Ok so im really interested in the Foundry aspect of the game, i do alot Reffing for LARP so write alot of a Adventures for this, and thought it would be cool to transfer them into the game. So i got a couple of questions
1) any idea if you can script things like a force shield type of wall appear while an NPC relates some narrative, or say another NPC escapes via a magic portal.
2) Will we ever be allowed to design raid type encounters? i ask this because i like the idea of culminating an epic questline in maybe a huge battle, or battle with a giant or a wizard of dangerous power, or even a Dragon. Would seem kinda anti climatic if the final encounter vs huge dragon / giant / beholder etc was killed by a couple of people and not an army of players.
3) Im assuming we can design outdoor type adventures and not just limited to interior caves / dungeons / temples / houses etc?
Thanks all
Post edited by stalkzuk on
ashrox10Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
Ok so im really interested in the Foundry aspect of the game, i do alot Reffing for LARP so write alot of a Adventures for this, and thought it would be cool to transfer them into the game. So i got a couple of questions
1) any idea if you can script things like a force shield type of wall appear while an NPC relates some narrative, or say another NPC escapes via a magic portal.
2) Will we ever be allowed to design raid type encounters? i ask this because i like the idea of culminating an epic questline in maybe a huge battle, or battle with a giant or a wizard of dangerous power, or even a Dragon. Would seem kinda anti climatic if the final encounter vs huge dragon / giant / beholder etc was killed by a couple of people and not an army of players.
3) Im assuming we can design outdoor type adventures and not just limited to interior caves / dungeons / temples / houses etc?
Thanks all
At the moment there are no plans to allow players to custom script npc's as it could lead to broken instances (answers both 1&2).
I'm sure I've seen a grassy terrain adventure within the Foundry somewhere on YouTube, so I assume so.
Vuxadin@Kaelangx on Mindflayer.
PvE Enthusiast.
stalkzukMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 14Arc User
edited February 2013
Bit of a shame if you cant script stuff, otherwise its pretty much just a dungeon run of encounters with the odd npc lobbed in to add flavour and relay some narrative.
I would like an opportunity to stop a party while the NPC delivers some text and then allow them to butcher him, rather than the party just running in and whacking him mid flow lol.
Im guessing though you can probably use things like iron gates and stuff that unlock after a period of time or something and have the npc behind it giving out his narrative
ashrox10Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
Im guessing though you can probably use things like iron gates and stuff that unlock after a period of time or something and have the npc behind it giving out his narrative
I'm not even sure you can do that. I haven't seen any Foundry mission with time scripts etc. At current it's purely drag drop mobs in a zone with some pre-lore and objective.
Vuxadin@Kaelangx on Mindflayer.
PvE Enthusiast.
stalkzukMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 14Arc User
edited February 2013
Sounds a bit HAMSTER then was hoping for so much more, still atleast its something to start with, theres ways to still delivering interesting stories and stuff with even these basic options i guess
ashrox10Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
Sounds a bit HAMSTER then was hoping for so much more, still atleast its something to start with, theres ways to still delivering interesting stories and stuff with even these basic options i guess
I haven't had direct access to the Foundry so I can't really say much but I'm almost sure you can create quest lines and things which would be nice, kinda like your own little quest hub. On top of that this is still beta and launch which means development on the Foundry is sure to advance
PS: I'd LOVE to be able to create raids for players too. ^^
Ok so im really interested in the Foundry aspect of the game, i do alot Reffing for LARP so write alot of a Adventures for this, and thought it would be cool to transfer them into the game. So i got a couple of questions
1) any idea if you can script things like a force shield type of wall appear while an NPC relates some narrative, or say another NPC escapes via a magic portal.
Something like this is definitely possible depending on how fine tuned you need it to be. You could pretty easily do it with location base objectives that trigger when the PCs hit a certain point on the map. The PCs reach that point and then they are blocked by a wall that suddenly appears(based on the objective trigger.) Interacting with the wall would then relate NPC text. Not sure if you can trigger NPC text just by meeting an objective such that it would appear that the wall comes down as the NPC starts talking, but I think it should be possible.
