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Animation Cancelling

trialbyfire001trialbyfire001 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
Multiple tricks to spam dailies, double click encounters, skip casting time by animation canceling.
This is the main difference between the people who complete a Mtos in 15 minutes and the other people completing in 30 minutes.
I do not know if this is intended but you need to either confirm this is or not. If its not intended you need to fix this as its creating a MASSIVE divide between your players who do animation cancel and those that do not.

Keep in mind people are using animation canceling to skip long casting times but still get the effect of the at will or the encounter. If done properly you can spam the encounter without it going on cooldown.


  • Lot of people see animation cancel as the difference of a good and a bad player, given that animation cancel makes it more fun to master the class for those people. But i do agree that it would be good for the playerbase to know the devs opinion on animation cancel, not necessarily if its intended or not, rather if its ok for them that u use it.
  • trialbyfire001trialbyfire001 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    I agree that it makes a HUGE difference. I am talking the difference of 500M damage to 1B damage compared to the exact same character in the same dungeon in the exact same situation. Animation cancelling allowing you to skip casting time and use encounters more then once or to use a daily every 10 seconds is a game changer and just widens the gap between players.
  • Isnt that huge of a difference a good thing? I mean people who master the best way to play their class should be rewarded. And animation cancelling is one of the easier things to figure out, just takes practice and the knowledge how to do it. Also most animation cancelling techniques are well known amongst the players, so its not like the knowledge is gated by endgame players.
  • thx87thx87 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Lots of people who play Warlock don't even know they are cancelling their encounters accidently. They just feel "oh I can cast BoVA quickly after Hellfire Ring". Some of them are "No way, I have cancelled my own Hellfire Ring by accident let me train more". There you go, you are animation cancelling, just don't realize that.

    Many classes can animation cancel for AP etc. which also seems to be good.

    What is not fair, when you MUST animation cancel to be good at a paragon e.g. few tanks for daily etc.

    If the devs really want to, they can introduce a generic feat controlled by Forte that can be "Haste" which truly makes animation faster. It can be the 3rd stat instead of defensive stat and most of the ppl would be happy.

    Kinda curious what's the official POV from devs as well on this topic though.
  • its not about fairness, when a path has animation canceling, its part of their playstyle. if u like it or not, thats how it is in any game. broken stuff will always be BIS and good players have to use it. Also i think its a rly rly great thing, when u got ur class to max level and then try out how to optimize ur combo and u find out u can cancel certain animation and then u put that into a combo and go into queues and use it, such a great thing. ye some people dont know and dont want to improve, but thats not the spirit of mmos. animation canceling is just another way of improving ur class in my opinion. If the devs dont want that to be, so be it, but i dont think we should judge it, it is what it is and in the end its about havin fun. side not i wish hunter rangers had more animation canceling and such, was so sad i couldnt optimize anything really with different orders of encounters ._.
  • frieza#2306 frieza Member Posts: 1 New User
    It doesn't matter if it's intended or not, they would have to re-code the entire game to stop what your referring too. If you paying for an outside company to do it, have them throw in some new dungeons and a class while they're at it.
  • unscchaos#2516 unscchaos Member Posts: 32 Arc User

    Lot of people see animation cancel as the difference of a good and a bad player, given that animation cancel makes it more fun to master the class for those people. But i do agree that it would be good for the playerbase to know the devs opinion on animation cancel, not necessarily if its intended or not, rather if its ok for them that u use it.

    Animation canceling has been a part of many mmo's over the decades, I agree it's the difference between Elite players and great players... I feel there's nothing wrong with it imo. ESO has a nasty action-canceling divide between elite and great players, they've tried adjusting the divide, and just seems impossible to bring the gap closer without hurting both sides in some fashion.
  • trialbyfire001trialbyfire001 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited January 2023
    Right, so you see animation cancelling as a good thing. I understand peoples point of view where animation cancelling is for the great players. Ok, but what about the people who don't? you know... the LARGE portion of players who cant even beat a merchant prince skirmish let alone something like Master Temple of spider.

    It feels like we need to animation cancel to keep up with the curve. Is this on purpose? If it is then how do we get the 95% of the game players to learn this or do this? What about the 50+ gamers who don't have the reflexes to do this?

    We need Churn (Old players being replaced by the new players) . The old gamers slowly phase out but the new gamers cannot replace them because they cant even complete the most basic content to even get to the old gamers.

    I hate the fact that some people can cast their daily twice or use an encounter twice before it goes on cooldown. If animation cancelling is a thing then it should equate to 10-20% more dps... not 100-200% more dps.
  • unscchaos#2516 unscchaos Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    5% of the gamers need to help teach the other 95% of the game how to action cancel. It's going to be difficult for people with disabilities in some cases for sure, but it's on the 5% of the game's population to teach. If they're unwilling to teach and be selfish, then that puts them into the "elitist" category not willing to make their guild or the game around him/her better.
  • trialbyfire001trialbyfire001 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    Ok but those 5% gamers don't. They create a toxic community of "get good scrub" and "welcome to gabblebees". So is this what Arc wants?
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,171 Arc User
    Animation cancelling sounds like an exploit; "not interacting with the game as intended".
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
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