots). Worth about $60 for each additional character slot you get.
And all the other goodies from both packs like the character slots and the VIP head of the line privilege for logins.
I triple dog dare you!
I have to agree with others, if you enjoy the game and the goodies seem worth it to you, then there is your answer. The value of the founder packs lies in the purchaser.
True heroes never call themselves as such, they prefer obscure, fancy titles to give themselves a mysterious appearance!
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
Sure its really simply virtual goods you're buying here but it's also SUPPORTING the livelihood of the people working on this game for you to play on... (pray the money we spend here, at least a decent part of it goes into rewarding the developers/artists!)
Silverblade (60 TR), Silver (60 DC), SilverShield (60 GF), SilverStorm (60 CW), Ultimate (60 GWF)
You guys are suppose to be convincing the OP to buy a hero pack.
If money was truly not an issue, then the trust issue would be a moot point. In my opinion the biggest question should be: how much do you enjoy the game? The $200 dollars is the same price as most lifetime packs, or around the same price of a pay-to-play game and 9 months of subscription. Do you enjoy the game that much? Do you see yourself still playing this a year from now? With you already having the guardian pack, that leads me to believe that you enjoy the game enough to pay the equivalent of a console game.
I held out on the hero pack until after I could use my pc gamer key to try it out. I felt I would still be playing this in a year. For me it was an enjoyment issue. After all, games should be fun.
But in the end, it's your decision.
Character Design: Angevere
First off, I think free to play sucks donkey and buy to play is 1000% superior. You need players to invest SOMETHING in a game so they don't act like complete idiots (acting like partial idiots is better). It also guarantees some money for developers and usually leads to a less vicious cash shop. Cash shops that tie in too heavily to games suck because you're always getting nagged at, nickel, and dimed, and designers/devs have to constantly look for ways to hook the cash shop into the game.
The idea here IS free to play. Throwing down $60 or $200 is obviously NOT free to play. If the idea is to get away from subs where you pay $180 and get almost nothing out of it except the right to logon, then I don't see how paying $200 in advance for a game you haven't even played or know much about is all that bright of an idea. Even if you played 1 weekend of beta you surely do not know enough about a game to decide if it's going to provide 1+ year worth of entertainment to justify over a year's worth of sub money.
It's increasingly common for MMORPGs to fail to hold player interest for even a 1 year these days. MMORPGs keep trying to be everything for everyone - lots of solo, PvP, some group stuff - they try to do too much - and in the end, all those soloists do the single player campaign part of the MMO and move on to the next game, PvPers don't care about the game to begin with, and the people who wanna stick around for ages don't have enough to do (the grouping PvErs). HOPEFULLY with foundry, if it works well, this game will have a ton of content. It could break the mold. But we won't know that til the game has been around a while. Worth a $200 risk? I can afford $200 too, for sure, but I'm not fond of flushing money down a toilet and I'm not into gambling.
I'm also not a fan of pay to win. Part of the lure of MMORPGs (for me at least) is EARNING cool stuff while playing the game. These paks feature all kinds of goodies you can't get anywhere else - ie, you can't earn them. You are buying your cool stuff. That goes against the basic concept of earning your cool stuff to me, and is basically pay to win, and that is pretty much totally lame - but it's a common feature of F2P (that you don't usually see in B2P, which is one reason why B2P is vastly superior). They are going to so far s to say you get an exclusive playable race if you throw down, which to me is the lamest thing of all about F2P - gateways to content or features unless you pay (and yet another reason why B2P is superior because this doesn't happen as brutally in B2P).
I understand games aren't really free - it's a point I'm fond of making in regards to losers who play these games with zero intention of spending a dime, and it's one of the reasons why F2P sucks - because there WILL be lots of 10 year old mentality brats and griefers playing next to an unlimited stream of gold spamming bots because there is zero investment required for players. I have no problems throwing money at a game I like. But I prefer to do it because it seems like a good idea in a game I'm playing, not because I'm getting pressured into paying an exhorbitant fee in advance for a bunch of stuff I may or may not want or like for a game I haven't even played.
The company needs to make money, but I would still contest that paying for stuff you want and not spoiling the game for yourself through buying a bunch of phat lewt ahead of time is the better approach.
I also contest that buy to play is better for companies and players and that free to play is the lamest business model available - even lamer that subs. Nobody wants to feel nickel and dimed when they buy into a game. And people who aren't scrubs don't want to buy their rewards - or see other players buying their way thru games with pay to win.
If you're willing to spend $200 in advance for a supposedly free game you forfeit your ability to ever criticize a sub-based payment plan since you're paying more than a year's worth of sub fees without even logging in (to a live server).
that is the monkey in the room right there. Will I be playing 9 months down the road? Hard to say, I said 6 months ago that GW2 was the best game ever invented and I envisioned myself playing for years to come. Guess what, 3 months ago I pretty much quit the game so it ended up only lasting 3 months.
At the end of the day its going to be a toss up.
Character is what a man is in the dark
I had really had my faith renewed in Cryptic/PWE recently when a little birdie leaked information about the STO announcement which hit today. That same little birdie caused me to buy the Guardian Pack and I kept watching the developer posts, feedback and concerns.
I noticed a great trend, the developers are actually addressing the "real" problems and tackling them beta after beta. While ignoring the always vocal minority of whiners that don't really have a point aside from complaining. I've seen this approach in the past and its always worked out in favor of the true player base.
So I've been poking around in STO for awhile again in between Neverwinter beta events and am hopeful that we get a great release here along with a solid expansion for STO. Proof is in the pudding of course, but for 2 F2P games, it's hard to really go wrong.
I guess they will bring back the HotN pack later with out AD and title and some other bits but the same price IE pet, renegade drow, mount and the junk items for $200, that what happen in STO with the lifer pack.
BTW Renegade Drow will have different racials to the Drow.
I have played PWE games before. I expect a very similar pattern to what they have done before also. In which the very begining will be glorious and wonderful. Dev's that care, support that care, so on and so forth. Really working to make a great product. Then I can't say how long it will take, or exactly when it will start but dev's will start to be pulled and support will start to be pulled to start on other projects till all you have left is a skeleton crew. Of course you could call this the normal progression of a game after a while it isn't profitiable and well it is heading to the graveyard. If that is what you want to believe by all means please do, I am a bit too jaded there.
As to buying a pack, or heck anything. I will make my own decision based on entertainment value. Sadly almost any MMO anymore get's boring very fast. It bothers me to sit for long periods of time also, so I am probably not the best person to influence you. Instead I will say if you enjoy the game then do what you enjoy. Life is to short to be upset and grumpy. Have fun!
Free coffee? I'm in.
Wait a minute... Did I just pay $200 for coffee?