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Unacceptable Solution to Running A Workshop Artisan issue

hexngone#5489 hexngone Member Posts: 370 Arc User
edited September 2021 in Player Feedback (PC)

Wednesday's Patch Notes found here state:

"For players who are stuck in the quest, Running a Workshop, there is now an auto-opening pack at the Reward Claims Agent to give artisans a player may have dismissed. To prevent yourself from becoming stuck again, please do not decline any of these artisans if given the option. You may dismiss them later if desired, after the tutorial quests are complete."

Any player, new or old that reads the tutorial and understands the function of Focus, Proficiency, Commission (cost), and Speed will make a decision based on their best interest, which is normally low cost, high speed, high proficiency and focus. Anything else would be a *wrong* decision, and the application Declined. This is a *Normal* reaction to such parameters.

Your problem is your quest doesn't want us to decline any applicants. If that is what you want us to do (what is required) to prevent the quest from locking then WHY DON'T YOU GREY OUT/DISABLE THE DISMISS BUTTON for the Tutorial???

No New Player is either going to read these patch notes or have any clue that they should not use the Dismiss button because it is active and there and is the *right/logical* thing to do. The 'solution' provided in the patch notes is both temporary and ineffective for the new player ... the primary audience for the Tutorial quest.


  • zhippidyzhippidy Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    My character is stuck in this quest. No response from support. No special package at the claims agent. Xbox one player
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited August 2022
    I've never had a problem on PC, and while I may not accept ALL the Artisan's, I do at least initially try to accept (most) of them. Now if you think one Artisan is a bit expensive in terms of commission% (accept them anyways) then wait till another applies to the workshop, that may take a few days, or week or more. Yet it does require you at least hire 1 Adventurer, and at least 1 Artisan (but I think the mission states that) as that was first discovered on PC by players when M16 dropped.

    Doesn't mean I need to use them all initially, yet your still better too, then focus first on your cheapest artisans & gatherer's. Later on you will get a quest that requires accepting at least 10 artisans. For that I also always try to accept most (as well) and then you have to wait a little while, or change instance before it recognizes the increase. Yet when you do so that will also allow you to upgrade workshop to level 2, Which increases the Artisan's you may have, as well as the # of items in delivery box. This is very wise to upgrade workshop to 2, but that doesn't happen until you get 1-2 professions to Level 10, and later will allow it to upgrade to Workshop 3 as you continue to progress.

    At that point then you can get more choosey, yet still even before that, you don't require to accept ALL artisans. Still I'd always accept your first Adventurer or two, as without those you'll be spend AD to earn gathered Materials. I'd also at least hire 1 or 2 of the Artisan's, then just focus on the first whose more affordable. Initially the cost for them at lower levels isn't that much...

    Still I hope they fix this issue soon, so you can claim the special package at the Claims Agent, I just don't play on Console like the person above as this is a PC thread, so maybe ask someone in your Guild or in Zone Chat, as I presume that exists as well.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,520 Arc User
    edited August 2022
    The original post was about 1 year ago. That problem might be solved and the 2nd poster's problem may not be the same one. The only clues the 2nd poster provided were "My character is stuck in this quest" and he/she is Xbox player. He/she did not say how, where it was stuck and when he/she started the quest (e.g. 1 year ago or recently or ...)

    In the current "Running a Workshop" quest, you cannot decline the initial artisans at all which is properly the solution of the 1st poster's complaint.
    Post edited by plasticbat on
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
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