Hi I FINALLY got to to 80,138 and I was looking at my hit points which did not go up at all. I finally got the stormforged talisman and orb and they didn't make it go up at all either. WHAT makes them go up?? My Black dragon ioun stone will get my hit points to 1,018,753 any other companion makes it 974532. I think even with the stone tho my hit points drop just as much in any dungeon or anywhere I need them pretty much.
I also noticed that someone who was like 62,400 had more hit points then I had. In fact there was a whole lot of that. Is this a bug or something. Why go to the effort to get superior gear and improve if they are going to scale you back more than some with 62,400. Her hit point were like 555,whatever in demagorgon and mine were 444 whatever? Somehow it doesnt make sense to me.
Mine is Epic, not mythic.
This is in addition to any companion you had summoned which also gave more hitponts.
Move your mouse cursor to different stat and read the tooltip to understand how other stat is calculated. e.g.
HP can also be increased through CON (ability score), boon points, VIP, equipment, enchantment, insignia, ...
The only connection the hit points going up has to your damage is that they both go up a bit when your item level goes up. But they are not connected in any other way. Hit points are basically your health, how long you can survive, how many times you can be hit before you die, you can think of them as a kind of proxy defense. The reason I say this is that look at it this way... A monster hits you for let's say as an example, one hit for 20k damage. You have let's use purely as an example for this 40k total hit points. So if that monster hits you for 20k, you will lose 50% of your health and be halfway to dead. Quite a powerful strike to you and you are suffering a lot from being hit by that monster. You're half dead after just one strike from it. But let's now imagine that you have 100k hit points. You come across the same monster and it does the same 20k damage to you in one hit, that will only ever be its highest strike to a player, but with 100k hit points now it has only removed 1/5th of your total health and you still have way more than half your health left. So the same hit from the same monster has affected you much less and you are 'stronger' against its attack. So hopefully this explains why you can look at your hit points as a kind of proxy defense, because the more hit points you have the more damage you can take and the less it will affect you, in effect it is more defense to you because damage from monsters doesn't affect you nearly as much as it did before. But your hit points have no connection to the damage you do outwardly, they only affect your survivability.