It is weird how you look at things after running businesses. The share amount of number crunching you do in your head to see if there is a favorable outcome in every endeavor.
In the game people try to play the system against its's self in an attempt to make easy free currency. You are not so much cheating the game your just using loopholes in the endeavor to gain wealth to use in the system.
let's crunch some numbers as to enlighten you all. Basics The United States Federal minimum wage is $7.25. We shall use this as the base as the game is a United States bases game.
8 hour days 5 days a week equaling 40 hours earning $290.00, 60 minutes times 40 equals 2,400 minutes divided by 290.00 is 12 cents a minute. This is the base for every minute you spend on the game you have to make 12 cents to make Federal minimum wage.
current astral diamond exchange rate is 750 astral diamonds for 1 zen, Limited to 5,000 zen per each exchange equaling 3,750,000 astral diamonds. A zen is valued at 1 cent USD and sold in 100 increments for 1 dollar. 750 astral diamonds equal 1 zen/1 cents.
10 minute gaming time times 365 days equals 3650 minutes multiply times 12 cents quals $438.00, 3650 minutes is 60.83 hours 7.5 business 8 hour days. $438.00 buys 43,800 zen buys 32,850,000 astral diamonds in exchange rate 750x5,000=3,750,000 Astral Diamonds, Zen is currently priced at a rate of US$1 / ~€0.9 for 100.
An hour a day farming for astral diamonds 60 minutes x 365 days = 21,900 minutes x 12 cents = $2628.00
2,628.00 buys 262,800 zen, 262,800 zen buys 197,100,000 astral diamonds. You have to earn 540,000 refined astral diamonds in that hour each day x 365 to make 197,100,000 astral diamonds.
If you fall short of the mark 540K an hour you make less, then Federal minimum wage. the game allows you to convert rough astral diamonds each day 100K per account that is 1 dollar 33 cents. You have to earn that rough astral diamonds and given you have to earn 540K an hour to match spending $7.25. 12 cents a minute/9,000 astral diamonds a minute. when was the last time you ran anything in the game and made 540K an hour? Crafting? You can make millions but it takes a lot of time materials then you have auction house percentages selling something at 3.5 million you have to craft it and net your profits after time and materials. Take over 7 hours gathering, buying, crafting, marketing your making under minimum wage. You could have just bought 50 dollars in zen and bought astral diamonds and saved money/time.
If you make way more the Federal minimum wage then the loss is even greater in your time. People say they would never waste 50 dollars a week on the game but they waste a great deal more in time making a fraction of Federal minimum wage in farming for "free" astral diamonds.
You just have to grind this every day for 5 times and you can buy this you can convert to 250 insignia powder or I could have just bought the 125 green insignias at 1000 ad each which is less then 1.5 cents each remember 750 astral diamonds are worth 1 cent, I would saved 5 days of doing something for way less.
Is the game worth spending real money on? Is your time worth more or less? Are you enjoying the grind is the game still fun or has it turned in to a deeded task of never-ending grinding, agonizing daily tasks invoking, crafting, gold mining, materials farming, deeded daily random dungeons, trials, skirmishes for limited rough astral diamonds?
Is there enough enjoyable content if you were to end the daily tasks for astral diamonds saving time by just buying the astral diamonds? If you break down how many hours, you spend farming astral diamonds do the numbers come up way less then minimum wage? hours farming protos hoping for that awesome pair of hate pants only to get HAMSTER that sells for dirt cheap on auction house?
Zen is still flowing in the game but it is not so much as in buying VIP it is in buying astral diamonds with zen mostly in the games console platform.
I told you the game was broken in so many ways next time you log in clock your time and see how much you made in profits advancement in grinding verses pay to win.
If you consider watching movie is a job, you should not pay to go to a theater but demand to be paid.
Yes, this game is broken at the first moment you consider playing this game is a job.
Players choose not to spend money on Neverwinter for various reasons though. A number of players don't work, have a limited spending budget, have families, other priorities, would rather earn things in game, don't like what Cryptic does as far as changes so they don't want to support them financially, and you know, some people just enjoy playing the game.
“There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
"No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY
Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players
Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
Is a game lol. If you pay money to avoid playing .... then better do something else.
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