What's going on lately and there is time delay to everything ?
1) summoning mount takes more than a second to appear
2) executing encounters and you see it after 2 seconds
3) you attack an enemy and you see it ....after 2 seconds with your health bar already cut at half ....
What the hell is going on with the crypric servers ?
P.S. just made a speedtest and showed 0,65Mbps upload speed..lol..it could be that issue..too.
Make sure you set your DNS inputs on your devices (router and wireless adapter), use cat6 ethernet cables or higher (highest is cat8 I think), and update your Microsoft visual and net. framework (yes c++ programming has to be understood from servers right?) Update your equipment if it truly sucks?! Router should be IPV4 and IPV6 capable, if not your router is old! Docsis 3.0 cable modem! I mean if your cable modem and router is old, upgrade! Make sure your equipment can be used for your internet provider though. Any questions?
If it is a problem near Cryptic everyone will experience the same problem, so just ask around. Occasionally it is a Cryptic issue(usually overloaded servers), but mostly it is network related in your connection.
You can diagnose such things fairly easily with ping and traceroute - but yes you need to have some basic understanding of how the Internet is working.
Basically once you have ruled out your equipment, then you have to rule out any Mickey Mouse server between you and Cryptic, then it is all Cryptic's fault. There are ways to fix this, unfortunately all of them exceed cost or work to be considered worthwhile.
If the cause is on your end, the equipment is normally leased from the ISP. You can complain to your ISP and get them to replace their faulty equipment. If the problem is a poor server between you and Cryptic, you can again request your ISP remove or replace them (making their service better), because those servers are undesirable to their business. Finally Cryptic could ask Robert Xiao for some pocket money to replace the current equipment or better yet establish an east coast mirror server to help the games. Robert would probably tell them no, but it never hurts to ask.
You may want to try a free proxy server with a decent ping. Just Google free proxy servers for games and read some tutorials on how they work. There are paid proxies that will charge you a monthly fee. Some of these paid proxies have direct routing to the "most popular" games. This could mean fewer hops, assuming Cryptic games are on their list. Which I doubt is very likely. So try free before spending more money on something that could end up worse.
I did a trace route to Cryptic and found they have a server 198.49.243.### just prior to their game servers. This is all public information you can look up on whois search. The network name of this server is; CRYPTIC-NET-PWNAGE-US02 and we all know what PWNAGE means. I am assuming it is their security to prevent attacks, which is a good thing, but it had the slowest response time to my trace route. Not super bad, however if it is the culprit, no proxy on Earth will help.
If you find a free proxy, to try out. Look under options in the game launcher, you will find the space to add the IP address.
Best of luck getting the lag out.
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