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Spellplague Caverns - after 2nd boss

erevel09erevel09 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
So, I've been doing some randoms for the Draconic Rage and got a few Spellplague Caverns pops. I don't want to talk about bosses mechanics that new players don't know and thus just die often. Not even the portals/mushrooms that pops all the extra adds that all need to deal with later.

There is a specific thing happening after 2nd boss. I know, it sounds trivial, but apparently some people just can't comprehend the idea of changed tray with new abilities. I talk about JUMP (Q key) after the boss is defeated.

That part is really easy, but for some folks it seems to be a problem and they just can't jump to the next area. It's not that they don't try though, they use normal jump and land on the bottom of the arena. The same idea is used in Gyrion's Tower in River District. Thing is, there is an audio of Kavatos who "guides" players through this island-jumping part. There is no such thing in the dungeon.

So, can devs add some audio (which already exist) to this part? Or, I don't know, big yellow text that says what a player needs to do? As it is now, I've already encountered several people who didn't get it. And yes, I know that other players can just tell them what they need to do. Problem starts if that person does not speak english or any other language that other players in the team do.


  • krevgkrevg Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2022
    Spellplague Caverns used to be locked until the Cloaked Ascendancy (River District) was completed. Completing this required finishing Gyrion's Tower, which is where the "Jump" is learned. Part of what has happened with the new format is that these unlocks are now bypassed and it is possible to queue for RADQ without actually completing all content required to unlock the dungeons in RADQ. I know this was done so that more people could get rAD, but the real solution here is to require all the dungeons in RADQ to be unlocked by the player before they can queue for RADQ. That way, they would have been through the tutorials specifically designed for the dungeon mechanic basics.

    Generally speaking, I have seen more and more people queuing for things they have no clue how to complete. It's part of why I actually PUG so often for randoms, so that I can help these newer players through the content. I get wanting to make content more accessible to everyone, but it does make sense to require people to complete a few prerequisites exposing them to mechanics before allowing them to queue with other people for this content. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the developers to change this though.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,185 Arc User
    Spellplague Caverns is not an issue. The issue is q system itself. About three weeks ago I q to pugs RaDQ, and got in LoMM with party who's IL where just 25k. Other than Paladin ( heal) who have done eToS, none of them have done any dungeon before.

    Not only I had to carry through LoMM, I had to explain not just dungeon mechanics, I had to explain whol Neverwitner gameplay and combat system.

    This is what happens when system forcefuly throw players in dungeon above their capacities. To get IL high enough for RadQ is no longer issue, but the issue become combat experience also not familiar with own characters abilites and capacities.

    Now was the problem for me to handle this party. Nop. While I am sure most of other players would have be gone and left them alone I stayed all time and explain all what was needed to complete dungeon.

    Also speaking about this Spellplague Caverns, sometimes need players give a time to learn on their own. Lot of players simply rush through dungeon without letting new players experience it on their own.

    Which also lead to issue, players get used to be carried and whole gameplay is just sprinting through. But once they have to face mechanics on their own, then they start to faill.

    When you q to pugs you must have at least expect that someone may not be familiar with x dungeon mechanics. No ones perfect.

    The morla of the storry, remember when you where new in x dungeon. And how much time it took for you to learn mechanics.
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