2) Will we ever be allowed to design raid type encounters? i ask this because i like the idea of culminating an epic questline in maybe a huge battle, or battle with a giant or a wizard of dangerous power, or even a Dragon. Would seem kinda anti climatic if the final encounter vs huge dragon / giant / beholder etc was killed by a couple of people and not an army of players.
Not currently. 5 man dungeon UGC is fairly high on the to-do list from what I've seen. But raid style UGC has not even been hinted at. Additionally, any dungeon UGC creation ability that came out would assuredly be quest level, and that's most likely the only way you're probably ever going to get dungeon or raid specific encounters, by making a quest with only the only encounter being that dungeon/raid encounter.
That being said, you can mobs elite, so they are stronger than normal mobs of that type, but the current only way to make content harder is to swarm mobs and use more difficult mob types, in some cases making the content impossible or at least very difficult to solo.
stalkzukMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 14Arc User
edited February 2013
Sweet thanks for the updates guys. Couple more Q's
1) Loot, how does it work in Foundry? do we get to specify a mobs loot table? can we design specific items within set parameters etc? say for instance i want an Oriental type Ogre Magi to drop an Ivory Spear with the name "Dawnrise" could i place a spear on his loot table, edit its appearance, give it the name "Dawnrise" and maybe pick a special magical property for it?
2) Can we save templates for NPCs, like if i design an npc with a specific colour set on his armour, can i save that and apply it to similar npcs ? The reason i ask is, if i decided to design a member of a cult, i would like all other members to appear similar, so their clothing would look the same and i could then details their features so they didnt all just look like clones?
Thanks again
ashrox10Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
Sweet thanks for the updates guys. Couple more Q's
1) Loot, how does it work in Foundry? do we get to specify a mobs loot table? can we design specific items within set parameters etc? say for instance i want an Oriental type Ogre Magi to drop an Ivory Spear with the name "Dawnrise" could i place a spear on his loot table, edit its appearance, give it the name "Dawnrise" and maybe pick a special magical property for it?
2) Can we save templates for NPCs, like if i design an npc with a specific colour set on his armour, can i save that and apply it to similar npcs ? The reason i ask is, if i decided to design a member of a cult, i would like all other members to appear similar, so their clothing would look the same and i could then details their features so they didnt all just look like clones?
Thanks again
1) Loot is randomly generated by the system and is defined by monster difficulty. It's randomized and you cannot add loot (yet). I think they're working on that post-launch.
2) I assume you can, there is high customization for npc's and therefore I assume it will be possible to save an NPC set.
Vuxadin@Kaelangx on Mindflayer.
PvE Enthusiast.
stalkzukMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 14Arc User
edited February 2013
Would be nice if they let you specify a mobs loot table, but within set parameters, like "ok this dungeon is designed for lvl12 - lvl15 characters therefore you cannot have more than +1 weapons with 1 ability appended to it, max lvl2 magic spell, cleric spell" type of thing.
So you could be all like "sweet +1 Sword called Blooddrinker that casts Vampiric Leech lvl2 mage spell that steals 10 life" type of thing, i like the idea of history and lore behind items, Hand of Vecna, book of Vile darkness etc, i like the idea of implementing an item and giving it a bit of history, this can be delivered through the adventure also i feel.
Say for my previous example, Ogre Magi with his spear Dawnrise, could be an npc in the final part of a series of dungeons leading up to this one, during the course of dungeons he could be mentioned and his spear, even bits of his and its history, like a jigsaw puzzle, so when you get to loot the item, you feel its more than just +1 spear, its actually got its own story.
The issue with allowing players to designate the loot table is you will have people who create content with insane amount of items dropping from easy to kill mobs. I would love to be able to add custom items but there is too much room for abuse.
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
stalkzukMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 14Arc User
edited February 2013
Thats why i said use parameters, if your trying to put Vorpal swords of wounding on a lvl1 kobold then yes i agree, if your trying to put it on a lvl100 dracoliche then sure thats cool.
all they need to do is set the parameters like i said, allow you to pick set items from loot tables according to the difficulty of the encounter and then let you tailor them to within those set parameters.
