Hello Everyone.
Thank you for playing this game and thanks to creators for their hard work

I have some ideas to make this game better. If you have some ideas or some improvements for my ideas feel free to comment.
1) Unbound VOS and HC VOS rings, packs and Everything
2) Sharing quests with rewards- I think it will be helpfull for new and old players to find good connection. Old players will offer their help for new players much often- and their campaings will progress faster.
3)Unlock legacy set's- I know many people who's want to get primal set, or primal gloves. There is also elemental weapons or even weapons from SOMI module. Personally I would like to get Elemental weapons.
4) Open prices in exchange Zen-- Astral diamonds- now max price for 1 Zen is 750 AD. Let's open it and make free enterprise.
5) Adding coalescent wards and Reward token rerolls- many people have 1 main character and they don't have any option to roll rewards without using AD. If you will ad it to Reaper Challenge market it will be usefull.
6)Sharing refinement points between characters.
There are my ideas.
Feel free to discuss.
Best Regards