I don't know if this is the right section, as I haven't found it written anywhere I think it's a bug.
For a few days, doing random queues, we realized that after completing 3/4 of them, the fourth queue gives us much less than astral diamonds.
For example: if I do RADQ, RDQ and Skirmish and last I do RTQ, it only gives 5750 rough astral diamonds instead of 28750.
This thing only happens from the last module. Is it something you wanted to do or is it a bug?
@nitocris83 could you give me some information about it, please?
e.g. https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/xbox/neverwinter/news/detail/11495313-patch-notes:-version:-nw.131.20210803b.2
This is just an example. The information seems to be old.
The support guarantees and reassures me the daily limit is 100,000 RAD, I'm sure some time ago doing the 4 queues I was able to stock up for the days when you are in a rush and can't random queues.
No limit is written in the game for the RAD earned, the only limit is for the RAD to be refined daily.
if I also do RDQ, RSQ (skirmish) decreases from 13.800RAD to 2.800RAD, I only have this BUG?
If I have to guess, I would think full VIP has 15% more.
Of course, I just guess (as I already said) and I don't really know.
Advanced Dungeon queue = 40000+8000 role bonus
Skirmish queue = 12000
Random Dungeon queue = 30000+6000 role bonus
All together is a potential earn of 126000 + adding rough Astral Diamonds boost from invocation to each of these easily brings you over 150000, potentially around 170000 however yes as you get closer to that 150000 the numbers in the queue list change to reflect how close you are to that cap so yes you can refine 100,000 RAD per day while earning 150000 RAD just from queue bonus not includedRAD you may get in the chest. This reflects what I'm used to see so yeah it's not a bug it's just change to reflects how close you are to the cap, again once you reach the cap you should start see big red letters appear on screen as soon as final boss dies saying you have reach the maximum amount of RAD you can earn per day.
- I don't understand how the game can fail if I earn + RAD, considering I can only refine 100,000 RAD daily.
- I don't understand why not to set fixed quotas for random queues.
@nitocris83 help me!
There is a limit of refinement per day, 100K.
There is a limit to get RQ bonus rAD. I am not sure if it is 150K though. I don't think role bonus rAD count against to the RQ limit. I also don't think invocation 50% bonus counts against RQ limit. If it does, it does not make sense to me. Since I don't do RQ, I don't really know.