Hello, you know Zone chat. That place in this game for people of all ages where people talk about sex, insult other players in all caps for hours, and post twelve calls for looking for group when not squealing politics like if they got their twirly tails caught by the door.
Zone chat is a mess, and it really needs more supervision. Be it game masters, or volunteer moderators with limited powers, the fact that one of the first things most players have to learn is how to
avoid zone chat, should definitely be considered a problem on the developer's hands.
Don't mind the dog, testing the visibility of gifs in this forums.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Thank you for reinforcing my point, admiral.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Seriously though, the Ignore button is your friend. I keep a chat tab for Zone, Trade, and LFG, and only open it when I'm in a Campaign area with a difficult or rare BHE for monitoring. Should I dare keep it up on map change to a major hub like PE, event map, or latest content zone, I will surely see something so nauseating that my blocklist grows.
It's like this in almost any large Multiplayer game, and it's part of curating your experience for your own safety and comfort. I do similarly on social media and even friend groups IRL. Maybe it's part of being a woman, maybe it's something else, but to me it's part of life.
Personally, I worry the alternatives could be worse. Automated moderation is almost always used with good intentions and in practice turns against the most vulnerable.
It's there for parents too embarrassed to broach "the talk," and other...awkward... conversations with the family teenager.
Drop the kid off in PE for an hour, and when you pick the kid up again, there's guaranteed to be a few questions.
We apologize that you had to deal with inappropriate behavior. In addition to the Terms of Service, we have specified In-Game Policies. We may take any actions and impose any penalties we deem necessary to discourage and punish any violation of these terms or any other illegal or inappropriate conduct.
If you notice that someone does not respect our policies or makes you feel unsafe, we invite you please to report this player either directly in-game (report with right click on message on PC) or to the Customer Support team / Community team.
Basically, we need the following information in order to take actions:
- the account name (or PSN/Gamertag) - on PC, you can activate the display in the options.
- the date and time at which this occurred (time zone too)
Thank you in advance for your contribution to making Neverwinter a welcoming and safe game for everyone.Regards,
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
Neverwinter: Discord - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Customer Support - Terms of Service
Personally, I find Zone chat (when I bother to read it) to be a place where I can actually *help* new players and as a result find players to recruit. I never liked blind recruiting, I want to know about the person's play style and what they want to get from the game before I determine that they will fit well within my circle of guildmates. Zone chat is for that.
I *do* enjoy giving Dragon times with a 19 minute increment added in. It's true, and to the point - be patient.
At the same time I'll tell melee players to get a Doohickey instead of complaining because the Dragon died before it landed ...
Then there are time when you *do* need help, and Zone chat is the place to ask ... like a Quickling Den after the Combat changes ...
No, it is useful, you just need to learn to ignore idiots instead of responding to their stupidity. Works on TV, should work in game too.
The ignore system is not a healthy alternative to having zero active moderation of zone chat, and while I understand that this response is a kind of we-wash-our-hands-off-the-issue approach, if the developers care about the state of the game it should be addressed that you can have someone insulting other players and telling them to commit sexual acts in no other place than the main chat channel of a game available to underage players for entire hours.
This isn't a 'message sneaking past moderation' situation, this is a game so unmoderated that someone can sit in the main chat hub of the game, and insult, harass, and send sexual comments to underage players for several hours, during several days, without a thing being done about it.
Yes, if we report them they might be punished after some time by support. But that is not a solution.
The fact that their whole playerbase thinks their main chat hub is so much of a toxic unmoderated mess it is better out of the game should be a cause for concern, not to take out the champagne.