Dungeon = lvl20, items can be upto max +2 with 2 added attributes, of which one can be a spell or effect upto lvl4 etc type of thing, that way they control the level of items being awarded and the designer gets some flexibility to theme to his creations without breaking their system rules
You do not understand though, the foundry does not allow the use of levels, the mobs scale to the player that enters the foundry mission. (currently)
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
stalkzukMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 14Arc User
edited February 2013
Ok that i was unaware of, surely they cant leave it that way? i would prefer to say "this dungeon is aimed at lvl10 - lvl15" and tailor it accordingly, having it auto balance to the level of people playing it lazy imo. While it is clever and probably solves some issues its still lazy, i would prefer to be able to set the level myself
Ok that i was unaware of, surely they cant leave it that way? i would prefer to say "this dungeon is aimed at lvl10 - lvl15" and tailor it accordingly, having it auto balance to the level of people playing it lazy imo. While it is clever and probably solves some issues its still lazy, i would prefer to be able to set the level myself
What you suggest would restrict content though. As it currently stands all the foundry content is available to all players of all levels, same mobs just different levels(and hence difficulty that scales to them.) It means your content isn't customizable for level, and you may end up with things like players at L10 fighting a huge dragon(that is level 10 but looks huge), but I think the tradeoff is worth it to be able to play any content at any level. Some mobs, despite scaling down to a player's level will still be tough challenges based on their abilities.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Yeah I was thinking of this today actually,
if I were to implement a feature like the foundry but still wanted to give players access to all the content without people exploiting it. What I was thinking of is allowing people to create custom sets of armor & weapons access to all types models and abilities and being able to name them as well this can be created for the dungeon they created however they are limited so that there is a item quality slider which tells you what level and quality you can set for that dungeons difficulty ( dungeon is for levels 15-18, slider only allows you to set the armor for level 15-18, sliders says from left to right quality uncommon,rare, epic, choosing one of these gives it preset stats numbers that can not be changed however you can swap the stats them selves such as I swap DEF for DEX or does +1 Cold Damage for does +1 fire damage).
Additionally the armor you created would already have a preset drop rate from the loot table that you could not alter that is already mixed in with the normal dungeon drops from elite or boss mobs.
Finally, there is a limit to 5 weapons and armor types so some one can not exploit by making 500 of the same sword to get a better drop chance for that 1 weapon or armor.
example: I create a level 5 dungeon for soloing and I want to create a themed weapon from that dungeon, lets say for fun we are fighting Pirates and I want to have the possibility that the last boss drops a nifty Pirate's sword, I create the look, type 1h or 2h, and name of my Pirate sword then the quality slider only has the uncommon option the rare and epic are grayed out since this is a low level dungeon it gives me the preset stats of +30 Strength and does +1 bleeding damage on hit. I want to make this sword geared more towards a rogue class so I go in and swap the STR for DEX and maybe change the bleeding to life steal I assigne it to the last boss and away I go!
Just my Idea but I would like to toss it out there to the Cryptic team so we can make out custom loots ^.^
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Thats why i said use parameters, if your trying to put Vorpal swords of wounding on a lvl1 kobold then yes i agree, if your trying to put it on a lvl100 dracoliche then sure thats cool.
This is an MMO, not a sequel to Neverwinter Nights where the balance of your character is of no consequence. If you placed a Vorpal sword in your quest, players would go "oh, if you want a Vorpal sword, just go do that Foundry quest", which is silly and unbalanced. Players would make quests like "Guardian Fighter Outfit" which would send them through encounters that each would award a specific, ideal item for his class, ending the quest with an optimal set of equipment. You may lament the lack of freedom all you like, but it doesn't take much creativity to see that this type of freedom in an MMO would never work.
Try to work with the system instead of fighting it at every turn. If you've got a square peg, a circular peg, and a circular hole, it would be rather dumb to insist on inserting the square peg in the hole. Neverwinter will have its peculiarities that might seem counterintuitive at first, but bear with it! They can't turn this into our own sandbox, as this would drive away the majority of the player base. They're giving us tools to enhance the game, not to replace it.
It means your content isn't customizable for level, and you may end up with things like players at L10 fighting a huge dragon(that is level 10 but looks huge), but I think the tradeoff is worth it to be able to play any content at any level. Some mobs, despite scaling down to a player's level will still be tough challenges based on their abilities.
This is actually true to 4E D&D. I write up a level 9 pit fiend for one game in my group. I think I erred on the side of making it too easy, though. Still, the monster creation rules in 4E allow for high-level kobolds and low-level dragons. Level is purely a function of character development, rather than a hard rule of overall power setting in relation to the world.
I believe the scaling is also good for players who want to take a break during leveling through the official campaign to take on a UGC adventure and not have to search for a level specific quest or worse, find that there are none. It can also be a way for a player to gain additional XP if they are having a tough time with the content they are currently on and want to gain an extra level to upgrade to a better set of gear, or get that ability that unlocks at the next level.
I would not mind a level specific option, but I feel it should be for foundry creators who have accomplished some works already or who have achieved a certain level in the foundry (going on some vids I seen where they planned to add a leveling component to foundry creators as a reward system, like titles and in game cosmetic items). For instance, only allowing creators who have achieved DM title through the foundry to create level specific content as an added perk.
I would love this option to be available for creators who have spent the required time creating content that players enjoyed.
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
At the moment there are no plans to allow players to custom script npc's as it could lead to broken instances (answers both 1&2).
I'm sure I've seen a grassy terrain adventure within the Foundry somewhere on YouTube, so I assume so.
PvE Enthusiast.
I would like an opportunity to stop a party while the NPC delivers some text and then allow them to butcher him, rather than the party just running in and whacking him mid flow lol.
Im guessing though you can probably use things like iron gates and stuff that unlock after a period of time or something and have the npc behind it giving out his narrative
I'm not even sure you can do that. I haven't seen any Foundry mission with time scripts etc. At current it's purely drag drop mobs in a zone with some pre-lore and objective.
PvE Enthusiast.
I haven't had direct access to the Foundry so I can't really say much but I'm almost sure you can create quest lines and things which would be nice, kinda like your own little quest hub. On top of that this is still beta and launch which means development on the Foundry is sure to advance
PS: I'd LOVE to be able to create raids for players too. ^^
PvE Enthusiast.
I'll try to answer them.
Something like this is definitely possible depending on how fine tuned you need it to be. You could pretty easily do it with location base objectives that trigger when the PCs hit a certain point on the map. The PCs reach that point and then they are blocked by a wall that suddenly appears(based on the objective trigger.) Interacting with the wall would then relate NPC text. Not sure if you can trigger NPC text just by meeting an objective such that it would appear that the wall comes down as the NPC starts talking, but I think it should be possible.
Not currently. 5 man dungeon UGC is fairly high on the to-do list from what I've seen. But raid style UGC has not even been hinted at. Additionally, any dungeon UGC creation ability that came out would assuredly be quest level, and that's most likely the only way you're probably ever going to get dungeon or raid specific encounters, by making a quest with only the only encounter being that dungeon/raid encounter.
That being said, you can mobs elite, so they are stronger than normal mobs of that type, but the current only way to make content harder is to swarm mobs and use more difficult mob types, in some cases making the content impossible or at least very difficult to solo.
Most definitely.
Hope that helped.
Neverwinter Official Wiki - http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/
1) Loot, how does it work in Foundry? do we get to specify a mobs loot table? can we design specific items within set parameters etc? say for instance i want an Oriental type Ogre Magi to drop an Ivory Spear with the name "Dawnrise" could i place a spear on his loot table, edit its appearance, give it the name "Dawnrise" and maybe pick a special magical property for it?
2) Can we save templates for NPCs, like if i design an npc with a specific colour set on his armour, can i save that and apply it to similar npcs ? The reason i ask is, if i decided to design a member of a cult, i would like all other members to appear similar, so their clothing would look the same and i could then details their features so they didnt all just look like clones?
Thanks again
1) Loot is randomly generated by the system and is defined by monster difficulty. It's randomized and you cannot add loot (yet). I think they're working on that post-launch.
2) I assume you can, there is high customization for npc's and therefore I assume it will be possible to save an NPC set.
PvE Enthusiast.
So you could be all like "sweet +1 Sword called Blooddrinker that casts Vampiric Leech lvl2 mage spell that steals 10 life" type of thing, i like the idea of history and lore behind items, Hand of Vecna, book of Vile darkness etc, i like the idea of implementing an item and giving it a bit of history, this can be delivered through the adventure also i feel.
Say for my previous example, Ogre Magi with his spear Dawnrise, could be an npc in the final part of a series of dungeons leading up to this one, during the course of dungeons he could be mentioned and his spear, even bits of his and its history, like a jigsaw puzzle, so when you get to loot the item, you feel its more than just +1 spear, its actually got its own story.
all they need to do is set the parameters like i said, allow you to pick set items from loot tables according to the difficulty of the encounter and then let you tailor them to within those set parameters.
Dungeon = lvl20, items can be upto max +2 with 2 added attributes, of which one can be a spell or effect upto lvl4 etc type of thing, that way they control the level of items being awarded and the designer gets some flexibility to theme to his creations without breaking their system rules
What you suggest would restrict content though. As it currently stands all the foundry content is available to all players of all levels, same mobs just different levels(and hence difficulty that scales to them.) It means your content isn't customizable for level, and you may end up with things like players at L10 fighting a huge dragon(that is level 10 but looks huge), but I think the tradeoff is worth it to be able to play any content at any level. Some mobs, despite scaling down to a player's level will still be tough challenges based on their abilities.
Neverwinter Official Wiki - http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/
if I were to implement a feature like the foundry but still wanted to give players access to all the content without people exploiting it. What I was thinking of is allowing people to create custom sets of armor & weapons access to all types models and abilities and being able to name them as well this can be created for the dungeon they created however they are limited so that there is a item quality slider which tells you what level and quality you can set for that dungeons difficulty ( dungeon is for levels 15-18, slider only allows you to set the armor for level 15-18, sliders says from left to right quality uncommon,rare, epic, choosing one of these gives it preset stats numbers that can not be changed however you can swap the stats them selves such as I swap DEF for DEX or does +1 Cold Damage for does +1 fire damage).
Additionally the armor you created would already have a preset drop rate from the loot table that you could not alter that is already mixed in with the normal dungeon drops from elite or boss mobs.
Finally, there is a limit to 5 weapons and armor types so some one can not exploit by making 500 of the same sword to get a better drop chance for that 1 weapon or armor.
example: I create a level 5 dungeon for soloing and I want to create a themed weapon from that dungeon, lets say for fun we are fighting Pirates and I want to have the possibility that the last boss drops a nifty Pirate's sword, I create the look, type 1h or 2h, and name of my Pirate sword then the quality slider only has the uncommon option the rare and epic are grayed out since this is a low level dungeon it gives me the preset stats of +30 Strength and does +1 bleeding damage on hit. I want to make this sword geared more towards a rogue class so I go in and swap the STR for DEX and maybe change the bleeding to life steal I assigne it to the last boss and away I go!
Just my Idea but I would like to toss it out there to the Cryptic team so we can make out custom loots ^.^
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
This is an MMO, not a sequel to Neverwinter Nights where the balance of your character is of no consequence. If you placed a Vorpal sword in your quest, players would go "oh, if you want a Vorpal sword, just go do that Foundry quest", which is silly and unbalanced. Players would make quests like "Guardian Fighter Outfit" which would send them through encounters that each would award a specific, ideal item for his class, ending the quest with an optimal set of equipment. You may lament the lack of freedom all you like, but it doesn't take much creativity to see that this type of freedom in an MMO would never work.
Try to work with the system instead of fighting it at every turn. If you've got a square peg, a circular peg, and a circular hole, it would be rather dumb to insist on inserting the square peg in the hole. Neverwinter will have its peculiarities that might seem counterintuitive at first, but bear with it! They can't turn this into our own sandbox, as this would drive away the majority of the player base. They're giving us tools to enhance the game, not to replace it.
I would not mind a level specific option, but I feel it should be for foundry creators who have accomplished some works already or who have achieved a certain level in the foundry (going on some vids I seen where they planned to add a leveling component to foundry creators as a reward system, like titles and in game cosmetic items). For instance, only allowing creators who have achieved DM title through the foundry to create level specific content as an added perk.
I would love this option to be available for creators who have spent the required time creating content that players enjoyed.